Wednesday, October 30, 2019
How China and Japan reacted to the war on terror Essay
How China and Japan reacted to the war on terror - Essay Example The attack in US surprised the entire planet while simultaneously triggering some paradigm shifts throughout the globe, but the latest shift has not resulted in a situation that can be equated to that of the cold war period when the US paradigm was the model that was used by other nations (Seidler, 2013, p. 72). Tokyo’s population has been wondering whether a prolonged war on terrorism might obligate the prime minister to utilize his political capital to take part in the coalition to fight terrorism, thus leaving limited resources to address the nation’s economic issues. Recently, scholars at a seminar considered newer roles for four nations: the US, Japan, Russia and China, with all of them contributing through military and politically towards the war on terror (Borgu, 2004, p. 52). It is likely that the degree of meaningful cooperation between the nations in this strategic alliance will escalate out of necessity. The importance of China will increase and as a member o f the WTO and the UN Security Council as well as a GDP of 7 percent annually and experience in dealing with terrorism, China will most definitely be a strong partner. Additionally, the close relationships that China has with Pakistan will assist in keeping the Islamic nation in the coalition that is led by the US. The economy of China will benefit from the accession to WTO as resources will be allocated in a more efficient manner moving into the labor-intensive industries of China.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Breaking the Norm Essay Example for Free
Breaking the Norm Essay A norm is something that is usual, typical, or standard of something in society. Some examples of a norm are going to school, taking a bath, sleeping at night, wearing clothes in public, and eating breakfast lunch and dinner. All those things are stuff we do in our everyday lives and don’t think about it, we just do it because it is normal and it has been taught to us since we have been very little. If you end up breaking the norm though, people will look at you differently and you could really stand out from everyone around you. I am going to challenge this and break the norm to see what other people do and think around me. What I am going to do to break the norm is go to the grocery store with my mom and instead of walking everywhere, I am going to skip. I am going to start skipping right when I get out of the car into the parking lot until the time I get back in the car after shopping. I am even going to skip when I am standing in the checkout line. When I do this I think people are going to give me really weird looks and look annoyed that I am skipping everywhere. I also think my mom is going to feel embarrassed to walk with me. When I broke the norm by skipping everywhere in the grocery store I got the weirdest looks from people, but some people smiled and laughed. I did not tell my mom that I was going to do this and I did not tell her that this was a project. At first my mom laughed, but then she got really annoyed and yelled at me and told me to stop but I didn’t listen to her and kept going. At one point she tried walking in front of me because she didn’t want to be seen with me. All the other people just stared at me with weird faces on and when I would look back I could see them laughing and talking about me. At first when I got out of the car I felt kind of embarrassed to do this because it is not the normal thing to do. As I proceeded to do it though it got easier and I knew I was going to be right about all the people looking at me with weird looks and my mom being annoyed of me and embarrassed to be with me. The lady in the checkout line looked very confused and uncomfortable when I was just skipping in place; she looked like she didn’t know what to do. I just kept skipping though and minding my own business and acting like nothing was wrong. People in today’s society do normal things every single day. When we see someone breaking the norm, like I did, you think twice about that person and wonder what they are thinking. If Americans see someone from another country wearing a turban, or seeing the Chinese foot binding, or seeing different tribes from Africa putting copper rings around the girls necks to make them longer we tend to judge them and wonder what they were thinking. Other Countries could think we are different and not normal too when they see us with mohawks or tattoos or piercings. Those things are normal to us but not normal to other people. When you break the norm you get a really good feel on how everyone does the normal things every day and doesn’t think twice about it until you see someone else breaking the norm.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Overpopulation Essay -- essays research papers
Overpopulation The Book of Genesis tells the story of creation of man. God said to man, "be fruitful and increase in numbers; fill the earth and subdue it." Prior to the nineteenth century, it was believed that God would provide for those who came into the world (Day 101). But, in 1798, this view was shaken by Thomas Malthus' An Essay on the Principle of Population, in which he concluded that while population increases geometrically, agricultural production only increases arithmetically. Current evidence shows that this theory may not be far from the truth. The world population reached 6 billion on October 12, 1999, and is expected to reach 9.3 billion by 2050! The impact of population growth is already felt by a majority of nations. The U.S. population has increased by 78% since 1950. Growing at 3,000,000 per year, U.S. population is expected to approach half a billion people in 50 years. A number of factors drive this growth. At the most basic level, it is because far more people are bo rn each year than die. Advances in nutrition and health care have increased survival rates and longevity for much of the world, and shifted the balance between births and deaths. The demands of increasing population magnify demands for natural resources, clean air and water, as well as access to wilderness areas. In the future, when there are not enough resources to go around, we will see significant scarcity, and a backlash of poverty. A number of problems lie behind scarcity and poverty. Ultimately, our own numbers, and the lifestyles many of us choose to live, drive all the critical issues we confront. Left unchecked, the combination of population growth and consumption- along with increasing inequity between rich and poor individuals and nations-will soon threaten not only the well-being, but even the lives of a majority of people on this planet. When population levels reach a critical threshold, we then see both a decline in the resource base, and damage to the environment, which supplies all those resources. These trends reinforce each other - the damaged environment provides fewer resources, and the shortage of resources causes us to further damage the environment. World energy needs are projected to double in the next several decades, but no credible geologist foresees a doubling of world oil production, which is projected to peak within the next few dec... ...many enjoy today will no longer be attainable. Fortunately a future of scarcity, inequity, and conflict is not inevitable. There are steps to be taken to stabilize population such as controlling fertility. Families can currently choose to have fewer children in industrialized countries. This can also be made possible for developing countries by providing family planning, and reproductive health care. If every couple in the world could reliably and affordably choose the number and spacing of their children, world population growth would slow by nearly twenty percent almost immediately. Protection and enhancement of human rights is necessary so that all people have access to the essentials of a decent life. Improving people's social health and economic well being can move them out of poverty, and away from needing more children for survival. Solving the problem of population growth will also help solve the environmental, economic and social problems the world confronts. "The c hoices we make in the next few decades about our own numbers and lifestyles will determine whether the world of the 21st century will be one of hope and opportunity, or of scarcity and destruction."
Thursday, October 24, 2019
U.S. Russia Relations :: essays research papers
Russia, a vast country with a wealth of natural resources, a well, educated population, and diverse industrial base, continues to experience, formidable difficulties in moving from its old centrally planned economy to a modern market economy. President Yeltsin's government has made substantial strides in converting to a market economy since launching its economic reform program in January 1992 by freeing nearly all prices, slashing defense spending, eliminating the old centralized distribution system, completing an ambitious voucher privatization program, establishing private financial institutions, and decentralizing trade. Russia, however, has made little progress in a number of key areas that are needed to provide a solid foundation for the transition to a market economy. Â Â Â Â Â Russia, spanning 11 time zones and serving as home to about 150 million people, possesses tremendous natural and human resources. Demand today for imported consumer goods, capital equipment, and services remains remarkably strong, with imports representing an unusually large percentage of the national market. Despite outstanding long-term market potential, Russia continues to be an extremely difficult country in which to do business. Â Â Â Â Â The Russian Federation continues to pursue a program of dramatic economic, political and social transformation. Despite President Yeltsin's successful re-election campaign, continued economic reform remains subject to the influence of the communist controlled State Duma (the Russian parliament). Even the most optimistic scenarios envision a protracted process as Russia continues the task of fashioning a legal foundation for commerce, rationalizing the regulatory and taxation regimes with which businesses must comply, and completing the task of creating from scratch a highly effective and consistent customs administration. The duration and final outcome of this process are still uncertain. Consequently, Russia offers U.S. business both high risk, and potentially high rewards. Â Â Â Â Â Russian firms and customers admire U.S. technology and know-how, and generally are interested in doing business with U.S. companies. At the same time, there is a tendency in some quarters to suppose that the U.S. is responsible for the changes which have occurred in Russia, especially those which have caused most hardship to individuals and to industry. This sentiment has attracted the support of some political leaders, and in given credence by a significant proportion of the populace. At the same time, a strong U.S. commercial presence is viewed in the Russian Far East as a counterbalance to other regional economic powers. Â Â Â Â Â Most Western products and services are in demand in Russia. Of particular interest are: Â · consumer goods, including poultry and meats, paper industrial chemicals,
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
John Locke -Philosophy Essay Essay
