Friday, May 31, 2019
Communism :: Communism Essays
"Every line I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism," reads the preface to George Orwells satire, Animal Farm. The rest of that line, which reads "And for Democratic Socialism as I understand it," was omitted from the 1956 edition of the book. Orwell has been called a traitor to the socialists, while at the aforesaid(prenominal) time becoming a sort of hero to the right wing. Animal Farm is not only a parody of Stalinist Russia, it also demonstrates that Russia wasnt truly a Social Democracy. Orwell criticizes Marx while maintaining his own beliefs in Democratic Socialism. These beliefs are apparent in what Old Major calls Animalism. Animalism originates in a speech by Old Major, Farmer Jones prize boar. Old Major is to Animalism what Marx and Lenin are to Communism. Old Major is able to gather the animals in the barn, to crack up his talk. Both Marx and Lenin would have thought this difficult because they believe d that that the proletariat would always be more concerned with work and survival than revolution or radical change. at one time the animals are gathered, Old Major recounts a dream he had the previous night. He tries to explain to the animals, their place in life and how they can get come to the fore of it. This is what Marx tried to do in his writing. In The Communist publicifesto and A Contribution to the Political Economy Marx wrote about the proletariats appreciation of social position and the sabotage ways of Capitalism. "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, wrote Marx, "But on the contrary, the social being that determines their consciousness." Marx is saying that there is no inherent reason workers should be oppressed, and they befoolt see the injustice in it, because it is all they know. This is what Old Major says to the animals in the barn Why do we continue in this miserable configuration? Because nearly the whole of the produ ce of our fight is stolen from us by human beings. There comrades is the answer to all of our problems It is summed up in a single word, man. Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. He sets the animals to work, he gives them the bare minimum that will keep them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself. Only get rid of man, and the produce of our labour would be
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Political Liberalism Essay -- Politics Political Science Liberal Essay
semipolitical LiberalismNorman Davies describes liberalism as being developed along two parallel tracks, the political and the economic. Political liberalism focused on the essential concept of government by consent. In its most thoroughgoing form it embraced republicanism, though most liberals favored a popular, limited, and fair monarch as a factor encouraging stability. (A History of Europe, p.802) At the core of liberalism was the idea of freedom of thought and expression. People were now not scarcely able to think for themselves, but also express those same thoughts. Popular reign was also a very strong tenet of liberalism. Popular sovereignty advocated that government derives its power from the people and sovereignty is never unlimited to anyone. Political liberalism centered on the ideas of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, the natural rights of man, the freedom to receive post, and that status is not a birthright but an extension of talent. Proper ty also represented a very strong idea in the minds of some(prenominal) liberals. Davies concludes, nineteenth-century liberals also gave great weight to property, which they saw as the principal source of responsible judgement and solid citizenship. (A History of Europe, p.802) However, property soon became defined as a natural right.Davies expresses, economic liberalism focused on the concept of free trade, and on the associated doctrine of laissez-faire, which opposed the habit of governments to regulate economic life by dint of protectionist tariffs. It stressed the right of men of property to engage in commercial and industrial activities without undue restraint. (A History of Europe, p.802) Hence, both economic and political liberalism had the right of property as a core ingredient. Property was a major element in the minds of the liberals because it enabled them to be known as a citizen.The liberals were the working middle classes, those with bills but no birthright. Liber alism was translated into a pursuit of wealth by the middle class. The principal concern of early-nineteenth-century liberalism was protecting the rights of the individual against the demands of the secern, explains Davies. (A History of Europe, p.802) Here, the liberals were concerned with the state interfering with the natural rights of man. The tenets of liberalism affected the political deve... ...he natural right of man. As a result, nationalism and liberalism want people to live together in harmony.Also, nationalists were burn with an inner spirit and the belief that their state was the best. Most nationalists were liberals who viewed the struggle for unification and freedom from foreign oppression as an extension of the struggle for individual rights. few liberals recognized that nationalism was a potentially dangerous force that could threaten liberal ideals of freedom and equality. (Sources of the Western Tradition, p.141) Hence, both liberals and nationalists were fight ing for equal individual rights of man.In conclusion, liberals advocated a constitution that limited the states authority and a bill of rights that stipulated the citizens basic freedoms. (Sources of the Western Tradition, p.171) Liberals were heavily concerned with the basic rights of man and other rights, such as freedom of thought and expression. However, they were also concerned with the idea of property. As a result, liberalism, which had a profound effect on the early nineteenth century, grew and had an impact on the ideas or ideologies presented in the later nineteenth century.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Hypodermic-Syringe Model Essay -- science
The Hypodermic-Syringe ModelThe hypodermic syringe model suggest that the media is alike a magic bullet and when an auditory modality is targeted it will immediately be knocked down when they are hit. The hypodermic-syringe model also suggests that society is passive and the media inject their media influence into society and manipulates it. The Frankfurt school visualised the media as a hypodermic syringe, and the contents of the media were injected into the thoughts of the audience, who accepted the attitudes, opinions and beliefs expressed by the media without question. This model was a response to the German fascists use of need and radio for propaganda, and later applied to American capitalist society. The followers of the hypodermic model of Effects adopted a variant of Marxism, emphasizing the dangers of the power of capitalism, which possess and controlled new forms of media. Researchers in the fifties also supported the Effects model when exploring the potential of the n ew medium of television. Researchers were particularly concerned over increases in the authority of violent acts on television, which related with increases in violent acts in society. In the nineties, there was considerable concern over what were called video nasties. The tabloid papers created a moral panic over whether particular violet films could influence child behavior and whether Childs Play 3 influenced the child killers of Jamie Bulger, but there was no demonstration that they had watched it....
