Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Steroids Not Worth The Risk - 1565 Words
Steroids were first introduced in the 1930, they have a variety of purposes in the muscle building world, cosmetics and even used therapeutically in medicine, they have aroused a great controversy and question in the media, â€Å"Do athletes need to use steroids to become the best in a sport?†The consumption of steroids is not recommended for athletes which their use and distribution is prohibited in the U.S. because they lead to negative effects on a person’s health and public image. Anabolic steroids are similar to the effects of the male testosterone, that buildup cellular tissue in muscles, they also have androgenic effects which will create unfavorable feminine or masculine characteristics, such as, growth of hair and vocal cords, but†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, many athletes have reportedly confessed or have been accused of using steroids in many different fields of sports, though steroids are banned in all professional sports and in the Olympics . Athlete’s purpose to consume them is to reach a certain competitive level or to recover rapidly from an injury. Results show that they are consumed mainly by males and very prominent in high school for those participating in sports. Adolescents feel and have a tremendous pressure to be stronger, faster and make it to a college or professional level, leading them to consider consuming steroids. For athletes to reach their ideal size and weight, all they would need is a healthy diet and a daily, high-intensity workout. There are numerous personal accounts on ex-steroid users who regret taking steroids because they either lost something physically or lost themselves. Athletes can find other nutrients or supplements in exchange for steroids that instead of building muscles, they boost their testosterone. Still many athletes question whether or not taking steroids is worth the risk of loosing their honors, their public and possibly their job. Athletes risk not only their health in consuming steroids but also their careers which can lead to being suspended, disqualified or even dismissed. InShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects of Steriods799 Words  | 3 PagesSteroids Many people use steroids from athletes and body builders to just every day ordinary people trying to gain muscle. These users think they get a really big gain on other people, but do they really? Are all these steroids risky to take? Can you die or be in danger of being sick or seriously injured? Many of these users may use large doses to get ahead of others by gaining more muscle quicker. Overall has the overuse of these substances been the problem all along for the users? Steroids areRead MoreSteroids Research Paper1103 Words  | 5 PagesSteroid Use for College Pro Athletes College and Professional Sports have been a major entertainment for people all over the globe. Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, golf, and soccer are a few examples of the greatest sports of this decade. These sports and more have the greatest athletes in the world involved and they get the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents each year. They only get the chance to do these things if they can pass a drug test that involves not taking steroidsRead MoreEssay on The Epidemic of Steroid Abuse in America1711 Words  | 7 PagesThe Epidemic of Steroid Abuse in America We as a people are preoccupied with the notion of greatness. Our role models are athletes, actors and actresses, and other figures in the public eye. Many of us often desire to be better off than our current state; to look better, to be in better shape, etc†¦ We compete with each other for jobs, for mates, for grades, for parking spots, and in sporting activities. This competitive nature is a way of life, especially in sporting activities, often learnedRead More Steroids in Sports Essay1122 Words  | 5 Pagesare very special in the United States. One reason for this is the spirit of competition. However, steroid use taints this competition. If steroids were to be completely eliminated from sports, the competition would be much more special because athletes would compete with their hearts and will, without an extra boost. Also, since not everybody can be a professional athlete, the elimination of steroid use, in my opinion, would make the fans appreciate the game more and make them feel more relatableRead MoreEssay on Anabolic Steroids1716 Words  | 7 Pages Anabolic Steroids nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Anabolic steroids are synthetic coumpounds formulated to be like the male sex hormone testosterone. Many athletes use anabolic steroids male and female alike, such as body builders , weightlifters, baseball players, football players, swimmers, and runners. They do so because they mistakenly believe that they will gain strength and size. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In a male testosterone is released by the leydig cells in the testes. The testosteroneRead MoreThe Effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Athletes996 Words  | 4 Pages The Effects of Performance Enhancing Drugs on Athletes The risks of taking performance -enhancing drugs to improve an athletes’ performance outweighs the benefits. Along with the fact that all performance-enhancing drugs are illegal to use in sports, there are also serious side effects and addiction risks to the drugs. Athletes may choose from a variety of drugs and each may achieve different benefits. However, most of the time, athletes are uneducated in their decision to take the drugsRead MoreAnabolic Steroids : A Fatal Attraction1734 Words  | 7 PagesAnabolic Steroids in Sports The market for top performing athletes in sports in the 21st century is a competitive one. Athletes are pushed to, be stronger, an heal from injuries faster. With the pressure to do well and get picked up by a professional team of sorts goes without saying that hard work is a must to elevate ones professional athletic career, but what if one has reached a plateau or hit a wall in a training regimen and just can not seem to push through? When some athletes hit the proverbialRead MoreThe World of Sports and Steroids Essay523 Words  | 3 PagesThe World of Sports and Steroids In the world of sports its not rare to see athletes give their all for the love of the game. From sunrise to sundown they practice everyday to perfect their game. Then there are those who take an alternative route, call it cheating. These athletes are taking performance enhancers such as creatine, androstenedione and worst of all, anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are chemicals that act like hormones (substances in your body that regulate bodily functions)Read More Steroids and Sports Essay1324 Words  | 6 PagesSteroids and Sports Steroids, ever since their introduction into the sports world five decades ago, they have been a controversial issue (WebMD medical news). Anabolic performance dates as far back as the original Olympic Games. Today walking into any gym you will find some one who is using steroids or some kind of enhancement supplement. Anabolic steroids are so popular with athletes from high School level all the way up to the top. For the past fifty years, athletes around the world use steroidsRead MoreThe Drawbacks Of Anabolic Steroids1384 Words  | 6 PagesThe Drawbacks of Anabolic Steroids and Why They Should Stay Illegal Anabolic steroids have been used and taken by humans for over half a century. The effects they provide have developed large ongoing debates as to whether these substances should be allowed to the general public. Anabolic steroid in short provide the human body a much grander potential to build muscle by helping the cells within the body produce more muscle fibers at an astonishing rate that could never be achieved naturally. Many
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Understanding Behaviours and Attitudes Towards Social...