â€Å"The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom†– John Locke. What I feel that John Locke is attempting to express in his quote is that society believes that by having laws in place the government is taking away from the freedom they long to endure. However, by having laws in place it actually helps to enforce their rights to freedom. I chose John Locke as my topic for my final paper because I have taken an interest in the life he led, his inspirations and his role in politics. John Locke was the first of the classical British empiricists. Empiricists believed that all knowledge derives from experience. He became highly influential to the political world, inspiring government representatives such as Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine and James Madison. Locke expressed the radical view that government is morally obliged to serve people by protecting life, liberty and property (n. a, n. d). He explained the principle of checks and balances in order to limit the power of government. He also favored representative government and rule of law. Locke insisted that when government violates individual rights, the people have a right to rebel. His views on individual rights, life, happiness and politics led Locke to become known as the 17th century English Philosopher of the enlightenment. John Locke was born August 29, 1632, in Somerset, England. He was the oldest son of Agnes Keene and John Locke. His father was a Puritan lawyer who served as a clerk for justices of the peace (n. a. , n. d). With the assistance of his father’s connections to the English government, Locke received an exceptional education. In 1647 he enrolled at Westminster School in London, where he earned his distinct honor of being named a King’s Scholar. This was a privilege that went to only select number of boys and set the path for Locke to attend Christ Church, Oxford in 1652 (n. a. , n. d). Christ Church is considered the most prestigious school in Oxford. During this educational time period, Locke engaged in logic and metaphysics. He graduated from Christ Church in 1656 and returned two years later to pursue a Masters of the Arts. This accomplishment soon led to Locke taking on tutorial work at the college. In 1668 Locke was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. The Royal Society is a fellowship of the world’s most eminent scientist and is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence (n. a. ,n. d. ). Locke then went on to study philosophy and medicine at the University of Oxford and graduated in 1674 with a bachelor’s of medicine. Locke did not want to commit his life to a religious order and therefore turned down a permanent teaching position from Oxford. This opened the doors to an opportunity serving as a private physician and secretary to Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury (Kermerling, 2011). During the summer of 1666, Anthony Ashley Cooper visited Oxford where he met Locke who was at the time studying medicine. Cooper, who was suffering from a liver cyst which threatened to become swollen and infected, requested that Locke be his personal physician. Locke accepted and soon moved into a room at the Cooper’s Exeter House mansion in Westminster, London. Cooper’s condition worsened and Locke was in a position of opportunity to heal the Earl successfully. In 1668, Locke supervised a successfully surgery and save the life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, the Earl of Shaftesbury. This honorable act led Locke to become a valued partner of Shaftesbury. After Shaftesbury stature grew, so did Locke’s responsibilities. He assisted in the Earl’s business and political matters and after Shaftsbury was made chancellor, Locke became his secretary of presentations. Locke was involved in just about everything that Shaftsbury did. This included the formation of the Whig party. The Whig party was a political group which consisted of politicians from America, England and Scotland who opposed King Charles I of England. Locke maintained correspondence with the party to assist with influencing Parliamentary elections. Shaftsbury was imprisoned for a year and on his release he helped pass the Habeas Corpus Act in 1679 which made it unlawful for government to detain a person without filing formal charges. The act also specified that an individual could not be put on trial for the same charge more than once (n. a. ,n. d). Shaftesbury was a strong influence to John Locke and helped pave his way for future success through experience – Empiricist. During the reign of King Charles II it was illegal to write, read or have books in one’s possession that pertained to any negative press against the government. Although it was risky, Locke continued his mission. He wrote about his experience with political actions. One treatise attached a claim that the Bible sanctioned tyrants and that parents had absolute authority over children. A second treatise presented an epic case for liberty and the right of people to rebel against tyrants. He pushed to a radical conclusion which attacked slavery and a defense of revolution (n. a. , n. d. ). Locke fled to Rotterdam on September 7, 1683 to avoid legal action (n. a. , n. d. ). The English government tried to have Locke extradited for trial and possible hanging. Lock fled to London and assumed the name â€Å"Dr. van der Linden. †He signed letters as â€Å"Lamy†or â€Å"Dr. Lynne†(n. a. ,n. d. ). Locke assumed that the government would intercept mail, so he protected friends by referring to them with numbers or false names. His excuse to friends for moving to Holland was that he enjoyed the local beer. In Holland, Locke began to work on his philosophical masterpiece, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding which urged people to base their convictions on observation and reason. His argument was that all ideas, simple or complex, are ultimately derived from experience. He challenged the traditional doctrine that learning consisted entirely of reading ancient texts and absorbing religious dogmas (n.a. , n. d. ). He maintained that understanding that the world required observation. The essay was published in December 1689, and established Locke as England’s leading philosopher. In the essay, Locke states the nature of his proposed doctrine: â€Å"Let us then suppose the mind to be, as we say, white paper, void of all characters, without any ideas: – How comes it to be furnished? Whenced comes it by that vast store which the busy and boundless fancy of man has painted on it with almost endless variety? Whence has it all the materials of reason and knowledge? To this I answer, in one word, from experience. In that all our knowledge is founded. (Valasquez, 2011)†The book became one of the most widely reprinted and influential works on philosophy. It brought great fame for Locke. So much, that he spent the rest of his life responding to admirers and critics by making revisions in later editions of the book, including detailed accounts of human volition and moral freedom. Locke also published Two Treatise of Civil Government. These writings were published anonymously in order to avoid controversy. The First Treatise is a detailed rejection of the monarchist theories of Robert Filmer. Locke attacked Filmer’s claim that God sanctioned the absolute power of kings. During this time period, such an attack was risky since it could easily be prosecuted as an attack on the King Charles II. The Second Treatise of Government offers a systematic account of the foundations of political obligation. The views expressed within this treatise were so radical that he only released his name as publisher in his will. Locke’s writings did much to inspire the libertarian ideals of the American Revolution. This, in turn, set an example which inspired people throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia. Locke’s philosophy had a great effect on American’s as well. Thomas Jefferson ranked Locke as the most important thinkers on liberty. He also helped inspire Thomas Paine’s radical ideas about revolution. James Madison drew most of his fundamental principles of liberty and government from Locke’s writings. John Locke’s writings were also included in the self-education of Benjamin Franklin. John Adam’s believed that both girls and boys should learn about Locke. Locke’s influence even traveled to France where the French philosopher Voltaire called, â€Å"Locke the man of the greatest wisdom. What he has not seen clearly, I despair of ever seeing†(n. a. , n. d. ). Mathematician and physicist Isaac Newton cherished his company. Locke helped William Penn restore his good name when he was political fugitive, just as Penn had arranged a pardon for Locke when he had been a political fugitive. Locke was described by the famous English physician Dr. Thomas Sydenham as â€Å"a man whom, in the acuteness of his intellect, in the steadiness of his judgment, in the simplicity, that is, in the excellence of his manners, I confidently declare to have, amongst the men of our time, few equals and no superiors.(n. a. , n. d. ). It is astonishing that Locke’s work has affected so many people around the world. He was an undistinguished Oxford scholar. He had a brief experience with a failed diplomatic mission. He was a physician who lacked traditional credentials and had only one patient. His first major work was not published until the age of 57. All of this and he is still one of the leading philosophers of all time. In 1691, John Locke is invited to spend his last years with friends Francis and Damaris Masham. Damaris is also a philosopher and is believed to have been romantically involved with Locke during their study years at Oxford. When Locke left for Holland, Damaris was to visit; however it did not work out and she married Francis Masham (Uzgalis, 2012). During his stay with the Masham’s Locke tutored their son Francis, here he begins to work on his treaties Thoughts Concerning Education. Locke’s health gradually began to worsen. He lost most of his hearing and his legs began to swell. He could barely bring himself to rise from bed. Around 3:00 in the afternoon, Saturday, October 28, 1704 he passed away (n. a, n. d. ). He was sitting in his study with Lady Marsham. Suddenly, he brought his hands to his face, shut his eyes and died. He was 72 years old. Locke’s focus has primarily been based upon the ideas of freedom and equality as a whole. He believed that citizens should naturally possess the right to life, liberty and happiness, which is portrayed in the constitution of the United States. These undisputable rights or natural rights have derived from the law of nature. The law of nature is a state that relies purely on the law of God, which is also known as moral law. This law gave people the natural right to life, liberty, and happiness without question. In addition, Locke believed that people also possess the basic right of self-defense if under attack. However, Locke’s key aspect of his theories was the basic idea of equality. He said that nobody has the right to rule and that consent is critical because it’s based on the premises that all people are equal (Uzgalis, 2012). John Locke is still very much known as a political philosopher in today’s modern society. Because much of Locke’s philosophy centered on subjects such as natural rights and knowledge, he has in-turn shaped American politics in such a way that it has never been the same. Locke has challenged many theories that have to do with inalienable rights as a part of natural law; therefore he had much to do with the involvement in the evolution of the American Government. He taught that, men by nature possess certain rights. He had a tremendous influence on all future political thinking. A clear representation of his involvement is portrayed in the declaration of independence. John Locke was, and will always be remembered as a pioneer in modern thinking.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The History of the Transistor