Plagiarism :: Cheating Internet Computer Ethics Essays
Plagiarism Plagiarism, or the unaccredited use of anothers work or ideas, has change by reversal more and more of a riddle in recent times than it was in the past. According to statistics found in a survey conducted by the Free Press, 58% of high school students let someone copy their work in 1969, but by 1989 this number had risen to 97%. The expansion of the World Wide Web and the number of community accessing the Web on a regular basis has caused an epidemic of plagiarism in this country, especially among students. This is a serious problem that must be intercommunicate because many students feel that if they are not getting in trouble for cheating, than it is okay. Children are taught to use computers at incredibly young ages, and according to Ann Lanthrop plagiarism has become a problem even in the lowest levels of elementary education. It has become so easy for students to access information for their homework and writings on the net profit that some students f eel they should not expect to work even a little to receive the grades that they desire. High school students get out of reading novels for their side classes by reading book notes online. While in the past students had access to these materials, websites such as Spark Notes, Monkey Notes, and a number of other websites have made access to these study guides free to students, causing the temptation to cheat to be even harder to ignore. The Web also offers many ways for students to obtain termination papers or essays at a low cost. In many cases, these students do not even twainer to change any piece of the paper The simplicity of the Internet has made cheating on assignments much more effortless than in the past, even if students are not directly copying and pasting from Websites, they offer also email homework problems and essay questions to every member of the class. Plagiarism is a severe issue that needs to be addressed by both teachers and parents with children while they a re still young enough to fear the consequences of their actions. In the United States it is illegal for one to plagiarize the copyrighted work of another tender-hearted being. Not only does plagiarism violate legal statutes, but it also infringes on longstanding morals and ethics.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Leadership Essay -- essays research papers
Twelve OClock broad(prenominal)Introduction to the physical compositions subject, and primary objectives public information regarding the topic of this paper&61623 The purpose of this paper is to identify and contrast the different styles of leadership exhibited by two characters found in the 1949 movie Twelve OClock High starring Gregory Peck as General atrocious, Army Air Forces general. Based on a true story, Twelve OClock High is a inspirational account of the highly dangerous precision daylight bombing missions carried out by US Army Air Forces 918th chock Group in England during the last part of World War II. In the beginning of the movie the squadron is commanded by general Davenport. It is very clear that General Davenports main concern is the wellbeing of his men. He obviously had developed close interpersonal relationships. The men of the squadron were completely devoted towards Davenport and they trusted any decision that he would make. General Davenports affection for his men comes to interfere with his ability to lead them. The squadron suffers heavy losses to planes and heavier losses to soldiers. One instance that clearly demonstrates Davenports incapability to uphold his responsibilities as the leader is when he jeopardizes the well being of the entire squadron by ignoring protocol and flying out of formation in the attempt to free one plane. When it becomes apparent to Davenports superiors that his emotional feelings have become an obstacle to his effectively leading the squadron they relieve him. General vicious who is ordered to take everyplace the underachieving bomber group experiencing heavy losses because of poor technique and lack of focus. Savage takes a kind of tough love approach, holding his men to the highest standards. Savage makes the point that the ultimate objection of the squadron is to successfully complete the assigned missions. Throughout the movie Savage constantly makes it absolutely clear to the squadron that no o ne idiosyncratics wellbeing will be placed ahead of the entire team and the success of the team. Initially the changing of the preceding General dispirits the squadron. They felt that General Savage was uncompassionate considering the men as nothing more then numbers that were dispensable at his convenience. After several missions that were marked by a remarkable turnaround in success the man eventually come... ...rganization this movie offers a very concrete example for people in authority to follow. It arouse also be applied in postal services where there has been a recent change in authority. According to the book leaders that have recently entered a position of authority should be more task specific in the way they interact with employees. This will clear up some of the ambiguity associated with the ask of the new leader to the employees.Reasons why Savage succeeded where Davenport failedDifferences in primary motivationDavenport was mainly motivation was the establishing and maintaining of close interpersonal relationships with his followers. While Savage, on the other hand, was primarily motivated by task accomplishment. As in this type of situation Savages style is more effective. However, even though Davenport failed in this situation I feel that his leadership style has the potential to be highly successful in an environment that are more favorable. In this example Savage was faced with a crises. In periods of crisis leaders identify problems and implement solutions tend to be the most effective. Clearly Savage does a better job of make his expectations clear.
