Monday, September 30, 2019
The World from Brown’s Lounge
With The World from Brown's Lounge: An Ethnography of Black Middle-Class Play Michael J. Bell provides a narrative and interpretation of the play behavior of middle class blacks within the context of Brown's Lounge, a neighborhood bar in West Philadelphia. At the time he did his field research at Brown's, Bell was a white, male, doctoral candidate at the University of Pennsylvania. The book appears to be either his original dissertation or a somewhat edited dissertation.The prose is accessible and not marked by the frequent subordinate clauses and qualification of statements that mars a good deal of academic writing (Bell xi, 1-7). According to Bell The World from Brown's Lounge is a â€Å"study in black American folklore†(Bell ix). However he does not use the word folklore in the traditional sense of myths, tales, and traditions usually passed on orally or through folk art, but rather as the â€Å"artistic communication . . . used by ordinary people . . .[that] links us tog ether in our day-to-day interactions†(Bell ix). This folklore is studied in context, not merely as an academic exercise that might be done by reading a textbook about the folk beliefs of a people without regard to their lives. Bell describes what he saw in Brown's and claims that it is folklore but pointedly refuses engage in an argument as to whether or not the material in the book is in fact folklore. For the purposes of The World from Brown's Lounge the reader must assume that the book is folklore.Frankly, this distinction seems artificial; the text can and should be judged on its methodology and analysis and not on attempts to fit the book to a particular niche genre. Bell claims that the black middle class is (or at least was at the time the book was written) largely ignored in research with the focus being on the behavior and lifestyle of the poorer class. Even when the middle class has been addressed it has tended to interview individuals who â€Å"exemplified†their race and not observe members of the black middle class acting with each other.In essence Bell contends that at that time the research was done, the literature failed to recognize that the black middle class existed at all (Bell 1-5). The methodology Bell used was to sit in Brown's Bar at various times throughout the day, observing the patrons and participating in their interactions for a period of about eighteen months beginning in 1972. The observation periods were typically three hours each. Bell describes himself as an active participant as he engaged in the discussions that occurred at Brown's as well as participating in the consumption of alcohol.The regular patrons were aware of what he was doing and that descriptions of their activities might appear in his doctoral dissertation and possible a subsequent book. Bell recorded the conversations that occurred so that he might study them later. In addition any individual who wished to could listen to any tapes, but no one cho se to do so. Although Bell was aware that his presence in the â€Å"black†bar would affect the patrons, by being up front with them he hoped to minimize his affects on the patrons.In the process Bell did extended interviews with some of the key patrons (Bell 1-5). Interestingly he received a grant to engage in this research, which is good work if you can get it. Bell intended that his work describe how the day-to-day activities in a neighborhood bar reflect the values of the members of the neighborhood. He claims the study describes how the activities at Brown's allow the patrons to conform to â€Å"their desire to create and live within a world that allows them to be both black and middle class†(Bell 5).To do this he describes interactions between the patrons, at times actually quoting entire conversations and then attempts to classify and analyze them. These conversations are, at times, interesting, but are common to many social situations and not indications of mi ddle class black behavior in the 1970s. Bell tries to make them so however. He claims that this behavior is an example of middle class blacks playing with each other verbally and non-verbally by â€Å"talking shit,†â€Å"styling,†and â€Å"profiling†(Bell). Bell writes that these conversations are improvisations with deep, sophisticated meaning for middle class blacks.For example in a discussion on page 110 and analyzed on page 111 Bell offers the following. The bartender Harriet asks the customers generally, â€Å"was a . . . was a . . . (four-second silence) Jimmy Sailor in here yesterday? †One of the patrons, Gill replies, â€Å"I didn't see him. †From these two sentences Bell draws the following analysis. Harriet was seeking direct information. Gill responded in the same fashion as â€Å"if it were a request for information and nothing else. †This is straightforward enough and patently obvious.However Bell is not satisfied with thi s explanation and seeks a deeper meaning, â€Å"[i]n asking after Jimmy, Harriet made it clear that she believed that it was appropriate for her to know his whereabouts. †One feels the need to ask why Bell decide would emphasize such a point. Fundamentally he may be correct, but a simpler, more straightforward conclusion seems to be preferable; Harriet was curious about Jimmy. It is difficult to believe that at anytime during this process that Harriet consciously assumed it was proper for her to know where Jimmy was the day before.Similarly, Bell analyzes other conversations throughout the book. Instead of taking the discussions at face value Bell appears to believe each â€Å"interaction is a continuous exchange of images of selfâ€â€of who and what one isâ€â€in order to convince the others present that all present are capable of acting coherently and correctly†(Bell 8). This belief implies that each person at Brown's is taking part in an improvisation perfor mance determined to establish himself as an individual person and as a member of the group.In reality, it is far more likely that such conversations at Brown's and similar ones at other bars and coffee shops are just that, conversations between people trying to relax and have a good time. The book suffers from a variety of problems besides the over analysis mentioned above. While reading the book one feels that Bell was describing a species that he is completely unrelated to in the same way that a zoologist might describe the behavior of a species of bird or mammal.Although the motivation for this distance appears to be an attempt to be as neutral as possible, certainly a laudable goal, when Bell describes or analyzes the activities in Brown's and fails to place them within the contact of being middle class, black, or even human the book suffers. In fact, Bell states this is what he is doing in the preface, instead of limiting his study to a particular ethnic group, age group, or oc cupation Bell defines his study to a particular place, Brown's (Bell x). This tightly focused limitation seems to greatly restrict the relevance of Bell's work to other situations or people.Despite this self-imposed limitation, Bell makes frequent references to the behavior the middle class, though in Brown's it is not the middle class, it is the only class. Bell's research lacks a clearly defined identity. Although Bell purports to be providing a description of description of the black middle class at play, he provides no insight as to how the behavior of the middle class patrons differs from or is similar to the behavior of lower or upper class blacks as well as the behavior of classes of other races in their own neighborhood bar.Much of the behavior Bell describes seems to be no different than one might see in any local bar or coffee shop for even by watching a rerun of the television comedy Cheers. As pointed out in â€Å"A Note on the Author†in the last page of the book , Bell received his PhD and at the time of publication was an associate professor of English and folklore at Wayne State University. In addition he has published a variety of articles on urban folklore in a number of scholarly journals.A quick search of the databases at Questia reveal a number of books that referred to The World from Brown's Lounge, but for the most parts these were merely listings in the bibliographies at the back of these books, although Loic Wacquant refers to it in 2004 as a â€Å"fine book†in Body & Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer (181). All in all, Bell has adequate, if not impressive academic credentials in this area. The book could do with more careful editing. Although naturally the conversation among the patrons should not be edited, when Bell is providing narrative he should maintain consistent, grammatically correct standards.An example of a failure to do so is his inconsistent of his treatment of some words. For example, the term â€Å"m iddle-class†appears in the book's title and on page 1 and â€Å"middle class†on page 5 even though both are used to describe the same thing. Occasionally Bell uses questionable grammatical constructions that should be corrected as well. To his credit, Bell uses occasional inline citations and provides an extensive bibliography that is useful. The World from Brown's Lounge has no index, a feature that would prove useful to students and scholars using the text for literary searches.Due to the unusual meanings of many of the words used in the context of Brown's a glossary would be helpful as well. Ultimately the book is not particularly satisfying. Perhaps in 1972 when the research was done or in 1983 when the book was published the book had more impact, but in today's world The World from Brown's Lounge seems remarkably flat and uninteresting. One questions just what if anything Bell contributed to anthropological academic knowledge that justified his receiving a PhD wi th this dissertation supporting his candidacy, much less what justified its subsequent publication as a book.Although some of the play was interesting to read, Bell's over analysis reduced it the trivial. Bell's attempts to provide significance to ordinary conversations in a bar read more like long academic stretches in hopes of securing a doctorate than to do meaningful work. Works Cited Bell, Michael J. The World from Brown's Lounge: An Ethnography of Black Middle-Class Play. Urbana, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1983 Wacquant, Loic. Body & Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Case Study on Tupperware Essay
1.0 Introduction In this report I will be analyzing a case study on Tupperware. I will be identifying the main problems faced by Tupperware and recommending solutions that could be used to help Tupperware. Tupperware was developed in the 1940’s by Earl Tupper. They consisted of various types of plastic containers used in households to contain food and keep it airtight. As innovative as the product was it was not an instant hit. The target market was woman and they were not buying the product and this meant that a different approach had to be taken in order to induce sales and get the product known. This led to the beginning of the Tupperware party as a sales tool. The Tupperware party was a gathering of women mainly housewives who came together to socialize but with Tupperware available for sale. This proved to be a useful sales technique. In the 1950’s the product was a perfect fit for women most being full-time homemakers which allowed them to be able pack food and leftovers for long periods of time. However since Tupperware was not sold in the stores in meant that women and housewives alike had to had to attend Tupperware parties in order to purchase them. In the 60’s and 70’s Tupperware sales increased dramatically. This was because the lifestyle of most women at the time suited a product like Tupperware, also coupled with the Tupperware parties which were a huge hit in the era. In the 80’s there was a there was a decline in sales, this according to the Tupperware ladies, may have been due to increase in divorces, childless, women being single and more independent. Tupperware maintains a reasonable market share internationally but has since seen a decline in both market share and sales domestically and struggles to find appropriate marketing strategies to implement. 2.0 S.W.O.T Analysis A SWOT analysis is an analytical method, which is used to identify and categorize significant internal factors (i.e. strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (i.e. opportunities and threats) an organization faces. I will be looking at the SWOT analysis for Tupperware and using it to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that Tupperware have. 2.1 Strengths – Tupperware had a new innovative product at the time. – Tupperware at the time had a specific target market i.e. Housewives. – Tupperware was a perfect fit for the 1950’s due to many women being homemakers – Tupperware parties were the only way to buy the products making them exclusive to other businesses. – Tupperware used their parties as a form of promotion by having games and giving out gifts. – Tupperware has high customer loyalty – Between the 1950’s and 1970’s Tupperware was highly profitable 2.2 Weaknesses – Tupperware has not been able to preserve a way of life. – Tupperware was a new and unknown product so when it came out there was no interest in it. – Tupperware could only be sold at Tupperware parties unlike other competitive products that were being sold in stores. 2.3 Opportunities – In the past Tupperware could have sold their products in stores rather than just Tupperware parties. – Increase profitability by increasing marketing and advertising. – Increase domestic sales of Tupperware 2.4 Threats – Competition from other companies like Rubbermaid. – Changing environment and lifestyle. 3.0 The 5 p’s of the Marketing Mix for Tupperware The 5 p’s of the Marketing mix that I will be looking at in relation to Tupperware include product, promotion, price, place, people. 3.1 Product Tupperware consists of various types of plastic containers used in households to contain food and keep it airtight. Tupperware products were innovative when they came out. The quality of the product is said to be high and very effective in its use. The availability of Tupperware products was limited as you could only buy them from the Tupperware parties. 3.2 Promotion Tupperware was promoted through the Tupperware parties that were held in different locations. This was their main form of promotion. In the Tupperware parties they also used social events, like games, were they gave gifts in order to increase awareness of the product. Tupperware also used Tupperware ladies to market their products directly to the customers. 