The History of the Transistor The transistor is an influential little invention that changed the course of history in a big way for computers and all electronics. History of Computers You can look at the computer as being made of many different inventions or components. We can name four key inventions that made a huge impact on computers. An impact large enough that they can be referred to as a generation of change. The first generation of computers depended upon the invention of vacuum tubes; for the second generation it was transistors; for the third, it was the integrated circuit; and the fourth generation of computers came about after the invention of the microprocessor. The Impact of Transistors Transistors transformed the world of electronics and had a huge impact on computer design. Transistors made of semiconductors replaced tubes in the construction of computers. By replacing bulky and unreliable vacuum tubes with transistors, computers could now perform the same functions, using less power and space. Before transistors, digital circuits were composed of vacuum tubes. The story of ENIAC computer speaks volumes about the disadvantages of vacuum tubes in computers. A transistor is a device composed of semiconductor materials (germanium and silicon) that can both conduct and insulate Transistors switch and modulate electronic current. The transistor was the first device designed to act as both a transmitter, converting sound waves into electronic waves, and resistor, controlling electronic current. The name transistor comes from the trans of transmitter and sistor of resistor. The Transistor Inventors John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain were all scientists at the Bell Telephone Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. They were researching the behavior of germanium crystals as semiconductors in an attempt to replace vacuum tubes as mechanical relays in telecommunications. The vacuum tube, used to amplify music and voice, made long-distance calling practical, but the tubes consumed power, created heat and burned out rapidly, requiring high maintenance. The teams research was about to come to a fruitless end when the last attempt to try a purer substance as a contact point lead to the invention of the first point-contact transistor amplifier. Walter Brattain and John Bardeen were the ones who built the point-contact transistor, made of two gold foil contacts sitting on a germanium crystal. When electric current is applied to one contact, the germanium boosts the strength of the current flowing through the other contact. William Shockley improved upon their work creating a junction transistor with sandwiches of N- and P-type germanium. In 1956, the team received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of the transistor. In 1952, the junction transistor was first used in a commercial product, a Sonotone hearing aid. In 1954, the first transistor radio, the Regency TR1 was manufactured. John Bardeen and Walter Brattain took out a patent for their transistor. William Shockley applied for a patent for the transistor effect and a transistor amplifier.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Edgar Alan Poe essays
Edgar Alan Poe essays Edgar Allan Poe was a great writer who was born in Boston, January 19, 1809. He died on October 7, 1849. He was a writer known for his poems and short stories. He was the son of David Poe Jr. and Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins. Both of Poe's parents were members of the Boston Theatre. His father had served as Deputy Quartermaster General of Baltimore during the Revolution. Edgar Poe's parents separated, and upon the death of his mother Elizabeth in 1811 in Richmond, he was taken in by Mr. John Allan and Mrs. Frances Allan, and was known as Edgar Allan. Edgar Allan Poe studied in England for five years. In 1826 he entered the University of Virginia , but was forced to leave due to debt. He moved to Boston, where he published his first collection of poetry Tamerlane and Other Poems. He then served in the Army through 1827-1829. after that he published his second collection of poetry Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. He entered West Point in 1830, when he published his third collection of poetry Poems. In 1833 Poe won a short-story contest offered by the Baltimore Saturday Visiter with a story called "The Manuscript Found in a Bottle", which led to a short-lived position as editor of the Southern Literary Mesenger in 1835. Throughout Edgars Allan Poe career many things about his life had an influence on his writing. Poe was a person who had many troubling experiences throughout his life. It seemed that all the women he loved ended up dying, and they all died from the same disease: Tuberculosis. To add to his hard luck, he was poor, didnt have a stable job, and was a alcoholic. To escape from his troubled world, Poe drank and wrote short stories or poems with a gloomy attitude. Many people considered him a pessimist or someone who looks at the bad side of things instead of the good side. He brought out his dark side in his work. An example of his lifestyles influencing his work is in the poem Annabel ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company †Research Paper
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company – Research Paper Free Online Research Papers The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) was started in the Philippines on November 28, 1928. The Philippines Legislature granted PLDT the franchise to establish and be able to operate telephone services, following the merger of 4 telephone companies under a common US ownership. It was in 1967 when General Telephone and Electronic Corporation sold PLDT to a group of Filipino businessmen. The Philippine government’s intention to integrate the Philippine telecommunications industry made way for PLDT to purchase the Republic Telephone Company in 1981. Now, PLDT is the leader in providing telecommunication services in the country. The company’s business can be divided into three main business areas: fixed line, wireless, and information and communication technology. The fixed line business provides local calls, national and international long distance services, which operates around 2.1 million access lines. The wireless segment provides cellular, satellite, and VSAT services. PLDT provides cellular services through SMART, while Piltel is a reseller of SMART’s digital GSM capacity under its own branding and pricing strategy for both voice and text messaging services. The information and communication technology provides solutions for internet applications and multimedia content delivery, with use of internet protocol-based solutions. The internet access are provided by Infocom – a subsidiary of ePLDT. And other investees of ePLDT provide e-commerce, call centers, and other IT-related services. Common shares of PLDT are listed and traded on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). These are also listed and traded on the American Stock Exchange and Pacific Exchange in the US, prior to October 19, 1994. During October 19, 1994, American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), were issued with each American Depositary Share (ADS) that represented one PLDT common share. The ADSs are listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific Exchange in the US. II. Statement of the Problem What actions can PLDT take to sustain their position and maintain their current market? III. Objectives To study how the company reached their success To identify strategies how the company can maintain the top position To suggest ways on how the company can improve existing services to the customers IV. Areas for Consideration STRENGTHS Owns top position – PLDT owns the top position in the Philippines for the telecoms industry. They initially provided fixed line to the Philippine market during the early times, and have now extended their market for wireless technology. By acquiring SMART as their wireless partner, they became the number 1 provider for wireless phones. As technology continued to boom, then came the internet, which started as dial-up connection and eventually produced the broadband connection, widely known as the DSL. Then came ePLDT, which stood as the technology arm of PLDT. ePLDT gave the answer to internet problems and also took the top position. Majority of Philippine market share – Having a wide range of products, from fixed line, wireless line, and internet connection, PLDT was able to capture majority of the Philippines market. PLDT holds the Philippine market for fixed line. By taking a gamble of getting SMART during the time when the GSM (Global Service for Mobile Communications) service and cellular market growth was still uncertain, they now earned the market for wireless lines, used of mobile phones, which accounts for 52% of PLDT Group’s revenues. As technology was taking over the public’s attention, PLDT also caught the market in broadband and narrowband internet. They launched the product Vibe for dial-up connections, and DSL for broadband connections. Industry specialists – With the long history and very vast knowledge in the industry, PLDT has invested on their people. As technology becomes more sophisticated, the company provided trainings to their employees to keep them up to date with the latest technologies and be at par or better than their competitors. PLDT provides training with a trainer and by use of online materials. National and global coverage – After successfully capturing majority of the market in the Philippines, PLDT decided to go global by expanding their market in Hong Kong. They launched the 1528 Smart to cater for the Filipino people in Hong Kong. This was a partnership of Hong Kong CSL Ltd and PLDT (HK) Ltd. It allows the Filipinos in Hong Kong to access Smart mobile services and content, which includes Smart Money, Smart Load, Smart Pasaload, and Smart Padala – the world’s first text-based remittance service. This also provides a cheaper rate for OFWs when they make long distance calls or send text messages to the Philippines. The cost is much cheaper by as much as 50% as compared to using foreign networks. Creative marketing strategies – PLDTs marketing proved to be one of the best by continuously coming out with new ideas to capture the Philippine market. Aside from the products that they already sell to customers, they think of ways on how they can satisfy the needs of the people by providing more reasonable and affordable rates and give chance to the less fortunate to experience the new technologies available in the market. Conquering the mass market – Most of the population in the Philippines represent the masses, so PLDT thought of ways to capture the mass market. With a wide range of products they can offer, they transformed them into smaller forms to make it more affordable to the majority of the public. For the fixed line, they came out with the â€Å"Telesulit†, which offered a prepaid version of the fixed line. This enabled PLDT to retain their customers who cannot afford the normal fixed line, and resulted to 33% more fixed line users from a year ago. For the Vibe, the dial-up internet connection service, they also offered a prepaid version, by allowing customers to purchase scratch card that contained the connection details, which only amounted to 100 and allows the customer to use 20 hours of internet. If we calculate it in a per minute basis, it only costs 8 cents per minute. Aside from the prepaid internet offered for the Vibe, it also has what they call the pay-per-surf. Using this kind of package, the customers will only pay for the minutes they use. For the wireless services, SMART introduced the Smart Load, which enabled the prepaid customers to make a reload for as low as 30 pesos (based on 2004 data). WEAKNESSES Customer service – When PLDT launched its Vibe and DSL products, which allowed customers to have a faster connection to the internet using broadband, there were a lot of complains regarding the service provided. Much of the complaints were because of the slow connection which didn’t meet the customer’s expectations. And that complaints made or reported were not attended at a reasonable time. This kind of situations may cause customers to decide and change their providers, who they believe are much better in providing the service needed. Foreign Investments – PLDT is very much exposed to the risk of peso weakness because 98% of its US$2.5 billion is denominated in foreign currency. Around half of the company’s total debt are covered by the US Dollar, which is equivalent to around USD$351 million. The risk of the depreciation of peso is mitigated by the linkage of about 40% of PLDT’s revenues to US dollar. Since about 18% of PLDT’s US dollar linked revenues are from the monthly charges payable by the postpaid fixed line customers, these monthly charges may increase if the peso depreciates. OPPORTUNITIES Venture for new technologies – Ideas of introducing a new technology to the market is a good move, especially if the product is very attracting to the public. People are very much interested for new products that are launched in the market, and how it can add do the current technology they are using. Being the very first to release a new technology will have a good chance of capturing the market sales, therefore increasing in customers and revenue. An example for this is the text messaging for mobile phones. Dropping prices of PC and laptops – As more and more people are turning into the computer business, it is predicted for prices of PCs and laptops to go down to affordable