Contents | | | Contents | | | 1. Research Topic 1 2. Introduction 1 3. Conceptual Framework 2 a. Engaging with Social Networking Sites b. Attitudes and behaviour towards social networking sites c. How people use social networking sites 4. Research Strategy 4 5. Methodology 7 6. Conclusion 8 7. References 9 Research Topic Understanding behaviours and attitudes towards Social Networking Introduction The fast development of social networking that has been detected over the last 2-3 years is indicative of its entry into straight life and it’s mixed with our daily lives. In addition to this, there has†¦show more content†¦The site users come under five distinct groups. These are as follows: * Leading Socialisers – (a minority) people who are using sites intentionally to encounter new folks, flirt and to be entertained. * Attention Seekers – (some) are those people who need attention and comments from others online, normally by posting photos and edit their profiles. * Followers – (many) are those people who joined SNS to follow what their peers are doing. * Faithful – (many) people who normally use SNS to renew old friendships, sometimes from school or university. * Functional – (a minority) those person who wants to be single while using SNS for a specific purpose. * Focussed – (Mostly business users - Recently added user g roup) Some users of the sites will create the profile to research the market’s response in a specific geography for the predictions of their business in their geography. Also, as this is an easier way to reach a wider and global consumer base, many corporate houses globally are using these social sites to advertise or endorse their products and promotions. Non-users comes under into different groups Non-users come under three groups; these are the group those who don’t use the SNS: * Concerned about safety – those people who are concerned about safety online, in specific creation personal details accessible online. According to Smith (2007),Show MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Brands And Consumers On Consumer Behavior1705 Words  | 7 Pagesconsumers, an understanding on the effects the Internet has on both the brands and the consumers must be recognized. Further to this, the paper will research the characteristics of the Internet, the communication models, the market environment and the impact the Internet has on consumer behaviour. The Internet is an extremely efficient medium for accessing and communicating information. 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By applying psychology and sociology disciplines to the hypothetical study can help explain theRead MoreMarketing Is The Core Of Communication Between A Corporation And Its Target Audience1428 Words  | 6 Pagesaudience, facilitated by widespread consumption and significantly influenced by consumer demand. It also serves as a platform that allows a company’s message to exploit media platforms in the attempt to gain a successful customer response and induce behaviours that will propel economic expansion. Despite the indisputable benefits of marketing to companies and consumers, the occasional antagonistic motives behind its evident necessity is a point of interest because of how marketing approaches are beingRead MoreSocial Networking Site14603 Words  | 59 PagessCHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction- Social Networking Sites Few years back, usage of social networking sites became popular around the world. Social networking sites are also known as social networking website. Social networking sites (SNSs) are increasingly attracting the attention of academic and industry researchers’ fascinated by their affordances and reach. Social networking sites are web-base service that building an online community of people that share same interest, or activitiesRead MoreExamine and Assess the Influence of Other People on Human Behaviour and Performance.1704 Words  | 7 PagesOption B essay question Examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance. This essay will examine and assess the influence of other people on human behaviour and performance, starting with Adorno et al (1950)s large-scale study on the authoritarian personality with its focus on the parental and family influence as well as alternative explanations, including evidence that multiple factors influence the formation of authoritarianism. It will then go on
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Illegal Immigration (Controversial Essay) - 1956 Words
â€Å"A nation penetrated every year by some 300,000 illegal aliens†¦is not a nation experiencing ‘immigration.’ It is a nation experiencing invasion.†(Haerens 109). For centuries, our nation has been a safe haven for people of different cultures and nationalities to inhabit. Since the beginning of America as we know it, our society has been considered a â€Å"melting pot†for all ethical backgrounds. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Europeans flocked to the â€Å"New World†in hopes of a more prosperous life. Since then, immigration to the United States has exponentially increased. During the times of the California Gold Rush in the 1800’s, and Ellis island in the early 1900’s, an even larger mass of migrants bombarded into our†¦show more content†¦In a recent article by David Seminara, he stated that you merely â€Å"†¦mention the words ‘illegal immigrant’, and most Americans conjure images of desperate migrants sneaking across the Mexican border.†However, according to a 2006 Pew Hispanic Center study, nearly half of America’s twelve million illegals arrived with temporary, legal visas. Although it is a rough estimate, the Department of Homeland Security predicts that 27 to 57 percent of illegals are â€Å"overstays†, meaning their visa has expired but they have not yet returned home (Seminara). There are numerous problems that arise from illegal immigration, including manipulation of America’s social benefit systems, lack of jobs for actual citizens, decreasing wages, and national security threats. Peter Brimelow writes: When illegal immigrants claiming the earned income tax credit are found to have fraudulent Social Security Numbers, the IRS issues them temporary numbers and sends them checks anyway (64). In other words, they are taking from the system, but not giving back into it. Our economy functions on a â€Å"take a penny, l eave a penny†foundation. When pennies are taken, but not given back, they will merely run out (Currie 45). Our benefit policies may be virtually drained if we continue on this course. Our resources are being taken advantage of. In 1990, food stamps were issued to 6.5% of native households, and 9.2% of immigrantShow MoreRelatedThe Myths About Immigration By David Cole865 Words  | 4 Pageschapter twenty four, Immigration: What is to be done? Throughout this chapter multiple authors argue their opinion of immigration in the United States. There is much to learn about this topic because it is extremely controversial in today’s society. It is necessary for one to know both sides of agreeing or disagreeing with immigration to fully understand the situation and base an opinion from this knowledge. The multiple authors within this chapter have different views about immigration but they all makeRead MoreAll Men Are Created Equal1103 Words  | 5 Pagesthat is associ ated as an American ideology, though it is not a reality. Not everyone in