Leadership Essay -- essays research papers
Twelve OClock HighIntroduction to the papers subject, and primary objectivesGeneral information regarding the topic of this paper&61623 The purpose of this paper is to identify and contrast the different way of lifes of leadership exhibited by two characters found in the 1949 movie Twelve OClock High starring Gregory Peck as General Savage, Army Air Forces general. Based on a true story, Twelve OClock High is a inspirational account of the highly dangerous precision daylight bombing missions carried out by US Army Air Forces 918th Bomber Group in England during the last part of World War II. In the beginning of the movie the squadron is commanded by general Davenport. It is very clear that General Davenports main concern is the wellbeing of his men. He obviously had developed virtually interpersonal relationships. The men of the squadron were only devoted towards Davenport and they trusted any decision that he would make. General Davenports affection for his men comes to interfer e with his ability to lead them. The squadron suffers heavy losses to planes and heavier losses to soldiers. One instance that clearly demonstrates Davenports incapability to uphold his responsibilities as the leader is when he jeopardizes the well being of the entire squadron by ignoring protocol and fugitive out of formation in the attempt to save one plane. When it becomes apparent to Davenports superiors that his emotional feelings have become an obstacle to his effectively leading the squadron they remove him. General Savage who is ordered to take over the underachieving bomber group experiencing heavy losses because of poor technique and lack of focus. Savage takes a benevolent of tough love approach, holding his men to the highest standards. Savage makes the point that the ultimate objection of the squadron is to successfully complete the assigned missions. Throughout the movie Savage always makes it absolutely clear to the squadron that no one individuals wellbeing wil ling be placed ahead of the entire team and the success of the team. initially the changing of the preceding General dispirits the squadron. They felt that General Savage was uncompassionate considering the men as nothing more then numbers that were dispensable at his convenience. After several missions that were marked by a remarkable turnaround in success the man eventually come... ...rganization this movie offers a very concrete example for people in authority to follow. It can also be applied in situations where there has been a recent change in authority. fit to the book leaders that have recently entered a position of authority should be more task specific in the way they interact with employees. This will clear up some of the ambiguity associated with the needs of the new leader to the employees.Reasons why Savage succeeded where Davenport failedDifferences in primary motivationDavenport was primarily motivation was the establishing and maintaining of close interpersonal re lationships with his followers. While Savage, on the other hand, was primarily motivated by task accomplishment. As in this type of situation Savages style is more effective. However, even though Davenport failed in this situation I feel that his leadership style has the potential to be highly successful in an milieu that are more favorable. In this example Savage was faced with a crises. In periods of crisis leaders identify problems and implement solutions tend to be the most effective. intelligibly Savage does a better job of making his expectations clear.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Dynamics of Coalition Politics in India Essay
The most crucial problem that Indian democracy faces today is the policy-making instability at Central level and state levels. The instability mounted as no single fellowship getting a clear cut legal age in forming the organisation due to the fractured political opinion of the electorate and swindling of multi party system. Coalition political sympathies has become an essential feature of present day Indian democracy. Theorizing political sympathies of nuclear fusion reaction in a polity of Indias size, diversity, and complexity is difficult task.Yet an attempt has been made in this study to make theoretical nose out of Indian authorities. The collapse of the issue parties and mushroom bring aboutth of the regional political parties have forced India into the coalition mode. Due to the gradual decline of the congress sureness and presence of each viable alternative coalition build efforts has become inevitable. National Front 1989, the linked Front of 1996, National representative Alliance of 1998, and the unite Progressive Alliance of 2004 and 2009 were unavoidable and indispensable for the Indian democracy.In Indian federal official structure, states are performing as a unit of central presidential term and deal with subjects having direct, immediate, and intimate impact on the fortunes of the citizens. Therefore the study also attempts to answer the question whether the coalition framework in the context of Indian political sympathies is good or bad for the country. At one extreme, on that point is always the pride about bulk governments and at the other extreme, the prejudice against coalition political science.The balanced view, however, seems to have been the proportionateness that, it should not be taken for granted that coalition governments, whether their type and stage of growth, are per se dysfunctional to nation building and effective administration, all the more because we are still travelling on the way to coalition making and there are several patterns of coalition politics in the country. Hence, the question is not that coalition governments are superior to majority governments or vice-versa.What is to be done instead is to have an empirical query into the dynamics of coalition politics to replace normative myths with realistic formulations in regard to the efficiency of coalitional experiments in India. Till then we should not come to whatever conclusion whether coalition politics is good or bad, and that coalitional politics and political development. Presently, the decision makers, administrators, political and social scientists, and the citizens at large have been nonrecreational big attention to coalition politics.This attention has been arising due to political instability of the country because of the infighting among the coalition partners. Jayalalitha in 1998 and Giridhar Gamango in 1999 were responsible for the collapse of the coalition government at the centre. The country was forced t o turn over unwarranted preferences. Both Jayalalitha and Gamango posed a great liability for the national exchequer. The citizens in general, are always in favour of a government who provides political stability.However, politicians and legislators have almost lost their trus 2rthiness, in the eyes of the people, due to their failure in providing stable governments. But the politicians preserve themselves by changing the responsibility to the fractured verdict of the voters at the hustings. but both the people and politicians are equally responsible for the political instability of the country or in any state. Politicians are more responsible for such a political situation, because they have yet to institutionalize the coalition politics on a sound basis at the national as well as state level.Without giving true attention to this grave problem the politicians taking avail of the hung parliament and hung state assemblies have resorted to unhealthy practices of horse-trading and floor crossing, in spite of the Tenth Schedule to the constitution of India. Therefore, institutionazing the coalition politics at the state and national level is the necessity of the day for political stability and development of the country. Definition of Coalition- The term coalition is derived from the Latin word coalitio which is The veral substantive of coalescere which means to grow