Monday, December 30, 2019
Argumentative Essay On Tiger Moms - 782 Words
A tiger mom is a term which refers to a strict or demanding mother who pushes her children to be successful academically by attaining high levels of scholastic and academic achievement. This style of parenting does not focus on building a child’s self esteem, rather it focuses on receiving good grades. The attitudes of a tiger mom are not to be nice and loving, but to be hostile and unsupportive. Typically, the children of a tiger parent, also known as â€Å"tiger babies,†do not receive praise for their accomplishments; tiger moms are quick to punish their children for any grade below an A, which is seen as an academic failure. Tiger moms manifest the attribute of strictness and insist on academic perfection. Overall, tiger moms harm their†¦show more content†¦A study conducted by Queens College found that Asian-Americans and European-Americans scored the same on standardized tests. It was also found that these Asian-Americans were more likely to have self-imag e problems and conflicted relationships with their parents. Tiger parents do not place importance on the fostering of social and emotional growth. In addition, research at Berkeley showed that â€Å"Children raised by authoritarian parents are showing maladaptive outcomes, such as depression, anxiety and poor social skills.†The effects of tiger parenting are harming their children mentally and possibly to the point of breaking. The reason behind these mental issues are due to parenting style. A stereotypical tiger mom forces their child to play an instrument, places restrictions on extracurriculars, bans social activities and then punishes their children for not meeting their expectations. A common belief of Asian families is that everything valuable and worthwhile is difficult. In the Asian culture, it is accepted that if you are good at something, it is from dedicated hard work. On the other hand, tiger parents set their children up for success. The purpose of tiger parent’s behavior is so that a child may excel in school and eventually find a stable job. Tiger moms expect greatness and that is how they express their love because all they want for their child is success. Grace Liu, a writer and â€Å"tiger baby†from CNN said â€Å"I gained confidence and resilienceShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Why I Love My Strict Chineses Mom865 Words  | 4 PagesThe correct way of raising a child? Sophia Chua-Rubenfeld’s essay â€Å"Why I love my strict Chinese mom†is a response to the all the negative feedback her mother had gotten for her essay â€Å"Why Chinese Mothers are Superior†. The intention of this essay is to persuade and inform the reader of why Amy Chua raised her daughter Sophia the correct way. Chua-Rubenfeld’s first argument is that the critics (the outsider) have no clue of what the Chua-Rubenfeld family is like (p. 2, l. 21). The fact that Chua-RubenfeldRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words  | 760 Pagesown conclusion, then its your responsibility to give them reasons they can appreciate. Lets examine that last remark. A conclusion backed up by one or more reasons in any order is called an argument, even when the reasoner is not being argumentative or disagreeable. The word â€Å"argument†is a technical term we will be using frequently in this course. Being logical means, among other things, that you should give an argument to support your conclusion if you expect other people to accept itRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 Pagescompany with product line similar to Wah Shing s earned about U.S.$30 million in revenues per year). While at his previous employer, Perez had worked with Wah Shing. Wah Shing had been one of the suppliers of choice for major toy companies such as Tiger and Hasbro, which needed electronic toys. These companies wanted to maintain their track record of successful electronic toy engineering development and manufacture in the electronic hand-held, feature electronic plush, radio control and IR interactiveRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagescreate meaning in random events, particularly when we turn imaginary patterns into superstitions.57 These can be completely contrived (â€Å"I never make important decisions on Friday the 13th†) or can evolve from a reinforced past pattern of behavior (Tiger Woods often wears a red shirt during a golf tournament’s final round because he won many junior tournaments wearing red shirts). Superstitious behavior can be debilitating when it affects daily judgments or biases major decisions. Risk Aversion Mathematically
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Discuss the Political, Social, and Economic Impact of the...