3.3 Price Tupperware products according to loyal customers are â€Å"high in quality and a price to match†. So Tupperware products are expensive. 3.4 Place Tupperware products can only be bought at Tupperware parties. Any returns would have to be done in person. 3.5 People The people who were involved in the marketing, sales and customer service of Tupperware were the Tupperware ladies and dealers. 4.0Marketing Solutions and Recommendations In terms of the actual product, customers felt that it was of high quality and had the features and usability expected, therefore it may not be necessary to change or improve these things. However brand image can be increased by advertising and marketing. Availability of the product and customer service can be improved by employing more Tupperware ladies and dealers. Tupperware already used Tupperware parties as a form of promoting both the products and party itself. I think Tupperware could improve their branding and public relations by increasing advertising and marketing campaigns that directly target the intended customers. Tupperware products even though of high quality are expensive. Tupperware could increase customer loyalty by reducing prices and introducing promotional campaigns that make the products more affordable. Tupperware can also help customers by introducing discounts, payment methods and free value added incentives. Tupperware can improve customer service and support by increasing the number of Tupperware ladies and dealers. Tupperware can also widen their scope by creating different channels or mediums that can help increase awareness, brand imaging, increase profits and customer loyalty. Finally I think Tupperware should increase the number of dedicated Tupperware ladies and dealers. This can be done by increasing the level of training which will increase the level of skill that the Tupperware ladies and dealers have. This will increase the number of Tupperware parties available which will increase sales and profits. Customer loyalty will also increase as direct customer service increases. 5.0 Conclusion As shown in the report I have analyzed and identified areas that have problems within Tupperware and I believe that I have shown that certain solution can be implemented in order to help increase sale, profits, customer loyalty and the overall service provided by Tupperware. 6.0 References Pride, W. M., Ferrell, O. C., Lucas, B. A., Schrembri, S., & Niinnen, O. (2012). Marketing Principles: Asia Pacific Edition. (1st ed.). South Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia. Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2013). Foundations of Marketing (5th ed.). Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A World Affected by Pollution and Global Warming Essay
Roy M. Harrison.(2001) Pollution:Cause, Effects and Control. Royal society of chemistry. This author concentrates mainly chemical and radioactive pollution. The book speaks of the sources of pollutants and their effects on both living and non livings especially human. It also shows how chemical pollution can also cause of water, air and land pollution. Agarwal S.K. Water pollution. APH publishing(Jan.1 2005) The author bases the book on recent views, ideas and contribution of various leading ecologist information of water pollution. It show how to use waste water and its treatments. Irina Gray (2008). Pollution effects on humans, animals, plants and the environment. The writer shows the various types and causes of pollution and its effects on the environment. It shows the effect on human ranging mild discomfort to serious diseases. It also how the effect destroy animal life and the atmosphere. Credit: Margaret A. Wheatley(1996). Social and cultural impact of mercury pollution on Aboriginal people in Canada. Neurotox 17(1), 251-256 The writer explores the link between mercury pollution and social &cultural disruption in Canadian aboriginal communities. It shows the difficulties in communication that contribute to the social and cultural impacts and their health effects.Credit: V. Ramanathan and G. Carmichael(2008). Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon.Nature Geoscience 221-221. The writers express how black carbon becomes air pollution and how it affects both the climate and the environment. This book said that the pollution affect different regions and the â€Å"black carbon in soot is the dominant absorber of visible solar radiation in the atmosphere.†Credit: S.Fred Singer.(1968) Global Effects of environmental pollution. Science 13 vol. 162 no 3859. The author talks the pollution effects on humans, animals, plants and the environment. It expresses the cause of pollution and how it causes the extinction of animals and plants species which is a grave loss for mankind. It shows how the advancement in technology aids the improvement of a well being of mankind but also its consequences. Credit: Clive Glifford (2006). Planet under pressure:pollution. Rain-tree ISBN-13: 9781844439 744. The book examines how pollution has become a global issue and looks at the debate over possible solution. It shows how pollution whether air, water, radioactive or terrestrial affect the lives of a lot of people causing disease and contributing to the global warming. Credit: Green StudentU. Pollution. This is a encyclopedia entry which speaks of how toxic chemicals from factories pollute the land, air and water. It explains what pollution is and why there are different types . Of the types, It takes of their sources and how to prevent them. It gives link to environment protection agency website if to be involved in prevention of pollution. It also gives the statistics of the people affected by pollution and other. Credit:
Friday, September 27, 2019
Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2
Human Resource Management - Essay Example strategic way. It is focused on the management of the workforce in an organization and the provision of direction to them. The aim of the HRM is to deal with and solve all the problems, within the organization, that are related to the workforce. These include hiring and recruitment, performance management, appraisals, compensation and benefits, organizational development, communication, training, safety and well-being, employee motivation, administration and conflict resolution. HRM also deals with all the issues pertaining to corporate social responsibility. In addition to this, HRM serves as the only association that a company usually has with the trade union. More than anything else, Human Resource Management is a comprehensive as well as strategic approach of managing not only the employees but the entire workplace culture (Budhwar, 2000). Effective HRM is needed in order to ensure that employees contribute positively and effectively to the goals and objectives of the company. Th us HRM is extremely important if the organization wants to ensure that the employees do not go astray. It provides a policing arm to the organization. SIGNIFICANCE OF HRM It is a very important part of the organization and its significance can be judged from the fact that most organizations now have a separate Human Resource Management department, given that the organization is big enough to afford it. From being a low scale and low scope department, Human Resource Management has now become a strategic business partner of the organization since its function is to provide constant support to the vision and mission of the organization. This also because HRM aims to implement the business strategies and ensuring that they work. HRM is now believed to be the management of people in the organization, not employees. It is responsible for ensuring that the organization complies with the labor as well as employment laws. According to Cheddie (2001) the aim is to gain competitive advantage b y using a wide range of structural, personnel and cultural techniques. THEORIES AND PRACTICES As the discipline of HRM continues to grow and gain momentum across the globe, more theories and studies are being devoted to it. Most HRM theories and practices are directly drawn from the field of behavioral sciences as well as from theories related to strategic management (Som, 2008). For HRM to work effectively there are certain practices that the organization must adopt. Among the first theories on the HRM concept was proposed by the Michigan school. According to this theory, the HR system must be managed in a way so that it is in line with the organizational goals and strategies. This concept became very popular as the ‘matching model’. It was further developed that there is human resource cycle which comprises four functions. These are selection, performance appraisal, rewards and compensation and training and development. Delegation to Line Managers Budhwar and Khatri ( 2001) argue that in
Thursday, September 26, 2019
This paper must demonstrate knowledge of the use of formal & informal Essay
This paper must demonstrate knowledge of the use of formal & informal assessment strategies - Essay Example First it's necessary to determine the assessment. Assessment is the process of observing and measuring learning.1 Assessment provides the professor with the better understanding of what students are learning and ensures that students will learn more of the volume of knowledge necessary for their career while using the added benefits of learning subjects. So the first advantage of the assessment can be defined as providing students with the incentive of learning more carefully. I am absolutely agree with the Taylor's motivation theory that every worker is lazy and should be controlled. The students are also lazy and it's evident that a considerable part of them is motivated by the necessity of passing examinations . In general there are four main functions of assessment: formative assessment, Educative assessment Evaluative assessment, Summative assessment. The value of he formative assessment was pointed by Black and William's 2(1998) paper. They pointed out that the high quality formative assessment has an impact on students learning. In addition, the assessment is useful to dived the students into groups according to their lever of school knowledge. There are some forms of assessment in higher education each with its own disadvantages and advantages. The traditional exams are demonstrably fair because all the students have the same tasks to complete. Another very important advantage is the captaincy that the work which is being assessed is done by he applicant and not by the other people. The disadvantages are that first badly set examinations cause surface learning that means students consciously clearing their minds of one subject as they prepare for exams in the next subject. . In addition, exams tend to evaluate how good are students in answering questions not in learning. In addition, it must be said that this is the most stressful form of assessment. In some cases, another system quiet similar to the previous one is implemented. It is called open book examinations. The major difference is that students are allowed to take reference information this them Such systems have many advantages of traditional exams in addition they check how good are students in using information sources. The next one is essay writing system such system allows seeing individuality and expression of students. But in some cases there is no guarantee that the work was prepared by the candidate himself not by other people. In addition it's the most subjective system of assessment. Essay-marking exercises at workshops on assessment show marked differences between the mark or grade that different assessors award the same essay - even when equipped with clear sets of assessment criteria. The most ancient method of evaluating is oral examination. The most important disadvantage when using
Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
Econ - Essay Example Such agreements become a hindrance to the free flow of goods causing global economic loss. In the current dynamic world, countries having wafer-thin comparative advantage suddenly lose the market to a rival who have entered into a PTA. The article 24 specifies that the external tariffs should not be raised when the PTA is functioning. This is precisely to prevent harm to nonmembers. During Mexican currency crisis of 1994, tariffs on 502 items were raised from 20 percent to as high as 35 percent but at the same time tariffs on US and Canada, under NAFTA continued unchanged. Even small tariffs are likely to create trade diversion when tariffs are nonexistent on members of PTA while they remain applicable on nonmembers. This trade diversion is against the very basic intent of Article 24. The basic purpose of GATT was to encourage multilateral trade through reduced trade barriers. It aims at imposing the same tariff on goods regardless of which country supplies them and that purpose is not only defeated but restricts global economy to
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategy for Mega Bastard Corporation - Bionic Limbs Essay
Strategy for Mega Bastard Corporation - Bionic Limbs - Essay Example How fancy is that? The most important factors to consider in the introduction of bionic limbs is the strategic management variable involved in product and business development. Namely; Market entry, research and development, pricing, designing the product and competition prosthetic limbs producers. MBC will most probably benefit from a market segment of people interested in comic books, superhero movies and video games. The macro environment directly related to competition. DEKA is an example of prosthetic limb maker. They have made progress in making bionic arms, which basically gives MBC the advantage of differentiating their market segment to only limb/ legs bionic material. The market analysis will assume that MBC management has taken care of the approval process through the Food and Drug Administration body. MBC has two choices, either to enter the market or not to enter the bionic market. Now does not enter the bionic limbs market, then their competitors will obviously maintain the status quo and barely change the prices of bionic limbs. However, if MBC enters the market, then its potential competitors will definitely start a price war and that may affect the level of sales of bionic limbs. MBC will obviously be a credible threat to existing competitors in this monopolistic market as noted by Baines & Fill (2014). MBC already has the technology for making the bionic limbs, hence labour cost for the business and product development is greatly minimized and the only challenge will be for the management to identify a profitable market segment for their product. Getting a priced contract with competitors can always help MBC avoid any price wars that may emerge after they introduce their bionic limb. This is basically done by MBC paying a premium to a specific competitor and in exchange, the competition won’t start a price war against MBC. For MBC to effectively market the bionic limb, the product must be FDA approved in order to gain considerable favour even in the ‘villain’ market segment. Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Product use for a resendential application Essay
