Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Illegal Immigration (Controversial Essay) - 1956 Words
â€Å"A nation penetrated every year by some 300,000 illegal aliens†¦is not a nation experiencing ‘immigration.’ It is a nation experiencing invasion.†(Haerens 109). For centuries, our nation has been a safe haven for people of different cultures and nationalities to inhabit. Since the beginning of America as we know it, our society has been considered a â€Å"melting pot†for all ethical backgrounds. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Europeans flocked to the â€Å"New World†in hopes of a more prosperous life. Since then, immigration to the United States has exponentially increased. During the times of the California Gold Rush in the 1800’s, and Ellis island in the early 1900’s, an even larger mass of migrants bombarded into our†¦show more content†¦In a recent article by David Seminara, he stated that you merely â€Å"†¦mention the words ‘illegal immigrant’, and most Americans conjure images of desperate migrants sneaking across the Mexican border.†However, according to a 2006 Pew Hispanic Center study, nearly half of America’s twelve million illegals arrived with temporary, legal visas. Although it is a rough estimate, the Department of Homeland Security predicts that 27 to 57 percent of illegals are â€Å"overstays†, meaning their visa has expired but they have not yet returned home (Seminara). There are numerous problems that arise from illegal immigration, including manipulation of America’s social benefit systems, lack of jobs for actual citizens, decreasing wages, and national security threats. Peter Brimelow writes: When illegal immigrants claiming the earned income tax credit are found to have fraudulent Social Security Numbers, the IRS issues them temporary numbers and sends them checks anyway (64). In other words, they are taking from the system, but not giving back into it. Our economy functions on a â€Å"take a penny, l eave a penny†foundation. When pennies are taken, but not given back, they will merely run out (Currie 45). Our benefit policies may be virtually drained if we continue on this course. Our resources are being taken advantage of. In 1990, food stamps were issued to 6.5% of native households, and 9.2% of immigrantShow MoreRelatedThe Myths About Immigration By David Cole865 Words  | 4 Pageschapter twenty four, Immigration: What is to be done? Throughout this chapter multiple authors argue their opinion of immigration in the United States. There is much to learn about this topic because it is extremely controversial in today’s society. 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