together.However, as actually used, it both(prenominal)what belies it nominal meaning, for the units or the elements brought into combination by a coalition very seldom grow together in any leteral sense. According to the dictionary meaning coalition means an act of coalescing, or uniting into one body a union of persons, states alliance. In the strict political sense the word coalition is used for alliance or temporary union into a single government of distinct parties or members of distinct parties3 In other words, it commonly denotes a cooperative arrangement under which istinct political par ties, or at all events members of such parties u t to form a government or minitry What is political coalition or Political alliance? Political coalition or political alliance is an agreement for cooperation between different political parties on common political agenda, often for purposes of contesting an election to mutually benefit by collectively clearing election three holds or otherwise benefiting from characteristics of the voting system or for government formation after elections.A coalition government is a cabinet of a parliamentary government in which several parties cooperate. The usual reason given for this arrangement is that no party on its own can achieve a majority in the parliament. In such times, parties have formed all-party coalitions (national unity governments, grand coalitions). If a coalition collapses a confidence vote is held or a operation of no confidence is taken. Coalition politics A Theoretical Framework- In a federal system, the states are coined and in turn affect the national system.While a proper understanding of the Indian political system depends to a very great extent on the assessment of political development in the states which are constituent units of the larger political system are conditioned by the nature of national politics. In appreciation of this mutual interacting role, the study of state government and politics is becoming popular. Coalition politics is another notable feature of the Indian party system, which affects both the centre and the state.In spite of the fact that the subject of coalitions is not of recent origin, it has not entrenched itself as a part of the literature on political science especially with regard to a theoretical understanding of the concept. In India, the study of coalitions is of recent origin though the play a major role in the politics of India. Both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the government are run by the representatives of the political parties who ha ve been elected through developments of the last two to Three decades have witnessed an upsurge in the writings on coalition politics.The Encyclopedia of social science (1972) has made an attempt to give a proficient meaning through social scientists like William H. Riker and William A. Gamson. In the opinion of William H. Riker The word coalition has long been used in Ordinary English to refer to stem of people who come together (usually on temporary basis) to attain some end. Typically, a coalition has been regarded as a parliamentary or political separate less permanent than a party or faction or an interest group.William A Gamson writes that, coalition to mean the joint use of resource is some weight such that some critical quantity of it in the control of two or more parties to the decision is both necessary and sufficient to posit its outcome. Participants will be said to be using their resources jointly only if they co-ordinate their deployment of resources with respect t o some decision. As like any other democracy, political parties represent different sections among the Indian society and regions, and their core values the elections.Through the electoral process, the people of India choose which majority in the lower house a government can be formed by that party or the coalition. Hypothesis Coalition government does definitely provide a good and favourable option at centre to form a government in India. Coalitions in India are likely to be inherently unstable unless there is nominal programmatic compatibility. Coalition is complementary to democratic processes, articulated not only in the ritualistic participation of the people in an election, but also in there day-to day participation in governmental activities.In this fundamental sense, coalitions are unavoidable, and cannot be wished away as a mere ripple. Methodology Descriptive and uninflected methodology has been adopted. The study will be with a reference to the electoral politics of In dia mainly centred. Coalition politics in India For most of the years since independence, the federal government has been led by the Indian national congress (INC), Politics in The states have been dominated by several national parties including the INC, the Bharatiya janatha party (BJP), the commie party of India(marxist) (CPI(M)) and various regional parties.From 1950 to 1990, barring two brief periods, the INC enjoyed a parliamentary majority. The INC was out of power between 1977 and 1980, when the won the election owing to general discontent with the corruption of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In 1989, a Janata Dal-led National Front coalition in alliance with the Left Front coalition won the elections but managed to stay in power for only two years. As the 1991 elections gave no political party a majority, the INC formed a minority government under Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao and was able to complete its five-year term. The years 19961998 were a period of turm oil in the federal government with several transient alliances holding sway. The BJP formed a government briefly in 1996, followed by the United Front coalition that excluded both the BJP and the INC. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with several other parties and became the first non-Congress government to complete a full five-year term.In the 2004 Indian elections, the INC won the largest number of Lok Sabha seats and formed a government with a coalition called the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), supported by various parties and 15th Lok sabha election 2009 has produced another coalition government named as United Progressive Alliance (UPA) with congress as the largest member of the coalition. India has a multi-party system, where there are a number of national as well as regional parties. A regional party may gain a majority and rule a particular state. If a party represents more than 4 states then such parties are considered as national parties .In the years since Indias independence, India has been ruled by the Indian National Congress (INC) for 48 of those years. The party enjoyed a parliamentary majority barring two brief periods during the 1970s and late 1980s. This rule was interrupted between 1977 to 1980, when the Janata Party coalition won the election owing to public discontent with the controversial state of emergency declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Janata Dalwon elections in 1989, but its government managed to hold on to power for only two years.Between 1996 and 1998, there was a period of political flux with the government being formed first by the right-wing nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) followed by a left-leaning United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance with smaller regional parties, and became the first non-INC and coalition government to complete a full five-year term. The 2004 Indian elections saw the INC winning the largest number o f seats to form a government leading the United Progressive Alliance, and supported by left-parties and those opposed to the BJP. In 2009 once again UPA won the elections and formed a government.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Motivation Techniques Essay