Product use for a resendential application - Essay Example Vinyl flooring has become very popular because of its durability and quality. They create a stylish and long-lasting beauty for every constructor that uses them in polishing up a floor. Being a tile, vinyl gives its clients a variety of options on the number of ways it can be laid down. The tiles can be custom cut in different shapes to form variety of patterns and designs depending on what the constructor wishes to have. Because of this flexibility, any look can be attained in setting up the design of the floor (Kapsin, 1). The different colours that the tiles are available in make it possible for the flooring to suit any room decor. Vinyl flooring has been known for its resilience. The flooring cuts down on the level of noises in the room and also gives a lot of comfort underfoot. Their resilience, compared to other floors such as terrazzo or wood, gives the vinyl floors an edge and makes it the most preferred choice for the customers. Other than being resilient, the vinyl floors are actually very durable. Even when subjected under a lot of heavy foot traffic and loads, the floor still maintains its beauty. It is resistant to moisture and stains, which give it an upper hand when it comes to handling of spills on the floors (, 1). Thus, it gives the owner of the apartment a polished and outstanding look over a long period of time. When it comes to health issues the vinyl floor offer a great deal on this. The floors are designed to basically be slip resistance. Vinyl floors are enhanced with the slip-retardant surfaces to make them less slippery and avoid accidents (Kapsin, 1). The floor is also very easy to clean without causing the spread of germs, such as mold, all over the apartment. Vacuum cleaners clean the vinyl floors very easily. Vinyl floors are very economical. They are easy to install and maintain as they do not require frequent upgrading. Most of the other flooring options such as wood always
Monday, September 23, 2019
Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example The arguments in favor and against capital punishment is growing day by day. Even some of the most civilized countries like America has no problems in executing hardcore criminals. However, majority of the religions argue against capital punishment. Religions are of the view that it is ethically or morally wrong to take the life of a person. According to religious point of view, all the living things and nonliving things are the creations of the God and only the God has the authority to take back the lives he created in this world. On the other hand, many atheists and sociologists are of the view that capital punishment is necessary to save the life of innocent people from the threat of antisocial elements. In their opinion, if the execution of one person may save many lives, then it should be implemented without any worry or concern. I have conducted two interviews; one with a Christian priest who argues against capital punishment and another with a sociologist who argue in favor of capital punishment in order to get more insights about this controversial topic. This paper analyses arguments in favor and against capital punishment based on those interviews and ethical theories with respect to this topic. Arguments against capital punishment based on the interview with a priest In response to my questions about the morality of capital punishment, the priest has told me that human do not have the authority to take a life which he is unable to create. In his opinion, the secrets behind life before birth and life after death are still unknown to the people even after huge advancements in science and technology. Human abilities have limitations in understanding the mission of God. According to the priest each person is sent to this world with a mission by the God and doing something against the mission of the God is unethical. In reply to the Priest’s arguments, I asked him; â€Å"Is it ethical to allow the criminals to take the life of others freely?. He r eplied that punishment is necessary for avoiding criminal activities however, the essence of punishment should be correction rather than vengeance. â€Å"Capital punishment never allows a criminal to change his behavior as in the case of other forms of punishments†(10 Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment, 2010). He told me that life term is more acceptable than capital punishment since it prevent us from committing the same mistake as committed by the criminal. The priest strengthened his argument with the help of some of the existing laws in America. He has pointed out that â€Å"American criminal justice system believes that â€Å"partisan advocacy of both sides on a case will promote the ultimate objective that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go free†(Ferdic et al, 2008, p.37). He has pointed out that the chances of executing an innocent person because of circumstantial evidences or fabricated evidences are more and in such cases, nobody can return the lif e of that person even if he has found to be innocent later. In order to substantiate that argument, he has quoted the facts published by Van den Haag. â€Å"In a recent survey Professors Hugo Adam Bedau and Michael Radelet found that 7000 persons were executed in the United States between 1900 and 1985 and that 35 were innocent of capital crimes†(Van den Haag, 1986). In other words, 35 innocent people lost their lives because of capital punishment. He has pointed that the essence of American criminal
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Personal exercise program Essay Example for Free
Personal exercise program Essay The majority of my results were in the area of good or average, this majority is one of 72%. As a whole I am fairly happy with these results, as there is room for improvement all over. The test, in which I scored poorly in such as the sergeant jump, press-ups and chin-ups, I fully expected. This was due to the reason that knowing with in my self that my body was not up to the standards of other in my group or age. These tests are ones in which I hope to improve in over the next five weeks of my training. As these are key areas to my game which will be mentioned further on in this piece of work. However there are some good points in my results. These are they tests which I scored good and excellent in, such as sit ups and 30meter sprint. These as are some of the results, which I am hopping to maintain through out the 5 weeks and the retest. I have also chosen to ignore three results. Theses are balance, dynamic hand strength left and right. I have chosen to ignore these results, as I do not fell that they can benefit me in any way to my chosen sport. Overall there is a lot of room for improvement Health and skill related components of fitness: Health factors: These health related factors are physiologically based and rely on the performers ability to meet the physical demands of the activity Speed: Speed can be defined as: The ability to put body parts into motion quickly, or the maximum rate that a person can move over a specific distance To test speed we carried out the following test. Place 2 cones 30m apart from each other. At a running start, run as fast as possible between the two cones whilst a person times you. This test is valid as it tests a persons speed over a certain distance. This single periodisation year can be further broken down into further stages or cycles. Macrocycles last from 4 to 6 weeks, mesocycles about 2weeks and microcycles 1 week. Each cycle would be in relation to current levels of skill and fitness and would prepare for a specific competitive peak. This in my case would be the start of a football season. This is known as the competitive period and is during the months of Augusts to May. Now I have just done the pre season training as such which is the preparatory period. I will do a 5-week macrocycle specifically to improve my upper and lower body strength as well as aerobic capacity. There will not be many seasonal factors that will hinder my progress as I am training indoors which there fore manes I can control the temperature and weather. Fitness requirements needed for my specific sport and position: My sport is football, and position is central midfield. In the game of football there are many different requirements that performer needs to do well in the sport. The overall aim of this piece of work is to single out the key requirements which are needed and improve on them to enhance my performance. Below I have outlined the key requirements: Health related: Strength: Strength in both the upper part of the body and lower part of the body is needed for a central midfielder. For instance leg power is needed to allow the performer to pass the pass long distances and to shoot from long range as thats is where the most of there opportunities will come from due to the position they occupy. Upper body strength is needed to keep other players from getting the ball of you and being strong in tackles. Flexibility: This helps a midfielder hugely, as they must be able to turn and move or twist with a degree of easy and simplicity. Aerobic capacity: This may also be known as VO2 max, this plays a vital role. Vo2 max is the ability to take on oxygen during exercise, allowing for the performer to participate in prolonged periods of continuos submaximual activities, which is important to a midfielders game. Body composition: This is important because, as people start to carry more body fat they can become over weigh. This will lead to health problems as the additional weight puts strain on the hearts and cardiovascular system, which can cause cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Being over weight will also hinder your performance as a central midfield player, as you will tire easier and quicker and happier your speed in which u may move around the pitch. Skill related: Speed: The game of football has develops into a much faster game, and it is carrying on in this trend. Speed is important for a central midfielder, as it is important that a player is able to track an opponents run, carry the ball at high speeds up and down the field, and generally to keep up with the pace of the ball. It is important for a performer in this position to compete at a high standard for a period of 90min (or duration of match). Cardio-vascular endurance is also important in the game of football as it is a continuos game. Co-ordination: This is the process involved in the reception of the sensory info, and the response of the organism. It is controlled by the regions of the brain, which deal with a specific function and is carried out by the nervous system. Co-ordination effects the way u performs in many ways as the player must be able to spot many players both opposition and own team-mates. Foot and eye co-ordination is also needed for obvious reasons are football you need to have good foot and eye co-ordination to be a good player. Agility: This is a combination of speed and co-ordination giving you a change of direction and body position at speed. This is vital for a central midfielder as it allows the performer to change direction and body position at speeds at which the game might be moving. This was my third session and overall I can say it well. Again I found moving from exercise machine to another quick, as I am getting use to how to use the machines and the positions at which they are situated in the gym. As you can see from the pervious page I made a lot of changes to this session as I found session 2 not very challenging. However I found this session a lot more effective. After the session had finished I felt that I was really worked to my full potential and really gained something from it. The changes were no major shock to my body though but as mentioned I did feel the effects of the changes. This is one of the main reasons why no changes will be made to my next session, due to the fact that I do not think my current level of fitness is ready in relation to changes from this session, and will not make any changes. I will hopefully feel ready to make changes after my next session (session 4). I did find though that once I had finished my aerobic work out and was ready to move on from this to the weight training I found myself needing to take water on board, as I was thirsty. This was not a planned change from session 2 but from now I feel it necessary to take water on board in-between the to training. Changes for session 4: 1. Intake of water when moving from cross trainer to Gastrocnmius press As mentioned before no changes were made to the sessions as such, because I felt the session worked me to my full potential and my current fitness levels would be ready for any to a change. You may argue that by not changing anything that I will not improve, but taking into account the principle of training progression which should be gradual, and reflect my current fitness levels. And too much progression in a short space of time could cause injury, and as many changes were made to session 3 from session 2, I feel this is the correct decision.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Examining The Importance Of CIO Surveys