The costs of the Civil War were enormous. The total number of military causalities on both sides exceeded 1 million. More men died in the Civil War than in all other American wars combined until Vietnam. However, the Civil War impacted the United States well beyond just deaths. The Civil war brought fundamental alterations in the life of the nation, changing the economy, the political landscape, as well as ways of life. Economically, wartime measures had introduced new federal involvement in both he banking and transportation systems. The National Bank Acts of 1863, 1864, and 1865 helped to create a uniform currency in the nation. It also forced many major state institutions to join the national system. This gave the federal†¦show more content†¦However, this did not grant them any rights nor did it grant them equality in any form. The executive offense definitely expanded its power, exercising martial law as well as suspending habeas corpus during the war. Constitu tionally, this war shut the door on secession for it was determined as unconstitutional. Nullification also no longer existed, showing that federal law was supreme. State government must yield to the federal government. The only way to change a law that a state legislature disagrees with is by bringing it before the Supreme Court. Other than this, the state was not allowed to decide on the constitutionality a federal law. The federal government also extended its reach into the economic realm by implementing the National Banking Acts which gave it more power in the economy. Life during and after the Civil War shifted drastically. Life the south has dramatically altered. Greater awareness of class inequality came about as there were unfair draft laws. The Civil War in the south was truly the rich man’s war, but the poor man’s battle. Many of the ordinary folks sacrificed necessities, while the rich only had to give up their luxuries at most. The south soon also realized that the semi-subsistence culture would not work if they wanted to become independent or fight this modern war against the North. So, the South had to turn to industrialization. Along with theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Boss713 Words  | 3 PagesUSSO Development of the US and People Professor Kareen Williams MID-TERM amp; FINAL REVIEW PART I Study aid for the Essay’s on the Midterm Exam. 1. Discuss colonization in general, and explain why was England slow to begin colonization, and what factors finally enabled the English to establish successful colonies? 2. 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Friday, December 13, 2019
A Birthday Suprise Free Essays
It was 31st May of 2013 and it was my father’s birthday. He is the type/kind of person who prefers simple dinners with his own family instead of noisy celebration with relatives and friends. It was Friday and after we wished him happy birthday, he went to work. We will write a custom essay sample on A Birthday Suprise or any similar topic only for you Order Now Well my father thought that we were just going to have a dinner as always. But this is what he knew while my mom and I had organized a birthday surprise. My mom had invited all his close friends and family for a party in the evening. Everything was prepared. Even I passed all the day shopping to buy a present for my father. I couldn’t wait till my father came home. Anyway he arrived sooner, I began to get dressed. I was extremely excited. My mom had the most difficult ‘task’ if I can say so. She had to convince him to wear a suit and she made it up. I think that my dad understood that he had missed something. So he began to ask where are we going and why is he wearing a dress. I told him we changed the reservation. But finally we arrived and everyone was waiting for him. When my father entered in, all began to sing the happy birthday song. I remember the look on his face, extremely surprised and indeed flattered. He had teary eyes as we ran to embrace him. Everyone had a wonderful time during father’s birthday bash. Time by time I have a look to those photos we had. It really was a special day. 2 terbilang Bab 9 : Juara Songsang (Sabrina Halid) Ahli-ahli Pasukan Zamrud II tidak menyangka bahawa Pasukan Aura Suci bertindak jahat dengan merampas buah cempedak aneh tersebut . Mereka sungguh kecewa . Tiba-tiba Adeen memberitahu mereka bahawa cabaran Pasukan Zamrud II belum berakihir dan mengarahkan mereka mencari pasu emas itu di atas lantai terowong . Pasukan Aura Suci telah dibatalkan penyertaan mereka kerana didapati menggunakan kaedah tidak bermoral terhadap Pasukan Zamrud II. Para ahli Pasukan Zamrud II segera berpatah balik dan mencari pasu emas itu . Pauline menemukan pasu emas itu . Dengan itu , pasukan Zamrud II telah berjaya ke pusingan kedua . (Danisha Rai ) Para ahli pasukan Pertandingan Avatari untuk bersedia untuk memulakan pusingan kedua . Semasa pertandingan baru berlangsung, Adeen mendapat salah satu cip mikroelektrik penting mesin Avatari sudah hilang. Anggota apsukan Zamrud II mula resah . Adeen yang lebih tertekan . Tiba-tiba Adeen teringat akan Pak cik Tan ada membawa papan litar gentian dan cip yang sama pasti ada di atas papan litar tu . AAdeen bernasib baik kerana papan litar itu masih ada lengkap dengan cip mikroelektrik, Adeen segera memasang cip itu. Para ahli pasukan Zamrud II sudah bersedia untuk berjuang . Mereka telah mendapat jawapan kepada teka silang kata iaitu