our country is considered equal, mainly because of the barriers constantly constructed by those who believe to be superior to others. It is no secret that the controversial issue of race continues to strain our country as we pursue to achieve ultimate tolerance for all. To combat inequalities, we must identify the obstacles that refrain us from establishing complete equality. In Models of American Ethnic Relations:Read MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1721 Words  | 7 PagesCompare and Contrast Essay Immigration has been a controversial topic for the United States for many years and immigration law, which is structured to import workers and family members (Posner, 2013), has been a concerned with mid-term elections and recent events. There has been a lot of attention in the media as of lately due to the entrance of over 57,000 unaccompanied Central Americans entering the country illegally. To take control of the situation Sen John Carnyn and Rep Henry Cuellar proposedRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On Australia s Terms Of Society And Economy1092 Words  | 5 Pages18188122 Teacher: Levent Ashley Carmody NAME OF ESSAY/ REPORT/ ASSIGNMENT: Essay 2 - IMMIGRATION Whether immigration might bring benefits to a country or not is a controversial topic. In recent years, many migrants have left their countries to look for a better life, especially in developed countries. It is believed that immigrants can have many negative effects on a country because of social disturbances. This essay will examine the impacts of immigration on Australia in terms of society and economyRead MoreIllegal Immigrants, Health Care, And Social Responsibility1430 Words  | 6 PagesPHL 209 Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and Social Responsibility Immigration has been and is one big problem that is widespread these days. Immigration means to move from one country to another for the purpose of one better life, better job, better health etc. The other problem that comes with immigration is the illegal immigration that in these days is growing up so fast. Illegal immigration is a problem that affects all the developed countries like America. An illegal immigrant is definedRead MoreFilm Review of American History X1110 Words  | 5 Pages The title â€Å"American History X†derives from Dr. Sweeneys attempts to get Danny to abandon his White Supremacy ideologies. When Danny hands in a controversial essay on â€Å"Mein Kampf†, Dannys teacher (who happens to be the same man Derek threw out of their house three years ago) takes him to the principal. Sweeney forces Danny to write a new essay about the life of his brother, with the title â€Å"American History X†, and he must hand it in the following morning to avoid expulsion. Main character Read MoreTeaching Strategies For Student Involvement Essay1327 Words  | 6 Pagesyear-olds with one eighteen-year-old. I applied my Content and Pedagogy PGE to this lesson using teaching strategies I acquired at the Argument Writing Workshop. For example, I began with an icebreaker called This or That, reading aloud a series of controversial statements. Students who agreed with a statement moved to one side of the room; those who disagreed moved to the other side. Then students took turns explaining their choices. I also incorporated close reading strategies covered at the workshopRead MoreThe Impact Of Immigration On The United States1301 Words  | 6 PagesEconomic Advisers on Immigration s Economic Impact. Population and Development Review, 33. 3, (2007), 641. Web. Feb. 2017. Immigration remains the subject of significant public and political debate in the United States. In May and June of 2007, a lot of public attention was concentrated on a debate in the U.S congress on legislation. The bill in front of the senate formally named the â€Å"Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,†was controversial This Act would openRead More Rhetoric in the American Immigration Debate Essay1659 Words  | 7 Pagesreader or listener’s emotional satisfaction. And even the most scrupulous journalistsâ€â€meant to impart objective fact to the publicâ€â€are not free from personal bias, making the discourse even more convoluted. In analyzing three prominent voices in the immigration debate, US president Obama, journalist Sonia Nazario, and Arizona congressman J.D. Hayworth, we can evaluate the effectiveness of the different rhetorical approaches by whether or not they reach their intended audiences. Nazario fulfills he r journalisticRead MorePersuasive Essay On Reverse Racism968 Words  | 4 Pageswhite/Caucasian. In America today one of our most controversial subjects is illegal immigration. How is it controversial? Many Americans believe it is racist to kick these illegal immigrants out of our country. The illegal immigrants are mostly Mexicans but I do not care if they were white, black, asian, Mexican, or even British. If they are here illegally they need to leave. If there are illegal immigrants in Mexico the illegal’s are dealt with harshly. â€Å"Illegal entry into the country [Mexico] is equivalent
Federal Regulation of Organic Farming - 1579 Words
Is there a federal standard for what organic means when it comes to farm fresh milk? Ruva (Ruvarashe) Munyariwa Introduction to political Science, POS1001 Professor Schuman January 23, 2011 With the organic industry booming and up until recently showing an annual growth rate of 20% it has been necessary for the federal government to step in and regulate the previously self regulated industry. Initially, regulation of this industry was implemented by private nonprofit organizations and some state governments as a way to put an end to consumer fraud and to ensure the integrity of organic food. This†¦show more content†¦Preventive medical care in the form of vaccines, vitamins, minerals and any approved supplements is strongly relied on to keep the animals as healthy as possible. The process used to bottle and pasteurize the milk produced from these cows must also be certified and the organic milk has to be kept separate from nonorganic milk to uphold its integrity as an organic commodity. Other ingredients used in this process all have to be organic unless there is no organic equivalent. Organic chemicals like volatile synthetic solvents and other synthetic pr ocessing aids are also prohibited during the bottling process further upholding the integrity of the milk. Critics of the certification system argue that it’s easy to flout the rules either blatantly or by creatively interpreting the rules and the regulations. An example of this occurred in 2004 when Bayliss ranch, a food ingredient producer, based in California tried to use the fact that because the tap water that they were using in their products had been certified organic, they could legally use the label â€Å"organic†on their products. These critics also argue that the certification process provides a podium by which special interest groups and lobbyists can press for amendments and exceptions to established rules and regulations favorable to large scale operators meaning that conventionally producedShow MoreRelatedThe Basic Concept Of Organic Farming1368 Words  | 6 PagesPART A: The basic concept for organic farming is simple: allow nature to follow its natural path and achieve a natural state to develop sustainable and harmonious enterprises with the environment and community. Organic production is a holistic method of production that involves more than choosing not to use synthetic pesticides, fertilisers, genetically modified organisms (GM) on crops, and growth hormones in livestock. Organic farming is a viable alternative production method to optimise the agro-ecosystemRead MoreEssay on Organic Foods1521 Words  | 7 PagesOrganic Foods â€Å"You are what you eat†, or so they say. In today’s supermarkets, organic foods are everywhere. Not only are there organic fruits and vegetables, but there are also organic dairy products, organic meats, organic convenience foods, organic wine, beer, coffee, tea and even clothes made with organic cotton. All of these choices have made organic foods the â€Å"fastest-growing segment of the grocery industry.