Examining The Importance Of CIO Surveys Why do you think a CIO survey is important for the HMIS industry? Surveys of CIOs are important because the results promote an understanding and increased awareness of the HMIS industry. In a study conducted by IBM, CIOs spend about 55 percent of their time steering innovative activities such as implementing new technologies and business initiatives (Levein, 2009). Responsive to the challenges faced in planning, implementation and updated maintenance of systems in the current economic environment, these surveys promote insight to budget cuts, delayed spending, and increased demand for services with reduced resources faced by health organizations. Results of these studies provide a flavor for how CIO and HMIS executives pursue change management solutions that enable them to create lean strategic growth models as they anticipate aspects of future HMIS growth for the upcoming years. Results also indicate what CIOs perceive to be the main obstacles faced as well as areas of opportunity. As the economy transitions from recession to recovery and as healt h organizations revise their strategies from cost-cutting efficiency to value-added productivity, the surveys provide insight for future growth. Survey results help identify industry trends and provide insight from information technology (IT) product and service purchasers. 2. Predict what type of hardware investments would be considered key to HMIS future. Then check out the full survey results, and compare your prediction to the actual results. There are several hardware investments I believe will be considered key to HMIS future. The federal stimulus bill has promised billions of dollars in incentive payments to physicians and medical facilities that buy and use the electronic system so the first hardware investment that comes to my mind is an electronic medical record system. To promote its acceptance and utilization, the computers need to be reasonably powerful to run all the applications necessary to maintain clinical practice efficiency. Storage capacity of a centralized or distributed database is needed to archive large amounts of data. Central servers need to be powerful, and network or Internet connections fast and reliable. Updates to the solution architecture need to occur at the central server location with updates immediately available to all users. Compatibility or interoperability is also a necessity to link with other electronic clinical systems both within and outside the medical facility. Security mechanism s are required to protect client-specific information in an electronic environment. An extensive auditing system is required to monitor activity within the HMIS. I also believe there will be other electronic systems that place emphasis on quality care such as a clinical decision support system which assists clinicians apply new information to patient care and provides suggestions for how to manage a patientà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s condition. The results from this survey are consistent with my belief that an electronic medical record will be considered key to HMIS future. While I incorrectly assumed that a computerized provider order entry (CPOE) system was a standard component of the electronic medical record, the survey indicated that installing this type of system can, and is often considered a separate focus. Upon review of the alignment of organizational and IT strategic plans, I was quite surprised to see that almost half of the IT plans are not considered a component of the organizational plan. From my perspective, one cannot function effectively without the other. 3. Why do you think the results showed investment of EHR to be a top priority for CIOs in the coming year? I believe the reason why the results showed investment of EHR to be a top priority for CIOs in the coming year is because the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) intends to give health care organizations incentives to access federal funds to plan, design, and implement the infrastructure to promote the adoption and use of electronic health record systems and support health information exchange (HIE). This push will promote the implementation of interoperable health information technology over the next several years. In addition to financial incentives, it will also help to improve the overall quality and value of health care in the U.S. This will dramatically improve the continuity of care and informed medical decision-making. Why do you think those who work in a clinic/group practice are less concerned about Backup/Disaster Recovery than are those who work in a hospital/integrated delivery system? Do you think this is prudent? Why or why not? It is likely that those who work in a clinic/group practice may be less concerned about backup/disaster recovery than those who work in a hospital/integrated delivery system for a few reasons. What really drives the details of a recovery plan are the functions the medical practice needs to recover and how soon these functions must be available. Sadly, for some organizations, having a disaster recovery plan for remote and branch offices may not even exist. A clinic/group practice tends to deal with ambulatory out patients and may need minimal patient information along with the name and location of an alternate practice to refer patients. Another clinic/group may refer patients who require specialized care to another practice and continue handling routine appointments at an alternate site. Many medical practices continue to utilize a paper-based appointment scheduling system and/or a paper-based billing system. It is not uncommon for each personà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s medic al records to be scattered among all the medical facilities where care has been given. In comparison, hospital/integrated delivery systems may have a higher acuity of patients which places the institution at greater risk. Lives depend on the information in these records and losing access to them, even temporarily increases the potential for many patient safety issues that could be encountered. Many hospitals are already using electronic clinical systems that are critical to providing quality patient care. Many of these electronic systems are interfaced with each other. When considering disaster recovery, it is important to think beyond system failure and recovery; more importantly, the entire hospital needs to be considered. New advances in technology that exist in these types of practices generate more electronic data than in the past. Access to secure and reliable patient information is managed by IT personnel who are on staff to prevent most technical problems and support user needs. Hospitals and other health care facilities accredited by the Joint Commission are r equired to comply with published guidelines by having a business continuity/disaster recovery plan for all information systems (Owens Ahlstrom, 2008) When a disaster strikes, it is my belief that any medical practice must be able to retrieve valuable information through pre-established methods of disaster recovery. Disaster recovery depends on the complexity of the system however, all medical records, paper or electronic, need to be kept protected and secured in any type of disaster. Medical practices must get back up and running as quickly as possible to ensure patient safety and business continuity.
Friday, September 20, 2019
An Analysis Of The Sony Corporation
An Analysis Of The Sony Corporation Current Activities Today, the Sony Corporation is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Toyko, Japan. The company is one of the worlds largest media conglomerates and is one of the leading manufacturers of electronics, video, communication, video games consoles and IT products for the consumer and profession markets. However, Sony is better known for its high quality consumer electronics, which account for 61% of total revenues. In 2008, the company had revenues exceeding  ¥7.730.00 Trillion or $78.88. (Rugman, 2009) Products Modern day Sony is known for its innovative products such as; the Triniton colour television; Bravia High Definition television; Playstation video console; VAIO laptop; Music mobile phones; Walkman and Discman personal stereos. (See Appendix B. For a list of Sonys product) Modern Strategy Culture Industry and Media Synergy Sony is recognised as a total entertainment company. This means it is no longer simply a manufacturer of technological hardware but is an integral part of a culture industry. Sony likes to adopt a media synergy. This term was employed to refer to a strategy, adopted by many hardware and software producing companies of attempting to synchronize and actively forge connections between directly related technologies and areas of entertainment. (du Gay, 1997) Products For its audio-visual products Sonys strategy boils down to producing audio, visual and electronic gadgets and controlling the content that goes through them. For example, Sonys successful Playstation 2 games console allows the company to provide the hardware necessary for the firm to capture the games market. (Rugman, 2009) The strategy reflects Sonys media synergy which came partly from an acknowledgment that Sonys Walkman1 was useless without the cassette that was inserted to it, which was in turn useless without the musical recording artists and the companys Betamax videocassette2 recorder was useless without video-cassettes of films and music. (du Gay, 1997) Moreover, the outright ownership of CBS (music), MGM (movies) and Sony BMG (Music) allows the company access the film and movie industry and music artists. These are forms of entertainment which are viewed and listened to via Sonys products. Market To support the companys commitment to succeeding globally and understanding how business is performed elsewhere, the company seeks to fit into host country communities. Therefore Sony seeks to: Hire locally Strike a balance between the home culture and local culture Participate in the local community. In addition, Sony prefers to list the company on the local stock exchange; appoint well respected local executives to the Board of Directors; and create a local product distribution system. (du Gay, 1997) Internationalisation History Sonys entry into foreign markets appears to have followed the typical internationalization process. (See Figure 1.1) The company initially obtained a license from a US company, Bell Lab, in order to recreate the transistor technology in its radio. These products were produced with success and first introduced to the local Japanese market. The products were then exported to markets of similar consuming habits. Export of these goods occurred via a distributors and then some time later through the companys own subsidiaries. Factories were then established in different markets, where products could be produced closer to the export market and at a cost discount. The final stage of the FDI process occurred when Sony embarked upon opening its own RD and marketing facilities, enabling lasting market presence and understanding of foreign markets. The growth of Sony as a company and its technologies occurred within a process of interaction between the US and Japan. As the company grew, Sony executives gained knowledge from constant visits to the US, acquired the rights to produce transistors from the US and found that North America provided a major market for its audio-visual products. The adoption of the name Sony and the standardization of products such as the Walkman were adopted with the aim of being a global brand (du Gay, 1997) Sony first embarked upon FDI via a wholly owned subsidiary in the US in 1960. However, over the last 60 years it has engaged in Joint Ventures (JVs), Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) and Strategic Alliances. (E.G. Sony-Ericsson, Sony-Microsoft and Sony-Sharpe) Throughout the 1980s two important developments indicate how Sony began actively extending its presence as a global corporation. First, the company aimed to operate in all markets across the world, to reach as many potential consumers as possible. Second, the company aimed to reorganize processes of production in such a way so that they would not be limited to the constraints of the nation state. In such a case, a particular concern was how the effectiveness and international competitiveness of Japanese companies were constrained by the value of the Japanese YEN. This meant that goods produced in Japan were more expensive when exported and in competition with those in other parts of the world. (du Gay, 1997) To pursue these aims, Sony adopted a strategy of globalisation that involved moving their manufacturing and marketing operations to different locations around the world and setting up local operations in different locations around the world. (du Gay, 1997) One of Sonys motives for moving its manufacturing operations was a straight-forward attempt to follow its competitors and reduce labour costs. For example, the first Walkmans were manufactured and assembled in Japan so that the companys management could be close to operations and make any necessary modifications, once up and running and not requiring so many modifications, additional assembly factories were established in Malaysia and Taiwan. (du Gay, 1997) The gradual move came to move operations so that they could respond directly to local conditions. For example, Teletext was developed onsite in the UK and Triniton TV was developed locally in France. (du Gay, 1997) An additional practical consideration was that by establishing and presenting themselves as a local company, Sony could use various national and pan regional rules and regulations to gain the most appropriate and cost effective environment to manufacture and produce its products. The company could exploit cheap labour in Malaysia, take advantage of grants there were available to attract new electronic industries in the UK. (du Gay, 1997) In the 1980s 1990s, Sony began to rapidly expand into Europe. (See Appendix A- history timeline). Sony was vigorous in its international expansion. The company chose to expand into similar markets, such as US and Europe. These markets had large populations, high incomes per capita and a consumer culture. Therefore, the other two TRIAD regions were good markets to promote and sell Sony products. The companys strategy is to be present in its market of distribution and therefore it established a number of factories to develop and distribute its products. The objective is to understand the local market and consumer demands. Sony has a strategy of introducing its products first to its local market (Japan), testing consumer preferences and then introduces these products to its international markets. The adoption of the name Sony (in 1957) was also an attempt to communicate the brand and its