â€Å" buaya†. Jawapan itu tepat dan avatar Pasukan Zamrud II memasuki kawasan padang pasir . Mereka berada dalam zaman Mesir purba, iaitu pada zaman Firaun. Setelah melepasi halangan daripada ulat besar, mereka akhirnya berjaya sampai ke kawasan bangunan luas. Di situ mereka berjaya menemukan buaya emas. Adeen mengarahkan ahli pasukkanya pergi ke Kuil Abu Simbel untuk mengutip lebih banyak harta karun . Pasukan Zamrud II berjaya ke pusingan ketiga. ( Diana Syazhanny) Dalam pusingan ketiga, cabarannya ialah bertanding permainan tradisi . Setiap pasukan akan bertanding dengan pasukan lain untuk menentukan pasukan mana yang layak ke pertandingan akhir . Setaip pasukan mesti menguasai sebanyak mungkin permainan . Pauline memilih memanah . AIna memilih congkak . Anas memilih catur . Anjali pula memilh mahjong . Apabila pusingan ketiga tamat, Jepun menduduki tempat pertama , Rusia di tempat kedua , Australia di tempat ketiga dan Amerika Syarikat di tempat keempat . Malysia berkongsi markah dengan Thailand dan Republik Rakyat China . Oleh sebab terdapat tiga pasukan yang layak , maka satu pemecah seri akan diadakan . Halim muncul untuk menetukan pasukan mana yang mendapat tempat kelima untuk ke pertandingan akhir . Setiap pasukan akan diberi satu peluang untuk meneka apa yang ada di dalam genggaman Halim . Thailand meneka guli. China meneka wang syiling . Malysia melalui Aina meneka belalang. Tekaanya tepat . Pasukan Zmrud II layak ke pertandingan akhir . How to cite A Birthday Suprise, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Analyzes The Social Performance of †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Analyzes Social Performance of Answer: Introduction, the e-commerce giant company was founded by Jeff Bezos in the year 1994.The company has its headquarter in Seattle, Washington. The company provides cloud infrastructure services and sells goods consumer electronics goods, the most popular of which is Kindle in different countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany ,Italy ,Spain and many more with a separate websites for each country. Amazon also takes part in corporate social responsibilities which is a meaning way by which a business organization contributes to the society. Analyzing the social performance of a company and the impact the company makes towards society is of paramount importance. Society is an important stakeholder of business and the e-commerce giant Amazon makes significant contribution to society to sustain its business in the highly competitive world (Rossman 2016). Discussion Amazon aims to be a customer centric organization. The company hires talented and self-driven employees to provide best services to customers. The worldwide sustainability team of Amazon has six teams comprising of 1) Social Responsibility 2) Environment and Energy 3) Sustainability services 4) Packaging experience for customers 5) Research and Development 6) Technology. However there are positive aspects about the company related to its achievement and there are negative arenas and areas that require improvement (Technology in Amazon 2017). Positive view-Charitable actions taken by Amazon has taken several initiatives for the betterment of the society. The positive aspects of the company are highlighted in terms of its good social responsibility. Amazon has launched a program called Amazon Smile where the company donates 0.5% of the price of a users purchases to his favorite charitable organization. One million charitable organizations have enrolled to make them eligible for Amazon Smile (AMAZON 2017). Impact on Society Amazon has delivered two thousand gift packages to military men and women in the United States in the year 2015 who served the country far away from home as a part of its charitable responsibility. The company has also donated money in several disaster relief programs Amazon has donated money for the relief program in Nepal earthquake of the year 2015. Amazon has taken several measures to support the society and local communities. The company has taken several initiatives like Girls who Code to support more women of the society who are interested in coding. The e-commerce giant has taken initiatives to provide funds to aspiring writers by Amazon Literary Partnership Program (Amazon 2017). The company has organized Amazons Device Donation Program by which the company donates electronic devices and gift cards to schools near Amazons fulfillment centers. Amazon has taken several initiatives like partnership to provide digital reading facility in sixty one Kenyan Public libraries. The co mpany has taken active part in protecting the environment and initiatives taken by Amazon for Energy Conservation are noteworthy. The accomplishments of Amazon for conserving the energy are recycling heat from a building nearby to heat the office space in Seattle. The office space in the headquarters of the company has three million square feet which can be heated by this system. Solar energy systems will also be implemented by the e-commerce giant on the rooftops of the fulfillment centers of the company which will have the capacity to generate forty one megawatts of power(AMAZON 2017).The company has also undertaken ten renewable energy projects which will generate every year around 2.6 million megawatt of energy. Thus from the above facts a positive view can be constructed about the company regarding its involvement in charitable