†The Organic Trade Association (OTA), in its â€Å"Business Facts†fact sheet availableRead MoreWhy Is America Going Organic?1597 Words  | 7 PagesWhy is America going organic? Is it because Dr. OZ told them to? Is it because there are promises of losing weight and younger looking skin? What would make a person spend double the price for organic food and turn around a drink a coke? I am not saying organic foods are bad. I am saying unless you are going to be 100% committed, why bother? Organic farming is a $63 billion dollar business and abou t half of that is from Americans feeling the need to healthier. Everybody is trying to get intoRead MoreEffects Of Pesticides On The Health Of An Individual1747 Words  | 7 PagesGMOs for crop production, such as the longer lasting produce, easier farming, and more appealing crops. We also see a negative affect to the ways in which GMOs can affect the health of an individual. The use of pesticides to kill off any insect that would instead be eating the crops, have immune qualities and thus the dosages of these pesticide are being increased more every season. An example of how pesticides are used in farming today is with the growth of corn. Farmers are using GMOs to insecticideRead MoreA River Of Waste : The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms1543 Words  | 7 PagesFactory farming is a modern agricultural method that produces mass amounts of animals to meet the food consumption. In the 2009 documentary film, A River of Waste: The Hazardous Truth About Factory Farms directed by Don McCorkell, people can see actual accounts how modern agricultural methods of meat and poultry manufacturing has on the environment and human health. Observing the film, people can view why this matter is immediately necessary. To reduce operation cost and produce surplus amount ofRead MoreGovernment Food Label Requirements : Food Labeling1359 Words  | 6 Pagespeople who want to label genetically modified, organic and natural foods and then there are some who want to do away with all of the labels for one reason or another. Government mandated food labels are a big deal right now because everyone has an opinion about it. A main cause of why this is such a big problem is because not all of the information out there on the subject is correct. Some labels can be misleading to consumers unless they know what regulations and standards are used in order to stamp certainRead MoreMy Local Organic Farming Community1747 Words  | 7 Pagesgetting involved with my local organic f arming community to learn pressing issues young farmers face. I almost immediately notice that Sonoma County, which is quite a large, has extremely knowledgeable leaders on the topic of food politics. Furthermore, I found these people are generous and living an organic local lifestyle. Aside from the given importance of eating local and healthy, there are two major factors which make it critical for me to learn and eat organic foods. I have special needs nephewRead MoreTaking a Look at Organic Farming598 Words  | 2 Pagesconventional to organic farming due to the increased demand by consumers for products that are produced with fewer synthetic chemicals and hormones. The Center for American Progress estimated an increase of approximately 17 billion dollars from 23 billion dollars in 2002 to 40 billion dollars in 2006 (Center for Progress, 2008). As opposed to conventional farming, which uses chemical fertilizers, pesticide sprays, and herbicides, organic farming requires that farmers comply with the regulations and standardsRead MoreDayless Ford Farm1415 Words  | 6 PagesDaylessford Organic Farm Name: Nikita Patel Course: Marketing Management DSI # 01433731 Assignment: Week # 3 Create The Value. Professor: Dena Hale 1.Brief Description of the Daylesford Organic Farm Concept Daylesford Organic Farm have been serving since 30 years. It has won over 60 national and international awards. Their passion is to serve Real food straight from farm to the fork. All the vegetables come straight from garden market, bread from their bakeryRead MoreOrganic Food And Organic Foods Essay1563 Words  | 7 PagesAlthough organic foods are found in nearly every grocery store, the average person is unable to differentiate between organic and non-organic food products. Many consumers purchase organic products in the hopes of gaining positive health benefits. (Chhabra, Kolli, et al â€Å"Organically Grown Food Provides†) â€Å"The current demand for organic foods outstrips the domestic supply, causing retailers in the United States to import $2 billion worth of organic foods annually.†(Crandall, Seideman, et al. †Organic
Information Systems for Business Professionals
Question: Discuss about theInformation Systems for Business Professionals. Answer: Introduction GEC (Global Education Services) provides student recruitment business process with carrying out the offering services regarding the information services. The company faces many crucial problems that seems making a breakdown for the company. It thereby creates a lagging in the business of education and the information services with considering the framework of the business. With considering the business environment of GEC, the information system plays an important role for the maintenance of the system. The inappropriate management of the files and the other documents are undertaken in this case study which depicts the inappropriate management of the information services in the organisation. The overall case study depicts the issues that are faced by the GEC management regarding the information system. The management company deals with the consultant services with carrying out the international education market. As being a consultant, the advices and the recommendations are provided a ccordingly with varying issues and thereby the identification is made appropriately. The mitigation of the risks is carried with indicating the problems faced or the issues created in the organisation. It thereby focuses on the enhancement of the services which represents the competitive environment in the market. As a consultant of the company, the essential requirements are indicated with providing the ways for the mitigation of the problems faced by the organisation GEC. Discussion Information System and its Types The information system is defined as the organised system with providing the ways for the collection, organisation, storage and the communication of the information is created with creating appropriate arrangement in the system of the organisation. It thereby provides the complementary framework which helps in the appropriate arrangement of the