products to the market. Sony was able to do this over a significant period of time. Sony learnt significantly from technological, productivity and efficiency improvements this was a stimulant for its international trade and the international product life cycle. (Vernon, 1966) Today, Sony has developed a strategy to not only create technology but to control the content that goes into them. Therefore Sony has embarked upon a number of MAs. First with a 50/50 JV with CBS, which Sony eventually bought outright and also a venture with Columbia Tristar Pictures, MGM, BMI and a number of media companies. Sony has also embarked upon JVs with software companies such as Microsoft. The companys strategy is to be present across all levels of the entertainment industry. CASE STUDIES SONY WALKMAN Walkman is a trademark of Sony Corporation, used originally to market its range of portable audio players. In July, 1979, the original Sony Walkman portable music player the TPS L2 was introduced. Sony promoted the concept of enjoying music, anywhere, anytime using industry advertisements featuring celebrities with the product. The first Walkman was marketed under the Walkman brand in Japan, but in other markets it was originally sold under various names including Soundabout (USA), Stowaway (UK) and Freestyle in Australia. Walkman players become very popular in Japan and foreign tourists visiting Japan who bought them as souvenirs, this prompted Sony to standardise the name to Walkman worldwide (Uggla and Verick, 2008) SONY-ERICSSON Sony Ericcson was established as a 50/50 Joint Venture in 2001 by Sony and Ericsson (a mobile communications infrastructure and systems business based in Sweden) Sony Ericsson functions as a separate entity designing, producing and marketing cellular phones and accessories. It had revenues of 13 billion euros in 2007, from the scale of 100 million units which is a global market share of 9%. (Uggla and Verick, 2008) Sony Ericsson had recognised a segment for dedicated music phones various MP-3 enabled handsets were on the market but there was little differentiation among them. Sony Ericsson decided to investigate and launch a music phone. The company decided to incorporate Walkman into the music phone branding. Sony established that Walkman branding encouraged around 67% of people to buy the phone by adding credibility to the music player. (Uggla and Verick, 2008) Internationalisation Theories The following trade theories are applicable to Sonys process when entering new markets: Dunnings Eclectic Paradigm of Internationalisation Sony was able to successfully expand abroad due to its firm specific and intellectual competitive advantages. Furthermore, the company had successfully established itself in its home market and generating sufficient expertise to export its high-tech consumer electronics abroad. FSA Sony possesses FSAs through the development of intellectual capital. In addition, the Sony brand names (e.g. Walkman, Playstation, Triniton, Bravia) carry significant worldwide consumer value Due to superior FSAs over both domestic and international rivals Sony was able to engage in FDI. Amongst other things Sonys first FSA was it transistor technology. Through this, Sony was able to differentiate itself from its rivals. It was able to provide high tech, desirable products. Sonys FSA also came from its personnel. The companys co-owners (a Physicist and an Engineer), managers and other employees were of high quality, possessed a high degree of technical know-how and desire to improve the companys industry position. Internalisation Sony possesses know-how and competitive advantage through the development of its products first at home and then applying this knowledge to foreign markets such as the USA and the Europe. As previously mentioned Sony was able to acquire foreign technology. The technology licence provided access to the transistor and allowed Sony to gain foreign technological know-how. According to Dunnings Eclectic paradigm Sonys strategy allowed the firm to acquire an intangible asset (transistor technology) apply this technology to its products, and then create a firm specific advantage. The intangible asset provided Sony with an exclusive piece of know-how that was specific to the firm. CSA Sony embarked upon FDI through the sale of its products not only in its home market but also in the US, Europe and eventually the rest of the world. For example, once the transistor had been applied to its radio, Sony sold this item in markets with similar tastes and income per capita. For example, after introducing the TR-55 radio to Japan in 1955, Sony then exported and sold its radios in the US and next Europe in 1957. This could not have occurred without the existence of consumer demand. Sony also took advantage of favourable industry subsidies and national legislation, which encouraged the presence of high tech industries for example, the opening of Bridgend Factory in Wales. According to the eclectic paradigm, all three of the conditions necessary for FDI were present when Sony started its internationalisation process. Sony sought to increase its internalisation advantages and reduce transaction costs, through the purchase and development of new technology and reduce transaction costs through the establishment of its own subsidiary and factory. Sonys actions increased its firm-specific advantages, through know-how and innovation. The company internalised and possessed an advantage over its rivals by retaining the technological know-how, rather than licence it to its competitors. Sony reduced the risk and threats from competitors by retaining its knowledge. Distribution Sonys Initial decision to export its products via a distributor illustrates that company saw value in having a presence within the US market, but the company lacked significant knowledge of the market to justify distributing the products itself. Moreover, it was profitable to export products to the US as there was an abundance of wealth, the US consumer culture, and retail distribution networks. However, trade barriers, import taxes and unfavourable distribution contracts eventually led Sony to establish a subsidiary within the US market. Overseas Production Malaysia Furthermore, Sony eventually located part of its production process to Malaysia. This occurred once the company was satisfied with its local and international products. This also occurred in order to offset the rising costs in the home market, Japan. Sony was able to engage in FDI to Malaysia as the company had generating sufficient amounts of FSAs and ISAs. Uppsala Internationalisation Process Model Part of Sonys business strategy is known as localisation, which is the commitment to gaining market knowledge, cultural understanding and business expertise. Sony has initially licensed its transistor know-how from the US, it was decided that the company should also introduce its products to this market. The Uppsala model can therefore be applied to Sonys internationalisation process. When Sony first entered the US and Europe markets, the company knew little about local consumer demand. The attractions were solely the educated populations, high incomes per capita, government trade measures and distribution networks. In addition, Sony believed that consumers in these markets were similar to those in Japan. When Sony Executive visited the US and Europe, they collected data collection and studied local consumer demand, at this point it was decided to export products to these locations. Sony then committed itself to further to the US and then Europe, through the establishment of its foreign subsidiaries, Sony America and Sony Corporation S.A. in 1960. The establishment of these subsidiaries resulted in further FDI, through distribution systems, marketing campaigns and listing on the local Stock Exchange. Sony was able to overcome some of its foreign company disadvantage as its held a constant presence within the local markets. The company committed itself to understanding how consumers behave and their reactions to new products. Sony was eventually able to engage in FDI as it gained significant knowhow, from exporting, distributing and establishing its own subsidiary, reducing transaction costs. Sony also used its current operating model and consumer tastes to establish itself in markets which it believed to be similar its own. For example, when Sony introduced its VAIO laptop to the US, the price and high technical specifications unlike Japan, were not popular with US consumers. Sony eventually modified its laptops to US consumer tastes. This led to a reduction in price and operating features which US consumers preferred. Joint Ventures (JVs) and Partnerships Sonys JVs, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions can be understood through the application of the Uppsala business model The JV with Ericsson allows the company to gain a first mover advantage from standard setting in the mobile telecommunication industry. Also, the JV allows instant access to the European consumer markets. The company seeks to gain an understanding of these distinct markets but does not have the time and know how. The JV establishes instant knowledge, with reduced acquisition times, creating instant presence and expertise within these markets. Hymerian Theory Monopolistic Advantage Theory Sonys issuance of ADRs in the early 1960s can be understood through the Hymers theory of Monopolistic Advantage, Market Power approach and Product and Factor market imperfections. Sony was able to exploit market imperfections as it could overcome threats from local firms due its ownership advantages (superior technological know-how, economies of scale at home) and other internalised advantages (managerial experience, product developments, existing supply chains, cost advantages). This allowed Sony to obtain favourable political ties, market connections and social positioning; despite the fact Sony was a foreign firm. It was therefore advantageous for local Americans to take an equity position within such a rapidly emerging company. Moreover, Sony was operating in an oligopolistic market, according to Hymers theory of Monopolistic Advantage; FDI takes place in such markets or industries rather than markets or industries operating under near perfect competition. Markets imperfections, allowed Sony to obtain global competitive advantage. Companys which offer investors consistently high rates of return, due to good products and consumer confidence is attractive to investors. Further investment into Sony, allows it to maintain its position of technological superiority. In addition, Sonys technological expertise meant that its products were attractive not only in Japan but throughout the rest of the world. But, Sony initially lacked knowledge in marketing and distribution and so initially used a distributor partner to export its products. This eventually changed when Sony acquired its own distribution system. For example, when Sony first introduced the Walkman in 1979, it did so in its home market first and followed this by introducing it under different brand names, Soundabout (USA); Stowaway (UK); and Freestyle in Australia (Uggla and Verick, 200) The company eventually standardised the Walkman name in the early 1980s. The adoption of the name was to communicate the brand and its products to the market. Sony was able to do this over time and learnt from technology and efficiency improvement which its applied it each of its markets. Product and Factor Market Imperfections Sony embarked upon FDI as it understood it was able to overcome threats from local firms. Sonys strategy is to understand its consumers locally. The company therefore engages in RD and production in most of its subsidiary locations or within close proximity. This is so that it understands consumer tastes and local demand. This strategy can be explained using Caves, Product and factor imperfection. Sony is a market leader and so has superior technological experience and finance to establish local RD and production facilities to understand and satisfy consumer sensibilities. This provided an advantage as the company could combine its know-how, to create products that rival indigenous firms. Internalisation Theory This applies to Sony as the company chose to enter the US under its own brand name as opposed to developing the technology and then selling it on to another company. It retained the knowledge, applied it to its new markets and gained an understanding of consumers in these locations. The company also established subsidiaries as opposed to export via distributors. Market Power Approach This theory applies to Sony through the number of mergers and acquisition the company has engaged in over the last 30 years. Sony has embarked upon a number of mergers and acquisitions throughout its history. The companys strategy is to own not only the content of its technology but also the means by which this technology is used. This has encouraged Sony to acquire music, film, and gaming companies, in order to better understand its consumers but also dictate the market. For example, the company has increased its power by being dominant within consumer electronics both nationally and internationally. In 2001, the 50 /50 Joint venture with Ericsson (a mobile communicate infrastructure and systems business based in Sweden) created a separate entity whereby Sony designs, produces and markets cellular phones and accessories. In 2007, the company had revenues of à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬13 billion, from the sale of 100 million units which is a global market share of 9%. (Uggla and Verick, 2007) The partnership between these two firms establishes the argument that international production is conducted between industrialized countries and their companies. Moreover, this partnership was established so that both companies could gain a competitive advantage over domestic and international rivals. The ability of both companies to exploit the know-how of the partner and move into new industries can be understood through the market power approach. Sony is now active in the global mobile telecommunications industry. This has allowed it to internalise its know how further, and provided instant market presence within a new industry and new international markets. Word Count 3,419 Figure 1.1 Internationalisation Process Figure 1.1 Entry into foreign markets: the internationalisation process (Source: Rugman, 2009) SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Sony is a large corporation, it is able to concentrate and dedicate manpower to product quality, RD, marketing, distribution, etc. The company has very few time and financial constraints. Brand names and company know how Internal management Key products e.g., Sony Playstation Sony designs, manufactures and sells its own products. Sonys return on investment has been low because of the large amount of capital dedicated to its factories. Sonys Return on Equity is typically around 5%, this could be higher. Large workforce OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Focus on BRIC and emerging economies Continue seeking diverse JVs with industry leading companies e.g., Sony Ericsson Continue to develop and improve key consumer electronics, TV, computers, MP3 and wireless technology New growth areas Mobile phone internet technology Outsourced manufacturing to increase Return on Equity Large Organisation Must remain streamline Economic slowdown Interest rate differentials Flat sales, falling profit margins Late comer to key electronic sectors, such as flat-screen TVs and digital videodisc recorders. Appendices Appendix A. Timeline In 1952 Totsuko (Sony) launched a successful tape-recorder business In 1955 Totsuko adopted the name Sony, it was believed that the name had not only universal appeal but also easy to pronounce. The company also launched its first Transistor Radio the TR-55 in this same year. In 1955, Sony enters into an agreement with Delmonico International to distribute it products within the US. In December, 1958 Sony launched its pocket sized radio the TR-63 to the US market. In January 1958, Sony is listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In 1959, Sony decides to distribute its own products. (To protect its brand name) The group established Sony America and Sony Overseas S.A. established near Zurich, Switzerland, in 1960. The group launched the worlds first direct-view portable TV, the TV8-301. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1961, the group was the first Japanese company to offer shares in the US, in the form of American Depository Receipts (ADRs) on the OTC market of the New York Stock Exchange. In the following year, the group launched the worlds smallest and lightest transistor TV, TV5-303. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1968, Sony (UK) Ltd. was established in the UK (later recognised as Sony UK Ltd., in 1993). The CBS/ SONY Records Inc. a 50 50 JV with CBS Inc of the US was also established this year. In 1970, Sonys shares were listed on the New York Stock Exchange. In 1971, Sony launched 3/4 -inch u-matic colour video cassette recorder. (Datamonitor, 2008) A factory was established in San Diego, California, in 1972, followed by a factory in Bridgend, Wales in 1974, which served both the UK and Europe. The Betamax VCR, the SL-6300, the worlds first home -use video system was introduced in 1975. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1979, Sony Prudential Life insurance Co. Ltd, the 50-50 joint venture with Prudential Insurance Co. Of America, was established. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1979, Sony launched the Walkman, the 3.5 inch micro floppy disk drive in 1981; the worlds first CD player in 1982; the first consumer camcorder in 1983; 8mm video in 1988 and the first digital VTR in 1985. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1988, the group bought CBS Record to form Sony Music Entertainment, and in 1989, the company purchased Columbia pictures, forming Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc., in 1991. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 1990, Sony acquires 12 business including CBS records INC and Columbia Tristar Pictures. In 1993, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc, was established, during the same time Sony launched the VAIO a home-se PC series. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 2001, the group established Sony Bank in Japan and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 2001, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications established In 2002, Sony absorbs Aiwa (a form Japanese audio visual manufacturer) via merger In 2003, Sony launched the worlds first next generation high capacity optical Blu-ray Disc recorder BDZ-S77. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 2004, Sony established a music distribution company, Sony BMG Music Entertainment. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 2005, Sony completed the acquisition of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), one of the worlds largest privately held, independent motion picture, television and home video companies. (Datamonitor, 2008) In 2009, the Sony decided to form a joint venture (JV) with Sharp Corporation. The JV which will be established in March 2010, will engage in the manufacturing and sales of liquid crystal panel and liquid crystal module. (Datamonitor, 2008) Appendix B. Sonys Main Brands Name Type of product Bravia Visual Cybershot Phone Discman Audio Playstation (23) Games Console Trinton Visual Walkman Audio Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Appendix C. Sonys Main Competitors Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Appendix D. Sonys Business Activities Sony operates through five segments; 1.Electronic, 2.Games, 3.Finance, 4.Pictures and 5. Others Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation Appendix E. Sony Products Source: Datamonitor Sony Corporation
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Intriguing Use of Plot in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay
Intriguing Use of Plot in William Faulkner's A Rose for Emily The plotline of standard narratives would most aptly be diagramed as a triangle, with the rising action on one side, the falling action on the other side, and the climax marking the angle at the apex. The diagram of the plotline of William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily," however, would look like a simple line with a positive slope. The story's chronology is abandoned in favor of a simpler and more effective geometry. Faulkner discards the method of unfolding events in the order of their occurrence. Instead, he raises tension in the reader and creates a climate of curiosity through revealing events in ascending order of intrigue. The beginning of Faulkner's story is the end for Miss Emily. Faulkner presents images of the townspeople dutifully attending the funeral of this fallen fixture. As soon as the reader becomes acclimated to this setting, however, Faulkner subtly takes the reader back in time: "Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Satoris, the mayor, [. . .] remitted her taxes" (Faulkner 75). Faulkner inserts exposition into the middle of what was a section of falling action. Rather than returning the reader to the scene of Miss Emily's funeral, Faulkner trudges forward from 1894, bringing the reader up to date on the issue of Miss Emily's taxes. While explaining the exemption from taxes in Jefferson that Miss Emily enjoyed, Faulkner craftily incorporates the fact that Miss Emily "ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier" (76). Miss Emily is now dead, having refused to pay her taxes and having retired from her china-painting t... ...horrifying truth of Miss Emily's murder of Homer Barron for the final section of the story, and introducing Emily's necrophilia in the story's closing sentence, speaks volumes about Faulkner's abilities in his craft. He has successfully arranged the events of a disturbed woman's life to present them in order of interest and excitement rather than in traditional chronological order. This use of plot enables Faulkner to write a great ghost story, because a ghost story needs to end on this kind of high note. Faulkner creates a plot line that resembles the upper line of a crescendo, a graph of emotional tension that starts at the lowest of points and travels steadily upward to the highest of human horrors. Works Cited Faulkner, William. "A Rose for Emily." The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Comp. Michael Meyer. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2002. 75-81.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Divine Secrets Of The Ya Ya Sisterhood Essay examples -- essays re
Rebecca Wells paints a picture of the various roles that women often must encounter in their lives: mother, daughter, friend. As said by Charlotte Observer "She [Wells] speaks eloquently to what it means to be a mother, a daughter, a wife-and somehow, at last, a person." Wells uses a captivating style to create a simple plot, memorable symbolism and a reoccurring theme of friendship. The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood teaches about the importance of giving and receiving love and finding joy in everyday life. The simplistic plot of the novel and the overall theme of love allows the author to span the lives of the main characters. The reader sees the span of the life of two of the main characters, Sidda and her mother Vivi, as they struggle to love each other based on their own childhood experiences. The reader also sees our two main characters in parallel encountering love and affairs of the heart; yet the most powerful love throughout the book is the love of four friends who stick together through the good and the bad. Vivi loves the Ya-Ya’s; as adolescents they are looking for love and someone to look up to. Vivi didn’t know how to love Sidda because Vivi’s mother didn’t know how to love her; therefore, Sidda doesn’t know how to love Connor because she has never experienced love and is now afraid to be in love. The simplicity of the novel is that everyone is always looking to be loved. The simplicity is that in real life people are always searching to be loved, or finding love. Near the beginning of the novel when the ya-ya’s are in their adolescence as young girls, going through the normal obstacles of childhood- fighting with their parents, getting into mischief, smoking and breaking curfew- they realize that by sticking together they can get through anything. They formalize this bond with a ceremony early on, "I am a member of the royal and true tribe of the Ya-Ya’s†¦I do solemnly swear to be loyal sister Ya-Ya’s, and to love and look out for them, and never forsake them through thick and thin, until I take my last human breath" (Wells 71). Wells shows the reader that the inability to show love can be passed down through generations: Sidda expresses to Connor why she is afraid to marry him, "She [Vivi] didn’t know how to love me, so I don’t know how to love you" (Wells 284). Sidda is saying that her mother couldn’t ... ...and that it really was their friendship that guided them through their whole life. And that together they really were all one. "I see lightness and ease. I see suffering somewhere in my mother’s [Vivi] eyes, but also I feel the camaraderie, laughter, friendship" (Wells 313). The Ya-Ya’s are very much at ease giving love to each other. That is what helped them to sustain their friendship for so long and helped them throughout their lives to love each other. Through the lives of five extraordinary women: Sidda, Vivi, Caro, Necie and Teensy, Wells uses a captivating style to create a simple plot. Memorable symbolism and the reoccurring themes of friendship and love in the novel The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Wells shows the reader that love and friendship, even in the smallest form, can sustain through tragedy and triumph-the bonds of the Ya-Ya’s. Works Cited Primary Source: Wells, Rebecca. The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. New York New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1996. Secondary Source: Wells, Rebecca. The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. New York New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1996.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Child Poverty Essay
Child poverty is one of the major problems today. Poverty can affect anyone but children are most affected. Poverty in children has become big social problem. Poverty is not having enough for needs. Not having enough can bring many concerns. Poverty is long lasting effect and can leave permanent mark on Childs behavior. Poverty can impact children’s performance in school and poverty can bring many health issues. Many children are born in poor family where their family members lack at providing enough for their children. Many children in poor family suffer from hunger and not having enough nutrition. As mansion in Gregory’s essay â€Å"shame†Richard was not able to focus in school because he was suffering from hunger, and teacher thought he was not smart and they never bother to find out, but the truth was he was just hungry because he was poor and wasent able to provide enough food. Poverty can also cause huge impact on Childs performance. While parents are busy trying to make living they cannot provide enough motivational help to their children while some children have to go to work instead of study because lack of money in family. In the essay â€Å"shame†Gregory describes how Richard had to work hard and polish shoes to make little amount of money. Early labor and not having enough help in their academic progress impact on children’s growth and development of child. Withought proper education child lacks at proper understanding of our society. Poverty also brings many health concerns in children. Because of parents cannot provide enough material. Many children born in poor family are often exposed to miner diseases that may prove fatal. In some poor family where parents always drinking problem, children always learn from their parents and adopt their aggressive behavior, drinking problem or drug abuse. These can also lead in fatal health issue in children. Parents always seem to forget â€Å"what we do. They do. †In the essay â€Å"shame†Gregory talks about how Richard did not learn about hate and shame until he went to school. Poverty is one of the most evil situations we have in our society. And it can transform our children’s entire personality and affect our neighborhood and future. we have to work together to ensure bright and healthy future.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Implications for current and prospective teachers Essay