prices, as other computer manufacturing companies are trying to offer lower cost for these equipments. The more affordable these electronic equipments go, the more people will be willing to purchase one. And as more computers are sold, there will be a bigger demand for broadband service. Partnership with other establishments – With the internet becoming part of the everyday life nowadays, people are looking for ways to connect to the worldwide web wherever they go – restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, resorts, and other public places. Having a broadband socket or hotspot in place may attract more people in choosing this certain area other than their competitors. This may result for the establishment to gain more customers and at the same time, generate more revenues. THREATS Fixed line market drop – There are predictions that the fixed line market will drop as the future nears. With new communication technologies coming out at a very fast rate, the public are now considering of using those new technologies that offer more comfort and convenience. Even for PLDT, who holds the market for fixed line, may be affected of this drop in sales. Industry competitors – Presently, there are already different competitors providing the same services as PLDT and SMART have, not to mention other competitors that may still enter the playing field. If one of those competitors will be able to introduce a new product that may interest the public, then there’s a chance that customers will consider having a deal with those competitors. SWOT Diagram Strengths Weaknesses Owns top position in the industry Majority of Philippine market share Industry specialists National and global coverage Creative market strategies Conquering the mass market Customer service Foreign investments Opportunities Threats Venture for new technologies Dropping prices of PCs and laptops Partnership with other establishments Unstable Economy Fixed line market drop prediction Industry competitors PEST Analysis: POLITICAL PLDT evaluates the short and medium-term threats posed by government instability, adverse economic policy-making, deterioration in the business environment and external shocks. Risks PLDT assess explicit short and long-term risks to political stability; latest ratings, rankings and trends for the Philippines risk are compared with Asia regional and global averages. Current Administration and Policy-Making in the Philippines Threats to the continuity of Philippine economic policy would likely change the business operating environment. War Threats Continuous operations of the company may be interrupted due to this factor similar to what happened in 1942-46. ECONOMIC PLDT’s economic forecasts for the Philippines are key assumptions for the global economy covering growth, inflation, employment, trade and investment, interest and exchange rates. Stability and Exchange Rates The countrys per capita income has barely grown in the past 21 years. The per capita income of P12,913 in 2003 is only P318 higher than P12,595 in 1980. The value of the peso has depreciated by as much as 1,373 percent against the dollar. In line with their aim to ensure business stability to meet its debt reduction target, PLDT may be greatly affected when economy fluctuates more so of its balance debt as of 2003 of $2.5 billion dollars. Competitors Stiff competion. PLDT’s main competitors are Globe Telecom and Digitel in both the fixed-line and mobile (via Smarts competition with Globe) markets. Bayan Telecommunications (BayanTel) is also a major fixed-line competitor. SOCIAL PLDT assesses levels of transparency, flexibility of labor market, tax burden, infrastructure and IT, and trade liberalization in the Philippines Strain in Making Consumers Need the Product With PLDT’s diversified services and various products, several marketing strategies be develop in order to impose a greater impact in building the need to want the services and products being offered in the market. Position a Product That Caters to Various Market Segment In proportion to Philippines’ demography on income earners, PLDT needs to explore more on areas where possible consumers limits its purchase power to their level of income. TECHNOLOGICAL PLDT assesses development on technology, the effects from its these development and cost structure Fast Technological Change PLDT is faced with a constant threat of innovation to its products and services to keep up with the fast evolution of technology in order to sustain a competitive advantage in the market. Demand For Technological Change Would Redefine Cost Structure Cost is incurred in developing or adapting to new changes in technology. V. Alternative Course of Action For our Alternative Courses of Action we present the following: ACA #1: Improve PLDTs approach customer service Pros: The company will earn customer loyalty and confidence on their products. Having customer loyalty and confidence, the public will be the one to look for PLDT whenever a new product comes out. The company will not only gain sales through marketing and advertisement, word of mouth from these loyal customers will bring other customers who are new to the company’s product. Having a good branding on the public will make it easier for the company to sell their products if they release new ones in the future, because the people will have in mind that whatever they buy from PLDT, they can be sure that there will always be someone to support them in case they encounter any problems. Will avoid their existing Cons: Funds will be needed to hire more people to accommodate the numerous customers needing the service Employees who are less performing may be spotted when management looks closely to the performance of each member ACA #2: Acquire exclusive contracts with different establishments to provide broadband connection or other new products to be introduced, with a reasonable price for customers to pay Pros: The products of PLDT, like the DSL/broadband internet, can installed in the location of its partners, like hotels, resorts, restaurants, shopping malls, and other places where most of the people usually go. The broadband internet is quickly becoming one of the necessities, especially for working people. People who are not yet familiar with PLDT broadband will be introduced to the product. And if the public experiences the fast connection, they may also consider having that at their home. Or change their existing ones to PLDT As their product gets known to the people, PLDT will also earn from what is being charged from the customers for the use of broadband Cons: If the establishment doesn’t give a good impression to the public, then there will be lesser opportunities for the installed broadband to be exposed to the people PLDT needs to cash out some money to install the devices in those establishments and make sure that everything is well maintained and secured Market for other establishments with existing agreements with other competitors may no longer be available ACA #3: Introduce new technologies to the market Pros: PLDT will become the pioneer of the new product to be launched and will get the market for that new technology Employees and the company itself will be exposed to new technology and can prepare themselves more for the other technologies to come in the future, as technology evolves from one existing one to a new one Cons: Money needs to be spent for RD of new product and also to manufacture the new technology and to market the product Spending will also be necessary for training to be conducted to employees on how to handle the new technology If the new product launched doesn’t catch the interest of the public, the money spent on research and manufacturing will go waste Competitors will quickly think of ideas on how they can produce the same product or similar product with added functionalities ACA #4: Expanding of its fixed line and broadband network capability, coverage, and services Pros: PLDT will be able to reach areas where their services are not yet available. With this they further cement their hold on the market by gaining new customers and improving their existing services. With longer reach and a bigger share of the market, PLDT’s sustainability will increase. Also by improving existing services, they can maintain their hold on their current customers With expansion comes new opportunities and with it comes new jobs for Filipinos. PLDT can rehire those that have been retrenched before or even reach into our country’s pool of top talent. Cons: A significant amount of resources as well as research and development will be needed in order to achieve discernible results. A better monitoring system should be put in place especially since the new areas are a distance away from the mother office in metro manila. Therefore to maintain their outstanding quality certain monitoring practices should be developed. ACA #5: Setup partnership with computer companies to embed their microchips in laptops Pros: By tying up with certain computer companies PLDT can have these companies integrate their broadband roaming systems directly into the laptops. This should equate into a moderate profit for the company. Cheaper laptops? Cons: PLDT will have to pick their companies well, as competition is fierce in this industry. PLDT will have to devote time and money on developing new technology or improving on existing technology in order to make this happen. ACA #6: Provide free internet service for public schools and public hospitals Pros: PLDT will benefit from good publicity and gain positive news coverage, giving their shareholders more confidence and peace of mind.With this also comes an increase in customer loyalty. People will see that PLDT is not heartless company with just profit on their minds. By giving public schools access to the internet, With the breadth of information available on it, PLDT is providing for a now increasing need for e-learning. Further improving the Philippine Public school system in the process. Cons: Yet again a significant amount of funding will be needed, depending on the number of computers to be bought, not to mention the resources they are going to eat up by providing these public schools with free internet access. VI. Conclusion/Recommendation Conclusion Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT), together with SMART, is currently the country’s leader in the telecoms industry. Although that’s the case now, we may never know when one of their competitors will suddenly go pass them, or when a new competitor will come in to play. Without proper and well-planned short-term and long-term strategies, the company could lose its position in the market. As with their current products, they are currently the leader. But PLDT should not just reply on what products they have now or the scope of market they have. PLDT should also consider widening their span of customers. Having more opportunities of getting more customers to buy their products, the more they have the chance to make their profits grow. When they earn much more, the company will be able to plan for more programs or projects to promote to the public. These new projects may result to more expansion or introduction of new products that may capture the public’s attention. In order to continue and secure their market position, PLDT would need to make the necessary means to make their customers always satisfied with their products and the services that they provide. Recommendation The group ultimately believes that in order for PLDT to thrive in the competitive world of telecoms, they must focus on 3 main aspects of the business: customer service/logistics improvement (ACA #1), new technology introduction (ACA #3) and expansion of current products (ACA#4). The most important of the ACAs chosen is ACA#1. Before the company can even do expansions or introduce new products, they should first evaluate and improve their current customer service. Customers will not continue with deals with PLDT if they don’t get enough support in cases they encounter problems with their products. To get retain the loyalty of the customers, the company should provide a better quality of service. When the customer service (ACA#1) is stable, PLDT can now focus on doing ACA#4 – expansion of current products. We believe that PLDT has not penetrated most areas in the country for their broadband services. With the ongoing positive trend for broadband, they should explore untapped markets and regions to generate more profit and sustain their leadership in the telecom industry. This move can give PLDT more customers from other provinces of the Philippines. But it is important for PLDT to put up a strong infrastructure of expansion, as not to get bad criticisms, especially from the new customers. In time, PLDT can also consider offering an edge over the others and bring customer satisfaction to a new level by improving their customers’ experience and offering something new (ACA#3). People of this generation are very much interested in new products and technologies. They always thrive for new things and ideas that can help make their lives easier. Being the 1st one to introduce something in the Philippines will help them catch majority of the market. But in implementing these recommendations, PLDT should consider their budget. They should plan every idea carefully, that they will have proper funding to complete the whole project. The company should look at all possible options and risks that may negatively affect them, before finalizing any decisions. VII. Implementation Plan VIII. References PLDT Thinking Ahead PLDT keeps eye on prices of PCs for opportunities PLDT’s eLearning Experience: Riding the Wave with LearNET! Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Company Intelligence Report GOOD NEWS FOR OFWs: SMART COMMUNICATIONS GOING GLOBAL WITH PLDT PLDT’s Php10/call Permanent PLDTs Php10/call permanent Lousy PLDT DSL Service PLDT’s ID-DSL Service PLDTs ID-DSL Service A complaint to PLDT PLDT DSL Sucks PLDT DSL Sucks! PLDT DSL Problems Time to Redefine Telecom Business Satellite Internet Products Compared 2005 Research Papers on Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company - Research PaperAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductTwilight of the UAWInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export Quotas
Saturday, October 19, 2019
To what extent was there a step change in Britains relationship with Essay
To what extent was there a step change in Britains relationship with the EU in 1997 - Essay Example Unfortunately, half a century later, the EU term does not consist of all European states. The EU is a supranational organisation, this means that it is made up of other countries. Countries that choose to become members make a major sacrifice to forego some of their national sovereignty in order to agree on social, political and economic policies which are of common interest.2 At this juncture it would be prudent to note that the EU is more superior to its member states. This is evidenced by the member states’ laws and national policies which are equally bound by the EU institutions and regulations. Ironically though, the theoretical basis for the EU was provided by the then British Conservative Prime Minister Winston Churchill yet it is them who have lagged behind in actualising European integration3. Due to the country’s historical, traditional and institutional background, it has found it extremely difficult to link both its domestic and European policies. Since time in memorial, Britain was never keen on intergrating with other countries in Europe. It always isolated itself and even in the 1950s while other European countries such as Italy, France and Germany, joined into a single market in coal and steel, which was then termed the Common Market. This is the modern day European Union (EU). Britain however succumbed to the insurmountable pressure and eventually joined, this was in 1973. Their decision to join was however due to being forced by circumstances. Europe seemed to be where the money was and not being a part of it was tantamount to cutting your nose to spite your face. The British are still yet to change their mentality over their inclusion in the EU, they view it as a marriage of convinience, as it helps them in carrying out their transactions. The Thatcher government for instance was opposed to the rapid integration of the European markets. She was also
Friday, October 18, 2019
2 films Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
2 films - Essay Example Dadier but the two gradually get to respect each other. View of Teaching: Richard Dadiers view of education is rather idealistic to start with and out of touch with the schools realities but this turns as he gets to interact with his new reality more and more through out the movie. The principle has a rather hard time admitting the schools disciplinary issues. He struggles to assert his authority on the unruly students and since he has a disciplined approach to running the school though its ineffective at best. View of Students: Despite the principles attempts to instill discipline, the students end up more unruly and undisciplined. The students actually develop gangs and are led by leaders that hate the principal. The students are seen by Mr. Dadier as being able to change and be more disciplined thus harboring potential to perform well in school. However the new teacher Joshua Edwards is so Naà ¯ve in his impression of the students that they end up picking on him and destroying his music records. The decisions made by the principal are for the good running of the school and for the students some are just there to pass the time till they can attain legal age to go do their own things away from school without the risk of being taken to reform school. For his first teaching job and faces a multitude of problems in his new role. He does his Job well and plays his role well throughout the movie interacting with both the teachers and students adequately to achieve his goals and principles. Gregory Miller: he is the rather intelligent and slightly less bitter student class leader as compared to Artie West. Initially he also has a dislike for Mr. Dadier which diminishes with time as respect for each other grows gradually all through the film. He initially tried hard to maximize his benefits from his education but soon realizes no one cares. This makes
Is Parole Effective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Is Parole Effective - Essay Example It is with this ideological framework in mind that this paper sets out to present an informative look at the New York State's system of parole and probation. The word 'parole' has its origins in the Latin term "probare," meaning "to prove" or "to test," and the term was coined by John Augustus ("A Brief History of Probation," 2006). The meaning of the term suggests, therefore, that parole is a chance given to a person to prove that they are deserving of the right to live in society among free people without being a threat to others or to themselves. The idea of probation is an opportunity given to a former criminal to absolve themselves of the charges against them, and to prove to the authorities, to society, and most importantly, to themselves, that they are capable of conducting themselves in a manner in which they can follow the norms of the society that they live in. (Jeffrey et al., 2003) In terms of the history of probation, two names are definitive: John Augustus and Matthew Davenport Hill. Hill was a judge who "had witnessed the sentencing of youthful offenders to one-day terms on the condition that they be returned to a parent or guardian who would closely supervise them" ("A Brief History," 2006). Hill applied the same idea of 'guardianship' of criminal offenders to the legal system: When he eventually became the Recorder of Birmingham, a judicial post, he used a similar practice for individuals who did not seem hopelessly corrupt. If offenders demonstrated a promise for rehabilitation, they were placed in the hands of generous guardians who willingly took charge of them. Hill had police officers pay periodic visits to these guardians in an effort to tack the offender's progress and to keep a running account. ("A Brief History," 2006) The above citation illustrates a very important aspect of probation: that not everyone is worthy of it. It is only when people in prison demonstrate, either through good conduct or because of the nature of their crimes, or for any other valid reason, that they deserve the chance to be free again, that they may be offered release on probation. Augustus, like Hill, also came up with the idea of probation based on an analogy with another practice; in his case, he was inspired by the way in which victims of alcohol abuse can be reformed through rehabilitation. (Robert et al., 2002) Widely regarded as the world's first parole officer, Augustus was the owner of a successful boot-making business in early nineteenth-century Boston before he made his entry into the judicial system. He believed that those who had committed crimes "could be rehabilitated through understanding, kindness and sustained moral suasion, rather then through conviction and jail sentences" ("A Brief History," 2006). The first person ever to be paroled was a "common drunkard" in 1841, who "was ordered to appear in court three weeks [after his] sentencing. He returned to court a sober man [] To the astonishment of all in attendance, his appearance and demeanor had dramatically changed," ("A Brief History," 2006) and thus began the system of probation in Americ a. The State of New York State had the official beginning of the system of probation in 1901. by 1917, a State Division of Probation had been implemented in the State's Department of Corrections. The Division of Prob
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Biometrics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Biometrics - Research Paper Example Biometrics recognition is, therefore, the automatic recognition of users based on behavioral and physiological characteristics. Biometrics seeks to establish a users identity based on who she is rather what she possesses like an ID card or what she remembers like passwords. Biometrics gained popularity when body measurements were used by Alphonse Bertillon to identify criminals in the 19th century. It prompted law enforcer to take criminals fingerprints and store them in a database. The stored fingerprints could then be compared with fingerprints lifted from crime scenes. Biometrics are extensively used to identify criminals but has also gained use in employee clearance for sensitive jobs, determining fatherhood, forensics, identification of prisoners. Performance – refers to the achievable recognition speed and accuracy, the resources to be used in achieving the desired recognition accuracy and speed and the environmental and operational factors that affect the accuracy and speed. Different body parts are being used as a form of biometric recognition. Biometrics ranges from DNA matching, chemical biometric, visual biometric, eyes biometrics ( iris recognition, retina recognition ), finger geometry recognition, Hand geometry recognition, signature recognition and behavioral biometrics (typing recognition), vein recognition and gait. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) matching is the process used in the identification of persons by their DNA profiles. DNA profiles are hidden sets of numbers that reflect an individuals DNA composition, which can also be used as a persons identifier. DNA profiling is different from a full genome sequencing that is used in parental testing and criminal investigation. Even though 99.9% of human DNA sequences are similar in every person, unless they are identical (monozygotic) twins. DNA matching uses repetitive sequences that are highly variable, known as variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs), particularly
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Death of a Salesman Essay