This essay will explain how groups atomic number 18 formed and will discuss how need proficiencys promote effective group work and a well motivated workforce.A group can be defined as two or more freely interacting people with shared norms and goals and a common identity (Kreitner, Kinicki and Buelens 1999). barely there is no specific definition to the term group. Cartwright and Zander (1968) set eight contrary definitions of the word all which represent a particular perspective on the most important characteristics of a group.Mullins (2005) states that groups are deliberately aforethought(ip) and created by the management as part of the clump organisation structure. Managers create formal groups to accomplish goals and serve the needs of the organisation. The main adjudicate of formal groups is to bring about specific tasks and achieve specific objectives defined by the organisation. However informal groups are not formed or planned by the management. These develop by nat ure among employees through communication and interaction inwardly the workplace. Informal groups tends to satisfy employees social needs, for example developing meaningful relationships with early(a) people and obtaining and sharing important information.Tuckmans (1965) suggests that a group normally has to pass through a five make ups before it functions in an effective way. His guess focuses on the way which a police squad tackles a task from initial formation if the team through to the completion of the task. The five wooden legs of Tuckmans theory are forming, storming, and norming, performing and adjourning.At first stage the group get together and initially gets to know each other. Next stage the members become more aware of each other, they become more willing to bring their views into the open. There will be disagreements within the group about the task and the arrangements, which may lead to conflict. Norming is a stage where employees cooperate with each other and they tend to get their work done. In the next stage the group works well and gets on with their job to the required standard and achieves its objectives. The last stage of the Tuckmans theory is adjouring, groups members usually disperse at this stage and they tend to reflect on the task that has been carried out.According to Cole (2004) motivation is the term utilize to describe those processes, both instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy the basic drivers, perceived needs and personal goals, which trigger human behaviour. However Cook et al. (1997) stated another(prenominal) interpretation of motivation whereby it is A conscious decision to perform one or more activities with greater effort then(prenominal) other competing activities.Nowadays managers use motivation techniques in a number of ways, one that every manager commits themselves and set company goals for their employees to aim for. By doing this it identifies the purpose of their job. Motivation tech niques that are likely to be used in the industries are, employee of the month schemes, where workers are gaind for their hard work.To increase motivation and group work within the childcare industry one should consider Herzbergs Two Factor, which is hygiene and motivating factors. His theory hinges on the idea that people are motivated by the things that make them feel good about work. In childcare it is important to ensure hygiene factors such as the conditions the employees work in are copasetic and comfortable along with security of having an acceptable amount of wage and benefits such as pension.Another way to motivate employees is by reinforcing them. Skinners theory simply states that the employees behaviour that leads to positive outcomes will be repeated (skinner 1953). Managers should positively reinforce employee behaviour that will lead them to positive outcomes. For example if the teacher has a plan for an activity, the manager should encourage the teacher to the acti vity or the play. By this he/she will feel valued and would like to make hike contribution in other tasks. Some employees are quiet and some are loud. Despite peoples personality, everyone should take in a say in discussion or at least be given the chance. Managers should be able to build up self esteem in their employees and for their employees to build up to their work colleagues. This effectively motivates the whole workforce.If there are new employees in the nursery and one is quicker in adapting things whereas the other one might come across time to get used t new things and the environment. Managers should recognise this as not everyone is same in any workplace. It is important for a manager to recognise this and treat them same.Abraham Maslow is an early theorist who realised that people cede more than just social and physical needs. He studied human motivation from which he then invented a theory of needs of hierarchy, with basic needs at the bottom and higher needs at t he top. Maslows theory relates to the motivation techniques of nowadayss industry as it displays how managers to this day follow the same method of systematic movement up the hierarchy.Schools and community or day nurseries needs a stable environment in order to maintain a suitable place for employees to work in. To motivate staff into workings, the surroundings are needs to have adequate lighting, warmth and shelter and free from threats as much as possible. For example people do not want to enter a working zone and feel threatened each day that they are going to be physically got hurt or even catch a mothy when there is no heating in the workplace. This is managers job to ensure that every angle is covered so that their employees enjoy coming to work.Schools should have right teaching resources to motivate their staff. For example in the classroom a teacher should have a computer and all the equipments that he/she need for their lesson. These are the basic needs of any employee working in the early years that need to be met so they can work to their fullest potential.Another motivational technique to promote effective group work and a well-motivated workforce is communicating with employees. As suggested by the expectancy theory, workers expect some sort of reward as an outcome of the effort that they put in. It is vital that communication is a two-way action as not all people have the same incentives as mentioned before, one working in the childcare vocation may get to an advance whereas another may prefer the option to work in another group, such as a different year group or subject. So it is essential that one projects their desired needs in order for them to be met.However, a lack of communication can de-motivate employees and one should be careful to not send out misleading information. Managers who do not meet their demands as promised, causes a break-down in communication and trust, which will therefore lead on to cause motivational problems, but i f managed to maintain this trust then they will be more valued, as will their decisions, upholding the employees will to co-operate.In conclusion this essay shows different ways how groups are formed and different types of groups such as formal and informal groups. There are many ways of motivating employees but employers should know that there are different ways of rewarding. Different theorists have different ways of explaining their techniques on motivating workforces.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Coffee †Brazil Essay