process with the appropriate enhancement of the process of collection, filtration and the creation of the data with following the appropriate channel for distributing data. The information system that could be beneficial for running the GEC management includes the database management system, the management information system and the decision support system with the executive information system. This information system will help the GEC management to run the organisation in a sequential manner and thereby appropriate sequential process can be carried out accordingly (Collins, 2016). The appropriate analysis of the database helps in considering the process which helps in recruiting the process in order to create appropriate integration of data. The decision support system displays appropriate collected data and integrated them together for the purpose of creating a routine schedule. The executive information system is used for systemising the performance targets and also determines the external environment for the opportunities. It helps in the accomplishment of the task that helps in the enhancement of the needs which are presented in an inconvenient for mat and thereby the area of the corporate performance issues regarding the IT services seems to be mitigated with following the process of the GEC. The data base management system helps in arrangement of the database regarding the transactions of the data and the information by w3hich the client gains the fruitful objectives over the work continued in the organisation. Identification and Listing of the Specific Objectives and Problems of GEC With the consideration of the popularity, the GEC helps in the increment of the client base with thereby the improvement of the services seems to be increased with considering the appropriate management of the staff operations. The utilization of the staff objectives helps in implementing the structures which are responsible for the enhancement of the clients record. It thereby also helps in pointing out the faster response of the students which helps in facilitating the admission process. The research helps in facilitating the processes that are adopted by the organisation and henceforth the considerations are made in for the purpose of mitigating the issues (Al-Mamary, Shamsuddin and Aziati, 2014). The management of the organisation seems to be dependent on the three basic factors that seem to be requisite for the enhancement of the internet banking and thereby the information system management is seemed to be helpful for the consideration of management for the people. The technolo gical implementation also helps in constituting the values for the organisation and thereby the objectives are seemed to be fulfilled by the organisation. The issues that are identified with depicting the views of the organisation provides inappropriate management of operations of the organisation, inappropriate tracking of low level data and the inappropriate tracking of the basic transactions (Garg, 2007). Thereby the performance of the organisation is affected with the issues indicated. For the enhancement of the issues, appropriate implementation of the IT services must be included for the enhancement of the structure and thereby the consideration of the performance with the continuation of appropriate flow in the organisation takes place. It thereby also helps in evaluating the previous outputs which seems to be creating growth for the organisation. Key Information Requirements of GEC According to the changing of the market conditions, the GEC must be active on web with the increment of the advertisement, services and the attraction of the clients. The need for the maintenance of the official website with the enhancement in the services helps in creating the competitive market and thereby the competitors seem to be providing numerous facilities to the students with depicting the facilities of the web. Since competitors are responsible for facilitating the students on the web, the consistent operations are created with constructing the enhancement of the operations. The company GEC can also make use of this platform with creating increment in the enhancement of the operations and thereby the companys staff is managed to efficiently conduct the operations with the efficient management. The incorporation of the database management helps in providing the appropriate structure for the management of the opportunities with thereby gathering the information system for GEC . The key information requirements that are considered with depicting the specific utilization of the web application in the organisation helps in creating the values that are depicted in this context of the organisation. It provides the sequential utilization of the softwares with the including the process that are as follows:- Appropriate usage of the software with knowing the utilizations of each one. Development of the resources for the appropriate control of the organisation. Adhoc solutions must be used with determining the environment of office task Changing of the tasks are requisite for the enhancement of the system with creating the application adaption Rotating the tasks of the individuals in order to energise them at the required workplace. Implementation of Information System for the Fulfilment of Information Requirements With the implementation of the decision support system, GEC can be helped by supporting the decision making activities and thereby the support is created with perceiving a tool in order to support the company with the target for fulfilling the operations, management and the planning of the business. It there by also helps in aiming the tool that is perceived by the organisation for the enhancement of the operations and the planning for supporting the process of appropriate decision making process. It also helps in creating opportunity for the organisation and thereby the consideration of the business is undertaken for the achievement of the appropriate support system. The implementation of the information system with the consideration of the information requirements helps in constituting the decision support system with incorporating the enhancement of the decision (Robey, 2011). It there by also helps in taking the decisions for the organisation which helps in the enhancement of the process. The competitive position of the GEC can be gained by the achievement of the process that is mentioned above. This process helps in the enhancement of the organisation and thereby the systematic functioning of the organisation can be achieved. The appropriate management of data in order of data for the continuation of IT framework in the organisation and implementation of appropriate information system as per depicted regarding the issues faced by the organisation. The competitive success achievement can be gained by the utilisation of the health care system with considering the media business and the medication progress (Amaravadi, 2014). The company must increment its distribution channels with expecting high returns is also valid for the improvement of the organisation and thereby the implementation of the information system is indicated in this context for the organisation GEC. Strategic Utilization of Internet, Intranet and the Extranet The strategic utilization process that is used by the organisation GEC helps in mitigating the structures which seems