activities and its concern for the environment (Amazon Service Industry2017). Impact on external stakeholders (customers) Amazon focuses on the three Ps of business like People, Profit and Process and has created a positive image in hearts of its customers. The charitable activities of Amazon helps the company to gain customer perceived value These charitable activities and concern for the environment will indirectly make an impact on the net profit of the company as the positive brand image in the minds of customers will increase the brand value of the company(Schubert et al. 2013). The brand value will have direct effect on brand awareness. Customers will be loyal and will make repeat purchases from the websites of Amazon if they have a positive customer perceived value (Hayashi 2013). Negative View-Amazons internal employees suffer Though Amazon takes part in several charitable activities and has taken multiple projects to conserve energy, it should improve on providing better working conditions for its employees. The social performance of Amazon will be detrimentally affected if it bridges health and human rights laws and does not focus on providing better working conditions for its internal stakeholders- its employees. Amazon provides employment to more than fifty one thousand people across the globe. The company has faced issues related to labor that remain unaddressed. The e-commerce giant is a public company and investors emphasize on the fact that the company should be profitable every year. To focus on profit, Amazon has neglected the work-life balance of its employees in the warehouse and customer service department. The employees of the organization have complained about fifty to seventy hours of work within a week during seasons of holidays. Poor management of this warehouse centers were also reported by the employees. The labors complained that their shift timings were changed without prior notice and they were not allotted enough break time during holiday seasons. Employees have joined labor union in the company headquarters in Seattle but the company took actions immediately against this union. The company laid off around many workers (Amazon Layoff 2017).Amazon should be more responsible towards its employees. The employees of an organization contribute significantly to improve the customer service of an organization (Bergvall?Kreborn, Birgitta and Debra 2014) Impact on internal stakeholders (employees) Amazon aims to be a customer-centric organization and employees are internal customers of the company. The e-commerce giant should take proper care of its employees in order to sustain in the competitive business world. The Company should not neglect the health and work conditions of its labors as poor work conditions of employees can lead to a negative public image about the company. Amazon will fail to impress its external customers if the news and media channels publish negative reports about the poor work life of the labors of the company. This will create a negative public image and will have a detrimental influence on the brand value of the company. The negative brand value will affect the customer perceived value and the profitability of the company will be negatively affected in the long run if Amazon does not take proper care of its employees. The workers of Amazon contribute towards the success of the company by providing their best services like on-time delivery. Thus work ers of the company contribute substantially toward the strong development of the supply chain and logistics management of the company. Amazon should make efforts to improve the lives of its employees by providing them better work-life balance which will improve the profitability of the company in the long run (Work Culture of Amazon 2017). Conclusion The companys performance in the society in terms of external stakeholders like society, environment and customers is good. Amazon has been successful in its efforts of being a customer-centric organization. The e-commerce giant has undertaken several projects on charity and corporate social responsibility. The contribution of the company on environment management and conservation of energy is also noteworthy. However the company has performed average on its responsibilities towards internal stakeholders that means- the employees. The company should improve on this particular arena in order to be an excellent performer in terms of social aspect. References "AmazonLayoff".2017.Www.Businessinsider.In. "AMAZON". 2017.Www.Amazon.Com/. "AmazonServiceIndustry".2017.Www.Businessinsider.Com. "Technology In Amazon". 2017.Businessinsider.In. "Amazon". 2017.Hbr.Org. Bergvall?Kreborn, Birgitta, and Debra Howcroft. "Amazon Mechanical Turk and the commodification of labour."New Technology, Work and Employment29, no. 3 (2014): 213-223. Hayashi, Alden M. "The inside and outside view of innovation."MIT Sloan Management Review54, no. 3 (2013): 39. Rossman, John.The Amazon Way: 14 Leadership Principles Behind the World's Most Disruptive Company. Vol. 1. Clyde Hill Publishing, 2016. Schubert, Petra, Susan P. Williams, and Ralf Woelfle. "Sustainable competitive advantage in e-commerce and the role of the enterprise system." InCompetition, Strategy, and Modern Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 303-319. IGI Global, 2013. Work Culture Of Amazon". 2017.Www.Businessinsider.In.
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