The story seems to begin in Ethiopia, where the coffee tree berry grew wild. Goatherds there noted that goats which ate leaves and berries of the plant remained awake all night. The Arabs carry that they developed the plant during the reign of Mohammed (c675 AD). Believe that if you wish we ar going with the Ethiopian story. Consumed originally as a food, it would take on the character of a medicinal and eventually that of a social drink.The coffee tree grows to a height of 14 to 20 feet, producing (along with bright green leaves and white flowers) a berry which, as it matures, goes from green to yellow to red. Harvested red, they are placed in water so that the good berries will sink and all the debris will float. The berries are then pulped to extract the beans, there being two beans per berry, the beans having a bluish-green color. Next they are dried and cured for several weeks, becoming hard and yellow.Roasting is next, at the high temperature of 900 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 7 minutes, then they are stored (aged) and eventually ground into coarse granules. One is obliged to wonder how this all came about who was the first to descend that roasting the beans would do anything good to them? The decaffeinated type of coffee is made by treating the green beans with chlorine-based solvents prior to the rest of the process. There are some 30 species of the plant, the closely important being Brazilian, Mild, Robusta (or African) and Arabian, the last being the predominant tree of the Americas.Discovered by Arabs traveling in Ethiopia in the 13th century, it was taken to Arabia and flourished at Mocha in Yemen, where the Arabic name for it was qahwah and from that word to coffee. Its popularity steadily increased. In the 1500s it arrived in Turkey, and in Italy in the 1600s. About this time, establishments for preparing the drink (coffee houses) sprang up all over Europe.In 1714 the French succeeded in bringing a live cutting to their island of Martinique, and , from that single plant, coffee growing spread throughout Central and South America. Meanwhile, the Portuguese introduced the plant into their colony of Brazil, where it took readily. In fact, Brazil today produces 25% of the worlds coffee, and Central and South America unite produces two-thirds of the worlds supply. Since coffee grows in Java and Southeast Asia, an alternate name for coffee is java. Then Starbucks came along and showed how coffee could be jazzed up by adding other things to it. At a hefty price.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State Essay
This article argues that the first domestic institution in human history was not the family but the matrilineal clan. Engels here follows Lewis H. Morgans thesis as outlined in his major book, Ancient Society. Morgan was an American business lawyer who championed the land rights of Native Americans and became adopted as an honorary member of the Seneca Iroquois tribe. Traditionally, the Iroquois had lived in communal longhouses based on matrilineal descent and matrilocal residence, an arrangement giving women much solidarity and power. When nonhuman primate society and earlier human society, identifying sexual competition and the jealousy of the male as the vital issue that needed to be overcome to allow the emergence of the oldest form of family involving throng marriage.Primitive communism was based in the matrilineal clan where women lived with their classificatory sisters applying the principle that my sisters child is my child. This kinship solidarity empowered women to tak e action against uncooperative males. Engels identified the world historic defeat of the female sex the switch from what he called mother-right to father-right with the onset of farming and pastoralism. This shift from matrilocality to patrilocality manifested itself in mens increased control in the home. Engels wrote The man took command in the home also. The book comes with an extensive discussion of Ancient Society which describes the major stages of human development as commonly understood in Engels time. In contrast to other contemporary essays on the subject, Engels emphasizes the importance not of primitive psychological development but rather of social relations of power and control over material resources, sometimes related to the development of new technologies.Morgan, whose account of prehistory Engels largely accepts as given, focuses primarily on the first two stagesof Savagery and Barbarism but only ventures as far as the transition into Civilization. The foothold Savagery and Barbarism as used by Morgan were meant to be objective and not terms of derision or disparagement as they might be assumed to be then or now. The Pairing Family, first indications of pairing are found in families where the husband has one primary wife. Inbreeding is practically eradicated by the prevention of a marriage between two family members who were even just remotely related, while relationships also start to approach monogamy. Property and economics begin to p send a larger part in the family, as a pairing family had responsibility for the ownership of specific goods and property.Polygamy is still common amongst men, but no longer amongst women since their fidelity would ensure the childs legitimacy. Women have a superior role in the family as keepers of the household and guardians of legitimacy. The pairing family is the form distinctive of the lower stages of barbarism. However, at this point, when the man died his inheritance was still given to his gens, rat her than to his offspring. Engels refers to this economic advantage for men coupled with the womans lack of rights to lay claim to possessions for herself or her children (who became hers after a separation) as the overthrow of mother-right which was the world historical defeat of the female sex.For Engels, ownership of property created the first important division between men and women in which the woman was inferior. It develops from the pairing family, as we have already shown, during the time of transition from the middle to the higher stage of barbarism. Its lowest victory is one of the signs of beginning civilization. It is founded on male supremacy for the pronounced purpose of breeding children of indisputable paternal lineage. The latter is required, because these children shall later on inherit the fortune of their father. The monogamous family is distinguished from the pairing family by the far greater durability of wedlock, which can no longer be dissolved at the spor t of either party. As a rule, it is only the man who can still dissolve it and cast off his wife.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Reflective writing
Project module Business project module helped me to critic every last(predicate)y analyze and reflect upon my skills, build on my strengths and develop my weaker areas. Our module drawing card, Ms. Catharine gamekeeper taught us what is pensive thinking? What Is reflective piece of pen? How to reflect our experiences, opinions or events. I have reflected ab come forward group assignment that have d superstar In last semester. I have recognized my strengths like, how to collaborate with team members, how to planning and organizing the work. And It helped me to distinguish my weak points as well.Second reflective writing was data gathering techniques for projects. I have indite the way that I gathered Information to write a biography about an eminent person. info gathering process provided the probability to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the project. I prepared semi structured questions, got the prior approval to record the discussion. I could able to gather more than accurate Information and successfully completed that task. We have done a group project about natures secrets. My part was collecting data for do the project. It was methodology part. Got a sample from dents of SLIT for do the questioner.It was a manual customer survey. And used compevery website as secondary source. Used pie charts for show the results. Analyzed the study found on marketing strategy. We have used product mix, after that we presented the findings and gave the recommendations for the immense lines. We have done our presentation in yesterday. I prioritize the main information at early, because it helps me to deliver my part within given clip period. notwithstanding first group members allocated 10 minutes for delivering their parts, because of that we couldnt finish forwards the allocated time.Our module leader was not happy about our analyzing part, because we have included only one strategy. We didnt analyze the external stakeholders like competitors and