to be essential for the enhancement of the communication needs. The communication needs can only be fulfilled by the usage of Intranet in the organisation. It thereby also helps in providing justifications for the enhancement of the workflow in the organisation and at the same time the errors are seemed to be reduced. It enables the multiple staffs to access the same files and also allowing them to use the system of the internet email for the purpose of speeding up the work flow. The extranet facilities are indicated with following the collaborations of the several companies and also it helps them to increase the enhancement of the process. The company can connect the benefits of the organisation by the creation of the business opportunities and henceforth the clients of the organisation are seemed to be in a controlled manner. The internet services helps in the form of retrieving information with thereby creating opportunities for the organisation to enhance the system of networking communication (OBrien, M. Marakas, 2016). It thereby enables GEC to utilize the internet in order to attract the clients and also enables the organisation to satisfy the needs of the clients. The analysis made on the use of the internet, intranet and the extranet seems to be useful for the companys enhancement and thereby the importances of software seems to be increased in this modern era. The three uses are created for the appropriate enhancement of the business of the organisation and thereby the consideration of the business is created with development the growth strategies with the implementation of these networking systems. The private areas of the organisation can be easily examined with thereby creating access over the internet and thereby the access helps in connecting the computer networks for the enhancement of the infrastructure and it also helps in considering the separation of the computer network with thereby creating the access over the private areas. Implementation of Change Management in GEC The implementation process helps in indicating the change management with thereby considering the human factors neglecting. It thereby helps in demonstrating the factors that seems to be useful for the creation of response for the organisation and thereby the representations are created accordingly. It thereby also helps in enhancement of the programs that are considered for the process of the change management. It also helps in depicting the changes that are undertaken in the organisation and thereby the consideration of the case is undertaken with the consideration of the facts regarding the profitability of the organisation. With the creation and the appropriate implementation of the change management system in the organisation, the organisation seems to be enhanced and thereby surviving in the competitive market becomes easier. The organisational success is also depicted with the help of the effective integration of the IT services and the technologies in the organisation for the consideration of change management in the organisation. The change management process can be transited by the usage of the redirection of the resources and the business process achievement (Hornstein, 2008). With adopting the information system for the infrastructural change, the positive impact is seen in the organisation with the increment of the productivity and the staff selection process. It also helps in generating the capability of the effective communication process with thereby depicting the specific changes in the organisation and thereby the effectiveness of the change management is also judged with the help of the approaches considered. Possible Security and the Ethical Issue Indicated with the use of Information Systems Most of the ethical issues rose from undertaken proposed structure with depicting the proposed information system. The issues regarding this helps in considering the privacy and the accuracy issues of the information that are constructed for the maintenance of the appropriate information system the issues regarding the accuracy helps in depicting the person that seems to be responsible for the creation of the authentic values with the creation of securitised transfer and sharing of the data and information to the clients and thereby the proposed information system can be ethically maintained (Axelrod, Bayuk and Schutzer, 2009). The privacy and the security of data help in depicting the information which seems to be accurate for the purpose of handling the information. It thereby also helps in executing the disclosures that are maintained with focusing on the implementation of the information system. The source that seems to be selected helps in creating the understandings for the pro posed infrastructure with considering the views of the resources provided for the implementation of the proposed information system (O. Mason, 2016). The privacy issues becomes a threat for the organisation and the3reby the consideration of the decision making process are involved with the increment of the values to the policy makers. The information helps in the increment with acquiring the valuable policies for the enhancement of the structure. The building of intellectual capital helps in creating an vulnerable use of the information which also leads to the breaching of information and thereby the considerations are made with depicting the structure of the errors for the purpose of mitigating the factors regarding the barriers. Conclusion and Recommendation It depicts that the GEC can make improvements and the growth of the organisation with the consideration of the appropriate enhancement of the risks factors. The identification of the risks factors helps in mitigating the risks that are undertaken for the case study and thereby the considerations are made with focusing on the process of IT systems and the services in the infrastructure of the organisation. The risks are also seemed to be mitigated with the enhancement of the information system in the business undertaken by GEC and thereby the growth is seen in the part of the organisation providing importance to the workplace activities improvements. References Al-Mamary, Y., Shamsuddin, A. and Aziati, N. (2014).The Role of Different Types of Information Systems In Business Organizations. [online] ResearchGate. Available at: [Accessed 24 Sep. 2016]. Amaravadi, C. (2014). Office Information Systems: A Retrospective and a Call to Arms.JSEA, 07(08), pp.700-712. Axelrod, C., Bayuk, J. and Schutzer, D. (2009).Enterprise information security and privacy. Boston: Artech House. Collins, K. (2016).Exploring Business 1.0 | Flat World Education. [online] Flat World Knowledge. Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Robey, D. (2011). User Attitudes and Management Information System Use. Academy of Management Journal, 22(3), pp.527-538. Garg, V. (2007).Wireless communications and networking. Amsterdam: Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann. Hornstein, H. (2008).using a change management approach to implement it programs . [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Mason, R. (2016).Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. OBrien, M. Marakas, J. (2016).management information systems. [online] Available at:,_George_Marakas_Management_Information_Systems,_10th_Edition______2010.pdf [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016].