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Death of a Salesman - Essay Example Abandonment is related to things we can not see because we have left them or they have somehow, left on their own. By calling these things more important than others which have not gone away, the author tends to favor the abandonment right at the outset, and the audience’s perceptions are modified accordingly. Fix has done this in the start of the novel in order to make sure that the audience follows her exactly in the same footsteps so that both the author and the audience reach the same conclusion by the end of the novel. In Willy’s life, there is a constant and uninterrupted shift from one abandonment to another. Every time this happens, the successive abandonment causes even more despair to rise in Willy’s heart than the preceding abandonment. The author has coherently constructed this argument by making the audience aware of the news of death of Willy’s father at an age when Ben and Willy are both too young and are not earning anything. When Ben and W illy’s father dies, the children are left with no tangible or intangible asset whatsoever. After some time, Ben resolves to leave for Alaska and go away from Willy who is lost in the American Dream vision. As a result of numerous unfortunate events congested in the early phase of his life, Willy catches a phobia of abandonment.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Biometrics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Biometrics - Research Paper Example Biometrics recognition is, therefore, the automatic recognition of users based on behavioral and physiological characteristics. Biometrics seeks to establish a users identity based on who she is rather what she possesses like an ID card or what she remembers like passwords. Biometrics gained popularity when body measurements were used by Alphonse Bertillon to identify criminals in the 19th century. It prompted law enforcer to take criminals fingerprints and store them in a database. The stored fingerprints could then be compared with fingerprints lifted from crime scenes. Biometrics are extensively used to identify criminals but has also gained use in employee clearance for sensitive jobs, determining fatherhood, forensics, identification of prisoners. Performance – refers to the achievable recognition speed and accuracy, the resources to be used in achieving the desired recognition accuracy and speed and the environmental and operational factors that affect the accuracy and speed. Different body parts are being used as a form of biometric recognition. Biometrics ranges from DNA matching, chemical biometric, visual biometric, eyes biometrics ( iris recognition, retina recognition ), finger geometry recognition, Hand geometry recognition, signature recognition and behavioral biometrics (typing recognition), vein recognition and gait. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) matching is the process used in the identification of persons by their DNA profiles. DNA profiles are hidden sets of numbers that reflect an individuals DNA composition, which can also be used as a persons identifier. DNA profiling is different from a full genome sequencing that is used in parental testing and criminal investigation. Even though 99.9% of human DNA sequences are similar in every person, unless they are identical (monozygotic) twins. DNA matching uses repetitive sequences that are highly variable, known as variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs), particularly
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Assignment on us history Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
On us history - Assignment Example All the more along these lines, we verbalize that the outlaw laws requires the way that the profit of slaves "for ache of overwhelming punishment" is acknowledged yet allowed a jury trial under the condition that outlaws be restricted from affirming with all due respect (Gordon, 2013). Because of this and thinking about the historical backdrop of west domains possessed by the slaves, being a stakeholder I feel that slaves dont possess and additionally propose to o claim any slaves and hence the bearings could be viewed as invalid and void. The War of 1812 was, it could be said, a second war of freedom, for before that times the United States had not been concurred fairness in the group of countries. With its decision, a large number of the genuine challenges that the adolescent republic had confronted since the Revolution now vanished. National union under the Constitution brought a harmony between freedom and request. With a low national obligation and a landmass expecting investigation, the possibility of peace, success and social advancement opened before the country. Pondering the part of the uncovered framework, the position of the central government at this point is incredibly reinforced by a few Supreme Court choices as saw from the way that a conferred Federalist, John Marshall of Virginia, got to be head equity in 1801 and held office until his demise in 1835. Subjection, which had up to now have gained minimal open consideration, started to expect much more amazing vitality as a national issue. In the early years of the republic, when the Northern states were accommodating prompt or progressive liberation of the slaves, numerous pioneers had assumed that bondage might vanish. In 1786 George Washington composed that he passionately longed some arrangement could be embraced "by which bondage may be abrogated by moderate, beyond any doubt and subtle degrees. The desire from that point forward have been turned out to
Venezuela’s Culture Essay Example for Free
Venezuela’s Culture Essay The culture of Venezuela is primarily a mixture of Spaniard, African and Indian traditions which was common known as criollo (Creole) (Palmerlee, 825). Their culture also has a strong influence coming from the United States appearing in the middle of the twentieth century. But the influences coming from the original Indian inhabitants were neglected because of the long Spanish colonization. The principal Venezuelan folk type is the llanero, or plainsman, which is similar to the gaucho of Argentina, the cowboy of the United States, and the vaquero of Mexico. The llanero’s folklore, songs, dances and legends are popularized throughout the country. Venezuela’s national song and dance is the joropo, a gay and syncopated invention of the llaneros, danced with a lively, jig-like movement (Kohnstamm, 230). It employs such native instruments as the maraca, a rattle made of dried gourd shells; a small harp; and the cuatro, a small, four-string guitar. The tono llanero, or melody of the plains, is a folk dance which embodies Venezuelan popular feeling at its purest. Other popular dances include the pasillo, similar to the pasillo of Columbia; the merenque, which came from Santo Domingo; and the corrido, from Mexico. The tanquito, a Venezuelan version of the Argentine tango, is also very popular in the country. As of this date, Venezuela has no traditional dress mainly because of the different cultures they inherited from the numerous races they had in the country. But some of them use the dresses that the indigenous people (like the tribes who lives in the Amazon areas) used along time ago. A good example of this is the Liqui-liqui this is usually worn by Venezuelan men. A traditional Liqui liqui is made up of white linen cloth, it has a full length trousers and a long sleeve jacket with a rounded Nehru-style collar, which is fastened and decorated by a junta, it also has around 5-6 buttons. It can also have a pocket. This dress is traditionally worn with an alpargata (it is an open-toed kind of sandal) and can be accessorized with a llanero hat. According to some stories, Liqui liqui was also worn by the rich and famous of Venezuela. A good example of this is the mayor of the Caracas district of Chacao, Leopoldo Lopez which he wore Liqui-liqui in wedding celebration last March 2007. This can also be worn by the women but instead of pants they use a skirt. A joropo dress is also used by the women of Venezuela; it has a very colourful skirt that they used to wave back to their partners during the dance ball. The Roman Catholicism is the predominant faith in the country. It is estimated that 95 percent of their present population adheres to the Roman Catholic faith (Dydynski, 376). However, religious freedom is guaranteed to all faiths, and no mention of the Roman Catholic Church is made in the constitution. In 1980’s the Protestants catches the attentions of a few Venezuelan but the Evangelist and Adventist has more followers than the Protestant. There were also few Mormons and Jewish. But most of the indigenous religion practices were vanished because they were introduce and converted to Catholicism. Although there were some of it survived and still active in their culture society, one good example of this is the culto of Maria Lonza. According to their stories and legends, Maria is a witch or healer which was born with an Indian father and a Spanish mother. She symbolizes the other two figures, black henchman, el Negro Felipe, and of an Indian cacique (chief), Guaicapuro which makes them the Tres Poderes or the Three Powers. Though the country is composed of different races and ethic groups, majority of Venezuelans practices the Catholicism, which they owed from their Spanish colonial heritage. They held mass everyday but has an obligatory worship day which is every Sunday, it was said that in this ritual they believe that the simple bread and wine will be turning into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. They believed in the sacrament of baptism and confirmation, most of the Venezuelan children carries a name of a saint and celebrates their saint’s day and their own birthdates separately. They practice a straight nine days prayer for their beloved who had just passed away; this was usually attended by the immediate family members and close friends of the deceased person. Every December 25th they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ which was commonly known as Christmas. They also commemorate Ash Wednesday were in they put ashes in form of a crucifix in their forehead in preparation for the Holy Week. One of their famous rituals is the Devil Dance (Baynham, 378). They celebrate this annually during the Corpus Christi. They do this by dancing in a drumbeat along the streets of Venezuela with a bloody red costume and a devilish mask. In this said rituals the devil or the evil spirit fights back against the good spirit and he also visit the graves of their ancestors, but of course the good spirit will won the battle after an exhausting antagonism on the part of Satans henchmen for the whole day. It usually run 35 miles of dancing before it will end up at the foot doors of the church to hear mass. According to the people of Venezuela this rituals attracted many tourists all over the world and sometimes they would participate during the dance. In 1999, the Constitution of Venezuela declared that the Spanish and other 25 surviving indigenous languages belonging to three linguistic families: Caribans, Arawak, and Chibcha as the official languages of Venezuela. Wagyuu, Piaroa, Panare and Nhengtu are some of the 25 surviving indigenous languages. They also consider English as their second language since this is now widely used in their culture promotions and business negotiations particularly in their Oil and Petroleum Industry. Arabic, Chinese, Italian, and Portuguese are also commonly spoken foreign languages in Venezuela. Summary Venezuela is composed of different races and ethnic groups; this is very evident in their culture. Joropo is their national song and dance, according to historians they got this from the llaneros or the plainsman (the cowboy version of Venezuelans). Other popular dances include the pasillo, similar to the pasillo of Columbia; the merenque, which came from Santo Domingo; and the corrido, from Mexico. The tanquito, a Venezuelan version of the Argentine tango, is also very popular in the country. As of this date Venezuela has no national costume, instead they use the different dresses coming from the indigenous people in Venezuela. A good example of this is the Liqui liqui, this is fondly worn by the Venezuelan men with alpargata (an open-toed kind of sandal). Most of the women wear a joropo dress but others also wears the liqui liqui but instead of the pants they traded it with a layered skirt. Taking from their Spaniard colonial heritage; Roman Catholic dominates the population of Venezuela although there were no restrictions from their constitution with regards in choosing their religion. One of the popular rituals they have in Venezuela is the Devil Dance, where in the evil spirit fights over the good spirit. It is a 35 miles of dancing and ending the day with a mass this is celebrated during the Corpus Christi. Most of their traditions and rituals are coming from the Catholic doctrines. In their 1999 constitution it was clearly stated that Spanish is their national language together with the other 25 surviving indigenous languages. They also consider English as their second language. They use this language to communicate with their investors and tourist visitors. Works Cited Baynham, Angela. Insight Guides Venezuela. 4th Upd Sub Edition. Insight Guides, 2003 Dydynski, Krzysztof. Lonely Planet Venezuela. 4th edition. Lonely Planet Publications, 2004 Kohnstamm, Thomas. Venezuela. 5th edition. Lonely Planet, 2007 Palmerlee, Danny. South America. 10th Edition. Lonely Planet, 2007