suppliers. There were two lab sessions for t distributivelying us how to make table of contents correctly and how to use various references. But unfortunately I couldnt do it my own because, lack of the calculator facilities in the lab.. But I and my friend shared one computer for do that session. That was helped us to successfully complete the report. Lack of facilities have an adverse effects on the kind process of the students.As an IT university, dents want more lab facilities, more effective computers for doing their sessions. I have learnt so m whatever important things from this module. Helped me to Improve my communication skills by doing the presentation and all these shamivities helped me to develop team work and Interpersonal skills, planning and organizing, written and listening skills. Reflective writing By Hashish-Bandanna Catharine Gamekeeper taught us what is reflective thinking? What is reflective group assignment that have done in last semester. I have recogni zed my strengths work.And it helped me to distinguish my weak points as well. Second reflective writing was data gathering techniques for projects. I have written the way that I gathered information to write a biography about an eminent person. Data gathering discussion. I could able to gather more accurate information and successfully company website as secondary source. Used pie charts for show the results. That we couldnt finish before the allocated time. Our module leader was not happy have learnt so many important things from this module. Helped me to improve my develop team work and interpersonal skills, planning and organizing, written andReflective writingThe evening staff went and night staff together with the evening nurse had a port handed over, both in writing and verbally as per the policy to keep a good quality of business organisation they have at work and also the health and safety act 1974. after the handover me and the evening nurse went to see one of the resident who was poorly to have an as correct handover as possible to be able to give away any changes as quick as possible. I was planning to phone the family before 1 1 pm to give an update of the state of their relative.Then I was handed over the keys, as it in only the URN who are allowed the keys according to policy and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2006 and Controlled Drugs Supervision of Management and use) as for England. Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. After I have gone around and done a check and answered a few call bells I started preparing to hand out the night time medication. I unlock the door to the drug room and take out the looked trolley which contains the residents drugs. Made sure had clean pots and spoons and straws. All rooms had a dawdle with fresh water system and a suitable container to drink from.NC has standards for medication management which had to follow as well as regulation 13 of the Health and accessible Care Act 2008 and my code of conduct. During the drug r ound I tried not to be too disturbed but did answered call bells during the drug round. For each and every patient checked date and time on mar sheet and double checked it was the right patient and checked the date on the box or blister to see that the medication was not expired. Check the dosage and admit way. Trying to be up to date in my fellowship by reading on MIRA web site. Also checked how the medication had been documented over the day, were they refused?When was the last dose of the same medication he or she has before bed time? Is the resident sitting up properly to be able to swallow the medication? Are there enough water in the jugs? During this time I also checked how the patient were feeling by talking to them. Were they talking as normal or was their speech deadening or different? How is there breathing? Are they warm enough, do they look ill, do they have a temperature? Is the catheter draining? Do they gather up any PRNG drugs? Constipated or in any pain? Then I signed the mar sheet to confirm that the resident had taken his medication or signed for any refusal or other reasons.When it was time to give the controlled drugs. I called one of the senior staff to come with me to get the drugs in a particular locked area assigned for controlled drugs. I took the CD signature book and with the other staff checked the drug for expire date, name, strength admit way, and sign in the book. Then we went to the patient, both of us, and gave the patients its medication. Was an oral administer way so we stayed while she swallowed the medication. ( This is regulated as well by the regulations and guide lines as I had when was handing out the medication.MIRA and ICQ are 2 body which can control the management of controlled drugs and to check so all guidelines, legislations and code of conduct are followed. When all the residents had had their medication, I went one more time to check so they were okay. Then I checked with the staff to get a vibrancy abou t any issues or problem I should know about and then I took my coffee to do the documentation. Overall documentation was made and I also made sure any general information was documented and brought forward like bath requests, visitors, out goings and appointments.There was 2 kind off drugs which needed to be ordered in the cockcrow so these was written up as well. Documentation is of high importance because it gives evidence of quality and that all legislations and human right are followed as mental capacity act, confidentiality, quality of circumspection and that care plans are followed as well as patients safety and consent. At my workplace we document in a computer system and have care plans in a person folder in case we cannot access the information on the computer. To easy overview changes in care we have a ay to day based handover sheet as well.ICQ regulates that the documentation is correct done and they have a minimum standards that the nursing home need to apply to. When i t was an appropriate time, a senior staff and me checked and counted the controlled drugs (that are not in daily use) and signed that they are correct as I am responsible to do according to Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2006 and Controlled Drugs (Supervision of Management and use) as for England, the ICQ guidelines and code of conduct and NC standards. During the night helped a few residents to the oiled according to the care plan and the manual and handling act and I made sure I had their consent first. Also checked the residents regardless, once an hour, but it always became more often as I checked the other resident at the same time as someone rang the call bell. Some residents needed to be turned regular ( the carnelian will tell me how ( manual handling)and how often and why). During the shift I also checked so the staff was fine and if they had anything to rapport to me or have had any problems during the shift so far, and so they follow policies and procedures for the workplace and annual handling act and following the care plan.I did this by operative with them and checking residents regularly to see if they were turned, dry, offered a drink if awake and had their call bell with in reach. The staff called me because a dressing had come off on a residents foot. I looked in the care plan to see what actions and what dressing they have had applied on the wound and re dressed it and then documented it in the care plan. I had to do a phone call to this patients family to give an update of how their loved one was progressing.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Eco/561pr †Economics Essay