Organisational Behaviour Leadership Process
Question: Describe about the Organisational Behaviour for Leadership Process. Answer: Introduction Leadership is defined as the process of creating ideas and visions, living by values, motivating and influencing followers to achieve organisational goals, and making tough decisions when required(Hellriegel John W. Slocum, 2011). As per the above definition of leadership, the five key attributes of leadership are ability to create a vision, develop ideas, live by values, influence others and make decisions. Leaders are recognised for their ability to motivate and influence people towards achievement of specified vision or goals. Leaders can either use formal power associated with their managerial ranks within the organisation or in-formal power that arises from a source outside their managerial ranks, to motivate or influence the attitude and behaviour of their followers. However contrary to this widely accepted definition of leadership, it is often witnessed that leaders are expected to do much more than just creating ideas and vision, living by values, influencing people and maki ng tough decisions, they are held responsible for the overall performance, productivity and profitability of the organisation(King Lawley, 2013). This essay aims at evaluating the truth behind the state that everything that happens within the organisation can be explained by leadership. Leadership theories and real world explains are used to support the view that organisational performance is less related to leadership and has more to do with economic cycles and other factors. Is it leadership alone or something else that account for organisational performance Organisations and employees rely on their leaders and hold them responsible for almost everything that happens within the organisation. Leadership today has become a buzz word and is being used by organisations to justify all their actions(Rawung, 2013). An organisation that is able to achieve its desired goals credits its leader for being competent enough to formulate winning strategies and when the same organisation fails to achieve its goals it blames the same leader for lack of competencies. Leaders within an organisation are primarily responsible for creating a vision for it and ensuring its people are motivated and influenced enough to deliver their best performance(Robbins Judge., 2013). Leaders are responsible for showing the direction through which organisational goals can be achieved but that they can do only when the factors affecting organisational performance is under their control (Sparks, 2014). Apart from employee motivation, engagement and vision there are several f actors that influence overall organisational performance. Factors external to the organisation such as economical cycles, political conditions, and socio-cultural factors, environmental and legal factors influence its performance in some or the other way. Economic cycles are one of the primary external factors that determine organisational performance(Sogunro, 1999). It often seen that organisations grow and achieve remarkable profitability when economic conditions are in favour and the opposite is equally true wherein organisations struggle to survive when economic conditions are against growth. Internal factors such as employee motivation, engagement, commitment and organisational culture are mainly controlled by leaders however they have very little or almost no control over external factors such as economic cycles(Bakker Schaufeli, 2008). To some extent they can use their strategies to control cash flows and liquidities within the company, however after a certain limit they alm ost have no control over external economic changes. BHP Billiton which under the same leadership has moved from making billion to losing billions in the last financial year is an example of similar scenario. The mining giant BHP Billiton which recorded a profit of $1.91 billion a year earlier has reported a shocking loss of $6.39 billion (Wild, 2016). Companys chief executive officer Andrew Mackenzie expects commodities prices to remain low and volatile in the immediate term. Despite huge losses being reported, companys share price remains unaffected and continues to inflate. BHP Billiton had successful made through several difficult global disasters over the past few years and the complete credit is given to Scottish CEO Andrew Mackenzie(Barnato, 2016). Since the very beginning his strategies of keeping the production costs low and increasing production costs has helped the company in achieving its financial targets. As the companys leaders have successfully delivered their promises in the past they are expected to do so again. A lea ders words means a lot especially in times of crisis, when they deliver their promises they are praised beyond words but when they fail their integrity takes a hit(Reuters, 2016). As organisations fail to achieve their performance, productivity or profitability goals they often shift the complete blame on the leader and ignore the fluctuating economical or environmental factors. As evident from the BHP Billiton example, the economic cycle or environment fluctuation is no excuse to failed leadership. Leaders are always expected, rather it is considered their duty to overcome adverse situations and ensure organisational goals are achieved(Nohria Khurana, 2013). Contingency theories of leadership emphasize on the relationship between leaders, followers and the situation under consideration. It is often seen that leaders that help struggling companies overcome their barriers gains a lot of followers and popularity. These leaders are then approached by other struggling companies who expect them to show their leadership magic again, and in case these leaders fail to do so they admirers suddenly convert into critics. As per contingency theories of leadership it is important that leaders change their leadership style to match the situation (Bryman, Collinson, Grint, Jackson, Uhl-Bien, 2011). As per the first contingency model developed by Fred Fiedler, the Fiedler contingency model, the match between leaders style and the degree of control a