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Importance Of Classroom Technology
The Importance Of Classroom Technology The literature review will discuss the importance of technology use in classroom and its effect on the learning and teaching process. The Influence of technology has its outcome on the development of second language acquisition. Therefore, student responsiveness of learning a second language is clear in a thrived technological classroom. There is different articles such as (ARSLAN, 2008, Bridget Dalton, 2011, Iacob, 2009, Ilknur ISTIFIC, 2011, Iran Dolati, 2012, Sasiwan Potcharapanpong, 2010) would analyzes the correlation between technology environment and language learning and the teacher role in enhancing technology skills. The report will shed light on the transition point of learning English as second language for elementary students with the integration of technology tools and the different use of it to improve the teaching and learning methods. The Influence of adapting technology has on the development of second language acquisition, especially in an Arabic environment. The n ext five literature reviews will support the importance of integrating technology in teaching. Literature Review The first article which is a study of The Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Classes for English as a Second Language (Iacob, 2009), has been emphasizing the necessity of learning English assisted by technology. The article focused on the use of CALL which emphasizes on the use of technology in teaching English in elementary schools also, the methodology of the study that covered two groups of eight years children. The first group was assigned to use computer in classroom and at their home for about two times a week, while the other one has been taught with the assisted computer at classroom without using it at home. The final result of the study shows the impact of teaching and learning English with using computers, which shows an impressive recognition in learning English in their answer responses. Next paper underlined the different use of technology, like The eVoc Strategies: 10 Ways to Use Technology to Build Vocabulary (Bridget Dalton, 2011) had shed light on the importance of integrating technology in teaching English vocabulary to improve the students storage of vocabulary. The use of technology tools would grasp the student interest to learn. The purpose of this article is to discuss the ten eVoc strategies that would improve vocabulary learning. The article integrated learning with technology in real life experience through active learning strategies would suggest. The paper is goes through the advantage word reference with visual dictionary which helps students to comprehend what they have learned. Then, the article of An Effective Role of E-Learning Technology for English Language Teaching By Using Meta Communication Actors (Ilknur ISTIFIC, 2011), has highlighted the role of technological program and communication in our life. Teacher has to modify their own technological methodology, especially in teaching a second language. Computer used as a transmission for knowledge into students minds. In furthermore, technology has been used as a tool to develop the cognitive side of the students minds. The article clarified that teacher and students can build a virtual learning environment by using web tools to communicate and think critically. It conclude that web technology enhance learning English as a second language and most of curriculum writers revise their curriculum according to the latest technology development. The discussion in the article of The Perception of English Language Teachers in the Use of Visual Learning Aids (Iran Dolati, 2012), has been focusing on the importance of visual learning aids are becoming more widely used in education and its role in language classroom. The study was happening in Malaysia, in which a second language learner environment and it focused on the use of visual aids technology to learn a second language. The research project shows that teacher who would use visual aids would provide a better learning environment. In addition, it shows the influence of use of visual aids to improve learning and motivate the students. It has been discussed in the Implementing a Holistic Teaching in Modern ELT Classes: Using Technology and Integrating Four Skills (ARSLAN, 2008) the importance of integrating technology to improve student skills. It highlighted the effect of computer assisted classroom to sharpen students learning skills. The research discusses the cognitive approach of teaching English with the use of technology in classroom to address different kinds of intelligences. It also pointed that a holistic teaching intertwined with technology environment in which students control over their learning. The paper discussed the effect of CALL in teaching English for second language learners and shed light on the different researches of using computer in classrooms. Conclusion The result of the different paper confirmed the intertwined relation between technology and teaching second language learners. Computer plays a significant role in teaching a second language in which creates a virtual learning environment that helps them to think critically and solve problem. At the conclusion, we reached to a realization that computer isnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t used only in computer labs; it is rather used in a daily pace classroom use. Behaviorists believe that online learning cannot provide the same positive learning results as face-to-face learning. Constructivists use discovery learning and critical learning activities which is done synchronously.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
adopted children :: essays research papers fc
     Not just the kids, but the adoptive parents also ask themselves questions: doubting their acceptance. A good question that comes to mind is whether or not; they can create a bound with the child. According to an adoption Corporation called â€Å"PACT†, no, they cannot bond with the adopted child. They feel, â€Å"Bounding is a one-way process that begins in the birth mother during pregnancy and continues through the first few days of life.†(1-2) It is instinctive so the bond can never be achieved, but hope lies in â€Å"attaching†. When you create an attachment between your child and you, it allows for the child to flourish. â€Å"Attachment is a two-way reciprocal process between parents and their children. (1-2) This process of attachment says a lot to a child. It is more than a friendship bond by allowing the child to put all of its trust within you. PACT wants us to know that, â€Å"It starts with a promise, a promise from parents to c hild that says, You count, and you can always rely on me.†(1-2) From this, a baby gains reliance, familiarity and the most important goal, which is that special attachment that should not be broken. It is also like a promise, which says a lot to the child. â€Å"From this promise will come the baby’s sense that the parents matter more than anyone else, leading to the baby’s reliance on them. (1-2)      Fear also steps in during this attachment stage, creating an obstacle of worries hard to get over. It is not just the question of whether you can attach t the baby but will the baby attach to you? The answer PACT gives us is to rely on your commitment to attach, regardless of time. Days, weeks, months or years may pass but what matters is you endurance. â€Å"If it takes time to feel that this child is your child, build on signs of progress. If it takes time for the baby to act as if you matter more than anyone else, enjoy interacting as connections grow.†(1-1) You will know if progress is occurring due to a number of signals that the child will withdraw. Smiles and developmental milestones are a clue that you are on the right track. (1-1)      Once a child who you feel attached to, doesn’t make the connection, it can make you as the parent feel left out. Adopted children also feel this way due to their other half who they feel is not connected to them.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
OSI Model :: essays research papers
To hell with the OSI 7 Layer Model Back in the 1980's, when all music sucked and men dressed like fags, a bunch of sissy Europeans got together in a passionate effort to overstandardize computer networking. They created this thing called the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) networking suite. Anyone who has taken a CS (Computer Science) or CIS (Computer Information Systems) course knows this; they cram this fact down the student's throat from day freaking one. It is only when the student enters the real world do they realise that the OSI seven layer model is a sham. First off, what the hell is any European organization doing dictating standards that have to do with computers or networking? (Well...besides that paradigm shifting Linux stuff and all that other huge shit) Hello! How many bleeding edge computer or networking innovations have we seen come out of the European continent? Are they even participating in this revolution? Part of this is not really directly their fault; it probably has something to do with the fact that a minimum of venture capital spent in Europe even goes into high tech; most of it goes into high fashion and entertainment instead. No wonder we booger eating Yanks think the Europeans are sissies. Hey, we may be pigs, but at least we are running the Internet. Nah nah na-na nah. Secondly, the seven layers proposed by OSI are completely out of touch with reality. The defacto networking standard is TCP/IP. TCP/IP is the grandaddy of XNS, IPX/SPX, Banyan, AppleTalk, and a host of other protocols and pre-dates that seven layer thing because it was funded by the largest organization in the world devoted to maintaining Eurocentric socioeconomic domination; the US Military. And for some reason, that makes it better. Yeah. And yet this seven layer curse won't go away. Companies still have staffs of Marketing inspired artists drawing up elaborate maps of how their protocol maps to the OSI Seven Layer Model. Sham! Its a sham I say! To hell with the OSI Seven Layer Model! To its credit, we have found that there are indeed a few things in this world that actually follow the seven layer model; but none of them have anything relevant to do with today's high tech world.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Dream Act for Dreamers