For educators of the present generation, it is very important to understand how this particular procedure of teaching should affect the process by which they are implying the lessons of grammar and writing within their students. There are at least seven ways of implying the lessons on the students with regards grammar and writing as per suggested in the study performed by the group of Sugrue: 1. Engage students in writing, writing, and more writing. -This involves assisting the students through continuous practice of writing, editing and revising their own written works. Through their own observation upon their own works, they are able to see the mistakes that they usually make and thus are able to make amends with regards the said mistakes in writing through the implications of the lessons that they learn from grammar curriculums. Immerse students in good literature, including literature that is particularly interesting or challenging syntactically. -Reading practices also help in this primary learning procedure. Of course, through the written works of others, there are those grammatical styles that could be carefully learned by writing beginners. Through the examples of other’s writings; they could be able to identify the correct and effective ways of writing their own ideas. 3. Teach relevant aspects of grammar within the context of students’ writing. -the educator’s ability to help the students identify the clarity of the importance of creatively putting their ideas into writing shall also make the students aware of their effective practices in writing. Introduce only a minimum of terminology. Much of this terminology can be learned sufficiently through incidental exposure as you discuss selected words and structures in the context of literature and writing. -Teaching the grammar basics gradually to the learners indeed helps in inculcating the lessons within the minds of the students in a primarily gradual procedure that would most likely help them carefully store the lessons within their minds more effectively. Emphasize those aspects of grammar (as appropriate to writers’ needs) that are particularly useful in helping students revise sentences to make them more effective (this may include how to reorder and otherwise manipulate sentence elements and how to expand and combine sentences. ) -expansion of sentences through the procedures of writing and applying grammar lessons within the practice shall help in producing a much more sensible written output. 6. Also emphasize (as appropriate to writers’ needs) those aspects of grammar that are particularly useful in helping students edit sentences for conventional mechanics and appropriateness. (This may include concepts like subject, verb, and predicate; clause and phrase; grammatical sentences versus run-ons and fragments; and usage. ) -The mechanical approach in writing could be strongly enhanced by the ability of the students in identifying the basic grammatical errors within the context of their own written works. Teach needed terms, structures, and skills when writers need them, ideally when they are ready to revise at the sentence level or to edit. -It is necessary for the educators to instill within the learners the importance of carefully assessing the terms that they use in their works to convey the message that they intend to share to their readers. Strongly, this means that through writing and learning grammatical basics, sending messages to readers effectively could be applied by the students in a systematic procedure.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Marketing Manager of Oreos Essay
In this written assignment, I will be accepting the role of a marketing manager that will select a product (good or service) that’s sold in the United States and has sales opportunities in a foreign market. The product I have chosen is Oreo’s, are the world’s favorite cookie. Throughout this assignment, I will apply my critical thinking skills and the knowledge I have attained throughout this course to the product that I have chosen. The first steps in marketing are putting the right product out at the right price and the right time. All of us have grown up with Oreo cookies, we all have our disputes as to the way to eat them dunking them in milk or twisting off one side then eating the middle first. Since the introduction in 1912, the Oreo cookies has become the bestselling cookie in the U.S. (Rosenbery). Since the Oreo has been around there has been 362 billion cookies sold which then makes it the â€Å"best-selling†cookie. The first Oreo to be sold was in Hoboken, NJ. At this time the packaging of the cookie was a â€Å"bulk tin and was sold by the weight†(Oreo). The Oreos time and place utility can be found in more than 100 countries and in all super markets. The Ease of Possession utility adds value by reducing reasons not to buy or adding incentives to purchase (White). Oreos can be found in every store that sells food or any country so when you are feeling like an Oreo all you have to do is find a super market. Oreo’s target market is anyone over the age of 12, Kraft promised to stop advertising its most high in calories products to kids under the age of 12, this is first major food company to do so (Callahan). The 100-year-old sandwich cookie, a $2 billion brand, is going global in a big way. Emerging markets will account for about half of Oreo sales this year, and over the past five years emerging markets including Asia and Latin America have been the major drivers of the brand’s growth. Thanks to the overseas push, overall Oreo sales grew nearly 25 percent in 2011(Einhorn). The number one foreign market for Oreo’s China is now the world’s largest Oreo market outside the United States, with 41.9% growth in measured consumption over the last year, according to ACNielsen (Wai-yin Kwok). In order for me to apply the STP approach in the American and foreign market is first I will have to determine which types of customers exist, select which ones we would be able to serve best, and then implement our segmentation by improving our cookies for that segment and show that we made the choice to stand out and remain rare. The primary segment is one for who the product is designed for, maximum revenue will come from the primary target market. These customers that share common characteristics and behaviors account for the highest capacity of sales and are most likely to buy now. The positioning of Oreo cookie is tempting to kids and teenagers they are the highest consumers of cookies. The secondary market is future primary buyers, persons buying at a high rate in a small segment and people who influence primary buyers. However their characteristics and buying behaviors usually are different from those of the primary market. For example this would be the persons that live a fast passed life style like adults, and working parents, and grandparents. In order s to implement our target, we must begin positioning by choosing what image the company would like to portray to our consumers. One way is for the company to maintain a strong competitive advantage. Consumers are more willing to pay premiums for products that are not harmful to the environment. I would develop, execute, and measure a campaign for this product considering the four p’s (product, price, promotion, and place) by choosing what Oreo is known for. The product should also be of high quality, since consumers will not pay a premium price for none premium product. With pricing I would have a reasonable price for the quality of product but also would guarantee freshness. Major trend in the foreign markets that will hurt business sales is some couture’s don’t like high in fat foods. In order to get into a foreign market and stay we will have to research and find out what they are looking for in a cookie. According to Global Journal of Finance and Management the reach they found was that the Chinese lacked the emotional attachment with the cookie pertaining to a strange shape, high value and even a taste that wasn’t the best of what they liked. Kraft’s Chinese division used this information to formulate a modified the recipe, making a cookie prototype of a formula that tasted right (republication). Research will have to be done when going in any foreign markets when it comes to marketing in a new area you want to have success the first time rather than later having to figure out what went wrong. Global business ethics has a number of open difficulties, Always keep in mind every culture and nation has its own values and traditions. Since there is no international code of conduct it is important for all companies to develop their own ethical values. I will have to develop standards that the Oreo company will at hear to at all times. As the marketing manager, I have studied the sales opportunities Oreos has in a foreign market. I applied my critical thinking skills and the knowledge I have learned throughout this course to the product that I have chosen. When companies are going into a foreign market it is imperative to really understand the markets before you lunch your products, also you need to connect with every market in order for your business to be successful. References Rosenbery, Jen (2010) White, S. (2012). Principles of Marketing (1st Ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Einhorn, Bruce(2012) Wai-yin Kwok, Vivian(2008) Amit Verma ISSN 0975-6477 Volume 6, Number 7 (2014), pp. 615-618
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Research Aims and Objectives
The following research for consumer preference regarding the choice for a particular Bank in the United Kingdom is done with the aim to analyze the consumer mindset and preference when they make a choice for something so essential like a Bank to whom they handover their hard earned money to. The aim of the research is to determine what consumers want and what the usually preferable features in the Bank are. In order to do so, a sample of the population would be analyzed who would be representing the entire population.The objective of this particular research to identify the consumer demands and their preferable features would be the understanding of consumer psyche in order to be in a better position to be able to provide them with what they require. However, this would be the prime objective but the secondary objectives would be to discover the hidden factors that mostly people tend to forget while devising a Bank or its strategies. This research would also enable the person formula ting the strategy to have an insight to what consumer wants and requires of their efforts and endeavors.Apart from that, it is essential to conduct a research for what consumer wants rather than assuming their requirements and demands. This research would enable to actually find out that which strategies are to be continued by the Bank in the future while which strategies are meant for amendments or complete eradication. Not only banks, but any products or services that are highly dependent on consumer demand and preferences need to analyze their demands and choices before entering in the area to serve them.Hence, the primary Aim of the research is to determine the expectations and requirements of a customer from the place it entrusts its finances into. The objective is to make use of the research and make the result of the research the motive of existence. Rationale of the Research The rationale or the purpose of the research is to make sure that the consumers are receiving what th ey expect and require of the Banking services. It is to ensure that the current strategies adopted by the Banks in United Kingdom are appropriate or not. There are many sectors in which the Banking Industry of the United Kingdom is divided.The purpose of the research is to analyze the different customer present in each sector and the reason of their preference for a particular sector. The sectors for Banking Industry are Independent British Banks, British Banking Brands owned by British Companies, British Banking Brands owned by Foreign Companies, Foreign Banks in the United Kingdom and External Links. The Independent Banks in United Kingdom include HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays Bank, HBOS, Lloyds TSB, Standard Chartered, Alliance and Leicester, Northern Rock, Cooperative Bank and Bradford and Bingley.The amount of independent Banks is few in the United Kingdom as compared to other countries. The research would also enable us to understand as to whether consumers want more independent banks or not. Quite a lot of foreign banks are present in the United Kingdom as well which are ING Direct, Citibank and Bank of Cyprus. This research would also enable in understanding the reason of the presence of such humungous amount of foreign banks in the country.In London, there is an investment and commercial branch of almost every big Bank in the world. Hence, the purpose along with determining the consumer preference and demand is to determine the purpose of the existence of different sectors and the consumer’s take on these different sectors. The research conducted would help in dividing the preference according to the sector under review which would make it easier for the Banks in different sectors to extract knowledge of their requirement. Theoretical UnderpinningSeveral theories were evaluated to determine which would be best to analyze consumer behavior and their reason to choose a particular Bank for their transactions and activities. The major cate gory which it was divided into was ‘Qualitative research’ as it had to do with consumer preferences and hence could not be quantified into any numbers. It would deal with qualitative data like questionnaires, Focus Group and In-depth Interviews. However under Qualitative research is further divided into three more types which include Positivists, Interpretive and Critical.The positivists takes the society at its face value and assumes that everything portrayed is for real and true, the interpretive assumes that the situation changes and so does human behavior as per the situation while on the contrary the critical approach takes a critical perspective on the society and everything present in the social reality is historically present and created by human minds so nothing is for real but a creation of people’s mind. The method that would be taken use of in this research would be the ‘Interpretive Research’ because it takes the most reasonable and rati onal approach to the data available in the social reality.As the primary data collected in a qualitative research is highly subject to personal views, therefore it is very important to take a rational approach