leader gets during a specific situation, determines effectiveness of organisational performance. Situational Leadership Theory is the second contingency theory of leadership which states that leaders choice of leadership style in different situations must depend on degree of followers readiness that is the extent to which they are able and willing to perform a specific task(Hellriegel John W. Slocum, 2011). Thus, the contingency theories of leadership shift the focus of factors affecting organisational performance completely from the leader to the situation in which they are leading the organisation and the followers readiness to perform specific tasks. Attribution theory of leadership can better explain the situation at BHP Billiton as the company has moved from making billions to losing billions under the same leadership. Under the leadership of CEO Andrew Mackenzie and his team of leaders BHP Billiton has successfully overcome tough times in the past and so people are expecting same performance from its leaders. As per the attribution theory leadership is merely an attribution people make about other individuals(Robbins Judge., 2013). People often attribute to leaders charismatic personality, high emotional intelligence, aggressiveness, effective communication skills, industriousness and understanding. People evaluate leaders performance at extreme ends, right or wrong, extremely positive or extremely negative, leaders are not expected to deliver intermediate performance. In BHP Billiton case it is evident that the company was making high profit during the favourable economic conditions when almost every other mining company was reporting high sales and profits. In this case the CEOs effective leadership style or charisma was not the only driver to objective company performance; however companys performance did lead to creation of positive perceptions of leaders effectiveness (McElroy, 1982). Stakeholders perception of their leaders effectiveness is primary predictor of whether the leader will be blamed for failure or seen as a saviour in hard times. In BHP Billiton case companys stock prices are still not going down as its stakeholders and market still trust the capabilities of its leaders and have faith in his strategies. As of now CEO Andrew Mackenzie leadership effectiveness is not being questioned as people perceive him as the saviour of the company. In BHP Billiton case changes in economic cycles which lead to the collapse in coal prices and an increase in raw materials costs are being considered as the main reason behind poor financial performance. The deadly Fundao dam collapse in November, 2015 th at almost wiped out the village of Bento Rodrigues is another major reason behind the company facing a loss of billions in current financial year (Knight, Hichens, Tozer, 2016). People attribute to CEO Andrew Mackenzie effective leadership and perceive him as being competent enough to bring the company back to its original form. Stakeholders perception about his leadership has kept the blame of organisational failure away from him till date. Conclusion Leadership is much more than creating ideas and vision, living by values, influencing others and making decisions. It is about attribution and perception of people about their leader. Leaders effectiveness and charisma alone is not a determinant of organisational performance, however organisation performance is a determinant of leaders success or failure. Organisations that are able to achieve their goals and objective perceive their leaders as the source of positive motivation and engagement which encouraged employees to deliver their best performance. Contrary to this organisations that fail to achieve their goals consider changing their leadership team as the first step in the process of organisational change. Leadership no doubt is an important predictor of organisational success however; apart from it many other factors such as economic cycles, political conditions and environmental changes affect overall performance of the organisation. References Bakker, A. B., Schaufeli, W. B. (2008). Positive organizational behavior: Engaged employees in flourishing organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior , 29 (1), 147-154. Barnato, K. (2016). World's largest mining firm records worst loss in its history. Retrieved 2016, from CNBC: loss-of-6385-billion-versus-profit-of-191-billion-a-year-ago.html Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, B., Uhl-Bien, M. (2011). The SAGE Handbook of Leadership. London: SAGE. Hellriegel, D., John W. Slocum, J. (2011). Organizational Behaviour (13th Edition ed.). New York: Cengage Learning. King, D., Lawley, S. (2013). Organizational Behaviour. Oxford: OUP Oxford. Knight, B., Hichens, C., Tozer, J. (2016). BHP's deadly dam collapse linked to ramping up production. Retrieved 2016, from ABC News: 29/bhp-samarco-dam-collapse-brazil-linked-to-ramping-up-production/7201022 McElroy, J. C. (1982). Attribution Theory: A leadership Theory for Leaders. Leadership Organization Development Journal , 3 (4), 27-30. Nohria, N., Khurana, R. (2013). Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice: An HBS Centennial Colloquium on Advancing Leadership. Boston: Harvard Business Press. Rawung, F. H. (2013). The Effect of Leadership on the Work Motivation of Higher Education Administration Employees (Study at Manado State University). IOSR Journal of Business and Management , 15 (1), 28-33. Reuters. (2016). BHP Billiton Reports a $6.4 Billion Record LossBut There's Good News. Retrieved 2016, from Fortune: Robbins, S. P., Judge., T. A. (2013). Organizational Behaviour. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Sogunro, O. A. (1999). Leadership Effectiveness and Personality Characteristics of Group Members. Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies , 5 (3), 26-40. Sparks, G. A. (2014). Charismatic leadership: Findings of an exploratory investigation of the techniques of influence. Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business , 7 (1). Wild, R. (2016). BHP Billiton Slumps To Record Loss In 2016, Time To Sell Up? 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