DREAM Act for DREAMers Life is not easy to be a perfect for anyone. Everyone needs something all the time. People always try to effort to get what they want and need. Many people including me come to the United States to get a better future life but immigration to a new country is not as easy as what we expected. Majority of people come to the United States to achieve their dreams. Some immigrants have real documents enter into the United States but some do not. Those people who do not have real documents are called illegal immigrants.Most of them made across the border enter into the United States. No matter what they are legal or illegal, all of them are here looking for a good life. Many different people from different countries come to the United States because America is a land of immigrants. Legal immigrants are properly becoming the United States citizenship under the laws but illegal immigrants are still waiting to fulfill their dreams. We might have a question to ask,  "Should immigration law change for the illegal immigrants to gain their legal status†? Answer may vary from different views.Some people agree that immigration law should change if undocumented immigrants, who already here for many years, they pay taxes, obey the laws and are a good man for the country. Some people do not agree that immigration law should change for the undocumented immigrants because they enter into the U. S. by breaking the law. One of the undocumented immigrants, Jose Antonio Vargas, shares his own experience of living as an illegal immigrant in the United States in his two articles â€Å"My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant,†and â€Å"Not Legal Not Leaving. Vargas was born in Philippine and grew up in the United States from his teen age. His mother sent him to the U. S. without real documents to live with his grandparents when he was 12 years old. Finally, he found out that he came to the U. S. with fake documents after he turned to age of 16. He c oncerned about someone figured out his secret one day and then he kept his status for many years. It made him uncomfortable upon people who help him a lot, he finally decided to announce about his real life and identity to the public.He is not only an undocumented immigrant but also a gay. He declared his status and requested for the DREAM Act (the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act), which would help the people, who did not have real documents, to be a legal citizenship available to them. Unfortunately, Vargas does not qualify for the program because of his age â€â€- now he is over 30. Although Vargas does not have a chance to apply the program, he fights for the young undocumented immigrants. The Dream Act is eligible for young people who arrived to the U.S. as minors, graduated from high school in the U. S. , and lived in the U. S. at least 5 years. Lately, the Department of Homeland Security announced that young people who were in the country illegally w ould stop deportation and got work permits under the program. However, The DREAM Act legislation has not passed yet. The U. S. Congress should pass the DREAM Act for the DREAMers who eligible for the program so that they can finish their higher education, contribute to the societies, and make more economic growth in the future for our country.The DREAMers, young people who are illegal immigrants, have grown up here and already assimilated into the culture. All of them were brought here illegally by their parents and relatives. They didn’t have their own choice to come to the United States. According to Vargas’s article â€Å"Not Legal Not Leaving,†there are estimated 11. 5 million people of illegal immigrants live in the United States and they are still struggling like him for a better life (Vargas, 2012, p. 1). Like Vargas, all of illegal immigrants were brought to the United States when they were children.They all are here to find for their better future. The y might face many more problems than regular immigrants face because they didn’t have real documents to show proof of live here legally. Some undocumented immigrants are already deported but some are still remained. Vargas said, â€Å"I am sorry for what I did, but I did it because I had to live and survive†(Vargas, 2012, p. 5). They broke the law because they had no choice for living and surviving their lives in a new country. Although they pay taxes that the U.S. citizens do, they do not get equal rights as a citizen. They only get a benefit from their efforts is a stressful life. We should consider those young people to fulfill their American dream. The Congress should pass the DREAM Act for those young people who eligible to apply the program. If DREAM Act will pass, more DREAMers can finish their education and get well-paying jobs. For example, if some of them will become doctors, they can cure different diseases to safe many people lives.And also they can give m ore support to their societies and the country. Similarly, the DREAMers were obliged by their parents and relatives they had no choice. They did not break the law directly. However, their parents and relatives broke the law. The adults got only one reason which they wanted to give a better future life for their children. Vargas told us that he believed himself as an American even though America didn’t count him yet for an American (Vargas, 2011, p. 2). Like Vargas, they all believe that America is their home.They were raised here and they knew nothing where else. They all are creating a better life and hoping their dream comes true. Vargas describes, â€Å"I’ve created a good life. I’ve lived the American dream†(Vargas, 2011, p. 2). They all are same as like Vargas and they have their own story why they are here. No matter what they break the law or not, we should allow the young people who have educated here, paid taxes and being a good man to gain thei r status to be a legal immigrant.If the DREAM Act will pass, the minors can step towards their American dream. If so, those millions of minors can make our country to be a better place and more economic growth in the future. The Congress should pass the DREAM Act for those young undocumented immigrants because they have been living here for many years and they are educated, worked, and paid taxes like other residents and American citizens. People are never perfect; we make a mistake at least one time in our whole life. We should give a chance to try their lives better.If the DREAM Act is passed, they will be allowed to stay like permanent residents and will have to contribute more their communities or societies and make their lives better than before. To fulfill their dream come true, the DREAM Act should pass for the minors (or) DREAMers. References Vargas, J. (2011, June 22). My life as an undocumented immigrant. New York Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2011/06/26/m agazine/my-life-as-an-undocumented-immigra nt. html? Vargas, J. (2012). Not legal not leaving. (Cover story). Time, 179(25), 34-44.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The Impact of Family Relationships in “the Story of an Hour†& “the Yellow Wallpaperâ€Â
Family relationships, especially involving spouses can create difficulties and challenges for one or the other, in-turn could create an impact in their relationship. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†are short stories centralized on the view of two married women, the challenges they endure in their relationships and coping with their spouse. Women wanting to have freedom, having to deal with an illness and their position in the household can create such challenges for spouses. Freedom to women means to be treated as an equal to their spouse, to avoid being controlled with every aspect of their lives. In Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of and Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper, both have a setting in the same era of men being dominant over their spouse. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the protagonist Mrs. Mallard kept whispering to herself upon hearing the passing of her husband; â€Å"†¦she said it over and over under her breath: Free, free, free! †(Chopin 2) and â€Å"Free! Body and soul free! †(Chopin 3). In my point of view those feelings that Mrs. Mallard felt at that moment was finally being let go from her husband’s grasp and the shackles of marriage which was an imprisonment to her. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator of the story was remained nameless is confined in a room with eccentric wallpaper, which I think seems to symbolize the complexity and confusion in her life. The narrator’s freedom in this case would be writing, which did not sit well with her husband based on this quote; â€Å"There comes John, and I must put this away – he hates to have me write a word†(Gilman 57). For those moments the narrator writes in her journal she feels to have freedom and to express herself from reality, but in secret. The way the narrator describes her room as; â€Å"it is a big, airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore†¦I should judge, for the windows, are barred for little children and there are rings and things in the walls†(Gilman 56). This portrayal of the room could be described as confinement for the narrator, and a sense feeling trapped. In both short stories, the main characters, Mrs. Mallard and the narrator have or ended up developing some sort of illness while in their marriages which can create difficulties in their relationship. In â€Å"Story of an Hour†it was stated Mrs. Mallard was â€Å"affiliated with heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death†(Chopin 1). According to the facts provided in the short story there was no hint or confirmation that she had this condition since her childhood, so objectively speaking, assumptions could be made such as Mrs. Mallard developing the illness over the course of her marriage. In â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator is mentally ill and with the advice of her husband, a physician advises her that nothing is wrong, according to the this quote â€Å"†¦you see, he does not believe I am sick†¦if a physician of high standing and one’s own husband assures friends and relatives that there is nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency†(Gilman 55). For that fact, the husband advises her to be confined in a room, and stating her disapproval, she would say her husband â€Å"would not hear of it†(Gilman 56). As time went by in her room, she looks to have developed fascination with the wallpaper in the room, which she also disliked, using her imagination. Every aspect of the wallpaper was analyzed with thoughts such as â€Å"This paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had†(Gilman 59) and â€Å"The faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out†(Gilman 63). These facts could be assumed that she was starting to get mentally unstable being imprisoned, with her spouse not willing to help her; a mental illness was present. The 18th century is known for husband’s being the dominant gender whereas their spouse is looked upon as â€Å"fragile†while their thoughts and suggestions being ignored. The husband’s duty would be that they are the income earners whereas the wife would preform her duties as what a typical wife would do during that era; run the household. Women would want to speak up but are afraid that it would show disrespect and as time goes on would eventually lead to resentment. In â€Å"Story of an Hour†Mrs. Mallard was hearing the news of her husband’s passing, upon receiving it, she would have such joy inside her which led to her death; â€Å"when the doctor’s came they said she had died of heart disease – of joy that kills†(Chopin 4). The story doesn’t elaborate the details of her marriage, only in the present, assumptions could be made how Mrs. Millard’s marriage was as a woman in the 18th century, and especially with the reaction she had upon hearing the news. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator’s husband was the main income earner with a â€Å"high standing position†(Gilman 55), while the wife was home. A quote said by the husband was â€Å"what is it little girl? He asked. Don’t go walking about like that – you’ll get cold†(Gilman 63). The fact provided in my view is that the husband doesn’t see the narrator as his wife, but as a child. As time would go it would seem like the narrator would have resentment towards the husband, even though he is doing no harm such as â€Å" he is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction†(Gilman 56). In the end, she would say â€Å"I’ve got out at last, said I, in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back! †(Gilman 70). The fact would assume that she was able to free herself from him and would rip the paper off in spite of her husband, which would show hate. In conclusion, in the two short stories, â€Å"Story of an Hour†and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, have two women in the same era enduring difficulties and challenges with spouses. Women wanting to have freedom, being treated as equals, developing or encountering an illness and the position in the household would lead to challenges and in can have an impact on their relationship. Chopin, K. â€Å"The Story of an Hour. †The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication. Comp. M. Rubens. Toronto: Pearson Custom Publications, 2006. 1-4. Gilman, C. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. †The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication. Comp. M. Rubens. Toronto: Pearson Custom Publications, 2006. 54-70.
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