on the analysis of data and its interpretation. For this kind of research theory, the most important aspect is the interpretation of the collected data as it is difficult to analyze the in-depth interviews and focus groups because of the presence of no right and wrong in the approach as it is highly dependent on human views and method of interpretation. Hence, the theoretical approach used is ‘Interpretive Qualitative Research Methodology’.Methodology Research Approach The research would be highly dependent on the data collected via primary as well as secondary sources. Since, the entire research is to determine human psyche and preferences therefore nothing can be assumed and neither is anything pre-determined. The data however would be achieved through primary s ources via Focus Groups, In-depth Interviews, Questionnaire and Surveys as well secondary sources such as Internet sources, Journals, Articles, Past Researches, Magazines, and Books etc.The theory that is used as a methodology is as defined the Qualitative Interpretive method as the data received would be either the feedback from the customers or the secondary published resources. The data interpretation is where the methodology or the theory of the research would be utilized. The focus groups would be analyzed based on people’s verbal reactions as well as their attitude and gestures and so will be the In-depth interview which would be a one-to-one interaction with the consumer. However, the answers of the questionnaire would have to be quantified and displayed via graph to display the inclination of the answers.The research methodology used would be ‘Relational’, this is because one factor of the research would be analyzed as to whether it depends on the other o r not. For example, if consumers prefer on-the-go Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Service then is it because of the low savings and high expenditures of the people in the United Kingdom. The relational approach would also help in analyzing and explaining the reason of several factors and demands by the target consumers of the Banks in the United Kingdom.It would be helpful in explaining a lot of consumer preferences and would be better in understanding the logic behind the Human Psyche. Research Strategy The research strategy has several steps which are being followed in the conducted research. It started of with defining a title for the research which was finalized to be stated as ‘How the people choose in U. K which bank to patronize? ’ After that came the step to analyze the background data which would be partially collected via primary sources as well as secondary published sources.The primary sources as mentioned would be the Qualitative Research tools such as the F ocus Groups, Surveys and Interviews while the secondary sources would be the publishes material in the form of either past Researches in the relevant field, articles, journals or magazines. In order to get hold of the relevant sources several catalogs have been searches and the internet has been browsed in order to come up with as authentic and relevant material as possible. Even the internet sources that are being analyzed are the published authentic ones and not just the random material present.After the collection of data, it was critically analyzed to remove all loop holes from the procedures and find reliable material from which the research can take constructive help from in order to make it as productive as possible. The next step of defining the citation style has been done with utmost care keeping the professionalism and the research relevance in mind. Therefore, the citation style used in this research is Harvard style of referencing. The material used in the literature re view and the entire research would be cited in the Harvard style of citation and so would be the in-text citation.The Harvard style has a professional work procedure and cites the work in an appropriate manner for the reader to understand where the work is taken from and along with that helps in giving the original idea provider the due importance by mentioning and recognizing their efforts. The strategy adopted in the process of the research has to be clear and defined in order to follow a research process that has a vivid objective and is able to reach its motives effectively and efficiently. Primary Data and Secondary Data CollectionThe primary data will be collected with the qualitative tools such as the †¢ In-Depth Interview: The one-to-one interviews with the few selected customers who would be questioned in detail and would have the option of answering open ended in order to gather the most data possible and then extract the one relevant. Along with the information the i nterviewee would also be analyzed of his/her gestures and body language. Hence, this would help in providing a deep insight in the consumers mind and preferences.†¢ Focus Group: This would be a method for a group of customers to express their opinion on a platform provided. Several minds when act together would give a clear view of what majority of the customers think. However, there are certain pitfalls to this procedure as well which would be tried and avoided as much as possible. †¢ Questionnaires: These are the only tools in the qualitative method that can be quantified and does not entirely depend on interpretation.The questionnaires would mostly contain close ended questions as the open ended ones would be there in the focus groups as well as the in-depth interviews of the customers. †¢ Surveys: As per this method, the customers in each sector would be randomly surveyed for their opinions and suggestion to improve the Banking service in the country. Hence, all t he above mentioned primary data collected would not only help in devising as to what customers prefer but also would provide with a solution and recommend possible outcomes.The secondary sources would be from published sources. In order to analyze the scenario of Multinational Banks in the United Kingdom, the book by Geoffrey Jones (1993) is used for referencing which present the scenario of international Banks in the United Kingdom’s market. Presenting the scenario it states â€Å"the leaders were five large American Banks which dominated the process of syndicated sovereign loans as they sought to achieve an accelerated growth of their assets. They pursued lending strategies that emphasized wide margins and large volumes of loans.†(Jones, 1993, p. 352). Another book by Francesca Carnevali called as the ‘Europe’s Advantage: Banks and Small Firms in Britain, France, Germany and Italy since 1918’ talks about the importance of small Banks. In the rese arch the customer of small banks would also be a subject therefore this book would be of high importance as its states â€Å"small firms are part of local economies. These can be defined simply and loosely as spaces where most local saving found their way to local financial intermediaries and then back into the local economy†(Carnevali, 2005, pp. 2-3).In order to understand the Human psyche as well as competing for customer the help of a book called ‘Competing for Customers and Capital’ by Victor J. Cook Junior (2006). It talks about the competitive cut-throat environment that today every field has including products as well as services and bridges the gap between the marketing and the finance areas. It is also helpful for those who aspire to be the upper level management as it enables the reader to understand the consumer psyche and the reason behind their preferences. A very important book that is used in the literature as a reference is a book by John R.Weeks called the ‘Unpopular Culture: The Ritual of Complaint in a British Bank’ (2003). It talks about how unsatisfied culture of the employees spreads a negative energy in the entire organization and it effects on the performance of the employees which ultimately affects the customer service and produces unsatisfied customers. Book which talks about the history of the Banking Industry in the United Kingdom and the changing and evolutionary trends is a book by Ronald Myles Fitzmaurice (1975) called ‘British banks and banking: A pictorial history’.In order to understand British banking history and how it dealt with crisis in the past, a book by William Frazer (2000) is used called as ‘Central Banking, Crises, and Global Economy’ which states that â€Å"Governments in crises should not be surprised, however, when aid and coordinated private-sector support packages are extended on condition that problem-causing traditions and practices be changed†(Frazer, 2000, p. 315). Along with that the news article by Steve Pain (2000) indicates the importance of customers in the generation of profits by the banks.Hence, the satisfaction of the customers is of utmost importance and therefore they need to be given special attention to. Their needs and requirements have to be identified in order to be in a better position to provide them with better service which is up to their mark. Some companies or banks even misuse their customers by getting them into trouble so that they force them into calling the call center as â€Å"BANKS and power companies have been accused of making big money out of customers who ring their call centers†(Poulter, 2005, p.6). Hence, there are all kinds of business running around the world and in order to have healthy business one needs to get rid of these unethical tactics. Data Analysis As mentioned above, the data collected through primary means as well as secondary means would be critically analyzed to ensure their importance in the research and to determine whether they are being utilized efficiently or not. However, due recognition would be given to any data that has been extracted from other sources and is not achieved via primary method.The entire data collected would not be used but only the important and highly relevant portions would be selected to gain knowledge from and cite in the original research. The data would relate to the original topic as to what are the criteria of the customers when choosing a Bank in the United Kingdom. Anticipated Limitations Despite the best of efforts there are certain limitations that would be faced by the people conducting the research which are as follows;†¢ Time Constraint: Although there my be a lot of time available but for the research of such magnitude there is no sufficient time as with new time new data arises which can be incorporated as well. So time acts as one of the constraints. †¢ Monetary Constraints: Due to th e status of being students, there are certain financial limitations that have to be abided by, hence acting as constraints as there is not a sufficient or unlimited flow of funds.†¢ Knowledge: Although a lot of background research would be done and plenty of material would be read to make this research as authentic as possible but still there is some knowledge that would be unattained. Hence, that unattained knowledge would act as a constraint for further depth in the research. †¢ Secondary Data: The presence of secondary data regarding the given topic is scarce and hence proper information of several fields cannot be gathered which is a constraint for the production of an excellent research. Ethical ConsiderationsThe first and the foremost consideration as per the ethical boundaries would be the due recognition of the material or data taken from other authors by books, articles and journals. If they are not acknowledged, it would be included as plagiarism rather than help from various outside sources. Apart from that, what needs to be taken care of is that none of the Banks or financial institutions is allegedly claimed for poor performance. In short, there should be no incorrect data; all the data should have a back support to it in order to provide the proof of its authenticity.One thing that is often ignored by the researchers is the pre-developed biasness or prejudice. A personal experience or a past knowledge may lead the researcher to have a pre-conceived notion regarding a certain factor. This makes the entire research to be less authentic as its starts to involve personal opinion rather than rational views. For instance, in this case the researcher might have had a bad past experience with a bank and may prolong that biasness into the research making it less objective.Hence, in order for the research to be carried out in an ethical manner, all these ethical concerns have to be taken into account. Otherwise all the effort done by the research er may result to be void. Conclusion The following research would be carried out with the Harvard style citation and the methodology would be ‘qualitative interpretive’ method. The primary sources of data would be the qualitative tools which include In-Depth Interviews, Surveys, Questionnaire and Focus group.The ethical constraints would be followed to make sure that the research is highly objective without the involvement of any plagiarism, incorrect information or personal biasness or prejudice. Hence, the research would follow all the pre-determined set patterns of following a research with a research theory and methodology. Although there are slight constraints which would act as a hurdle in the way but it would be made sure that it doesn’t have a drastic impact on the research.The hypothesis of the research would conclude as to what are the primary, secondary and involuntary (hidden) reasons for customers to choose a particular Bank in the United Kingdom. Bi bliography Jones, G. (1993). British Multinational Banking 1830-1990. Oxford University Press. ISBN 019820602X. Carnevali, F. (2005). Europe’s Advantage: Banks and Small Firms in Britain, France, Germany and Italy since 1918. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0199257396. Cook, V. (2006). Competing for Customers and Capital. South-Western Educational Pub. First Edition. ISBN-10: 0324405979.ISBN-13: 978-0324405972. United States of America. Crawfordsville. Weeks, J. R. (2003). Unpopular Culture: The Ritual of Complaint in a British Bank. University Of Chicago Press. ISBN-10: 0226878120. ISBN-13: 978-0226878126. United States of America. Fitzmaurice, R. M. (1975). British banks and banking: A pictorial history. Barton. ISBN-10: 0851531547. ISBN-13: 978-0851531540. Frazer, W. (2000). Central Banking, Crises, and Global Economy. Praeger Publishers. Westport, CT, London, United Kingdom. Pain, S. (2000). Customers Co-operate in Bank's Profits Boost. The Birmingham Post. 19.
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