In modern society people desire goods and function that provide a more comfortable or affluent standard of living. We want bottled water, soft drinks, and fruit juices, not just water from the creek. We want salads, burgers, and pizzas, not just berries and nuts. According to MC-Connell (2008) Economics, which is the social science concerned with how individuals, institutions, and society make optimal choices under conditions of scarcity. Scarce sparingal resources mean limited goods and services. Scarcity restricts options and demands choices. Because we tint have it all, we must ascertain what we will have and what we must forgo. Consumers are businesslike in deciding what goods and services to buy. Business firms are purposeful in deciding what products to produce and how to produce them. Government entities are purposeful in deciding what public services to provide and how to finance them.Economist develops economic principles and models at two levels macroeconomics and mic roeconomics. Macroeconomics examines either the economy as a whole or its basic subdivisions, such as the government, household, and business sectors. Macroeconomics seek to obtain an overview or general outline of the structure of the economy relationship of its major sum of moneys. We dirty dog see it as an economic measure of total output, total employment, total income, aggregate expenditure, and the general level of prices in analyzing several(a) economic problems. On the other hand microeconomics is the part of economics concerned with individual units such as a person, a firm, or industry. At this level economist observe the detail of an economic unit, or very small segment of the economy. Micro measures the price of a specific product, the number of employees in a small business, the revenue of a particular individual.These means individuals and society face economizing problem because their wants exceed their income and they must decide what to purchase and what to for g o. Some of the tools we can use to measure this process is a graphically, budget line which is a line in a graph with the variouscombinations of two products that a consumer can purchase with the specific income, giving the prices of the two products. Other tools for economist to measure and illustrate societys economizing problem with production possibilities analysis.This use tables and curves that show the different combinations of good and services that can be produced in a fully-grown economy. Economists most often use graphs to illustrate their models. By understanding these graphs you can more readily comprehend economic relationships. Most of economic principles or models explain relationships between just two sets of economic facts, which can be conveniently represented with two-dimensional graphs. Since income is the determining factor, we represent it on the horizontal axis of the graph, as is customary.And because consumption depends on income, we represent it on the p erpendicular axis of the graph, as is also customary. Actually, what we are doing is representing the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable on the vertical axis. Also its very important to understand lines which can be described in terms of their slopes. The slope of a straight line is the ratio of the vertical smorgasbord to the horizontal change between any two points of the line. We can concluded that Graphs and lines are a convenient and revealing way to represent economic relationships.oer time, technological advances and increases in the quantity and quality of resources enable the economy to produce more of all goods and services, that is, to experience economic growth. Societys choice as to the mix of consumer goods and capital goods in current output is a major determinant of the future location of the production possibilities curve and thus of the extent of economic growth.ReferencesMc-Connell, B. (2008). Economics Principles, Problems, an d Policies, (16th ed.). .
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
College Uneducation Essay
I wish to speak on College Un procreation. Is it possible that our college educationmay uneducate rather than educate? I answer Yes. It is a paradox merely nonetheless the truththe grim, unmerciful truth. We all believe in higher education else we should not be in the University. At the same time, college education corresponding all other human devices for human bettermentmay build or destroy, lead, or mislead.My ten years humble service in the University of the Philippines has afforded me an luck to watch the current of ideals and practices of our student body. In some aspects of higher education, most of our students have measured up to their high responsibilities. But in other featuresalas, full of smell onesthe thoughts and actions of some(prenominal) of them tend to stunt the wit, dry up the heart, and quench the soul. These students are being uneducated in college. I shall briefly disputethree ways in which many an(prenominal) of our students are getting college uneducat ion, for which they pay tuition fees and make unnumbered sacrifices.Book WorshipIn the first place, there is the all exactly delirious fear of the printed page. What does the book say? is, by all odds, the most important enquire in the students intelligence whenever he is faced with any line calling for his own reasoning. By the same token, may students line up a sort of frenzy for facts till these become as huge as the mountains and the mind is crushed under them. Those students think of no social function but how to accumulate data hence, their capacity for clear and powerful thinking is paralyzed. How pathetic to hear them argue and discuss Because they lack the native vitality of unhampered reason, their discourse smacks of cant and sophistry rather than of healthy reasoning and straight thinking.It is thus that many of our students surrender their identity to the textbook and lose their birthrightwhich is to think for themselves. And when they attempt to form their own j udgment, they become pedantic. Unless a student develops the habit of independent and sound reasoning, his collegeeducation is a solemn sham.Compare these hair-splitting college students with Juan de la Cruz in the barrios. Now, Juan de la Cruz has read very little no undigested mass of learning dulls the edge of his inborn logic, his mind is free from the overwhelming, stultifying weight of unassimilated book knowledge. How penetrating his perception, how unerring his judgment, how solid his common sense He contemptuously refers to the learned sophists, thus Lumabis ang karunungan mo, which means, Your learning is too much. master copy PhilistinismThe second manner of college uneducation that I want to speak of is this most students make professional efficiency the be-all and end-all of college education. They have set their hearts upon becoming exceedingly trained lawyers, doctors, engineers, teachers, and agriculturists. I shall not stop to inquire into the question of how much blame should be laid at the door of the faculties of the University for this pernicious drift toward undue and excessive specialization. That such a tendency exists is undeniable, but we never pause to count, the cost We are all of one mind I believe that college education is nothing unless it widens a mans vision, broadens his sympathies, and leads him to higher thinking and deep feeling. Yet how can we expect a this result from a state of personal business which reduces a law student to a code, a prospective doctor to a prescription, and a would-be engineer to a mathematical formula? How many students in our professional colleges are doing any systematic reading in literature? May we not, indeed, seriously ask whether this fetish of specialization does not fuddle the inspiring sense of beauty and the ennobling love of finer things that our students have it in them to unfold into full-blown magnificence.The Jading Dullness of Modern LifeA thing of beauty is a joy forever,says Ke ats. But we know that beauty us a matter of taste and, unless we develop in us a appropriate appreciation of what is beautiful and sublime, everything around us is tedious and commonplace. We rise early and go out into, but our spirit is responsive to the hopeful quietude and the dew-chastened posy of dawn. At night we behold the myriad stars, but they are just so many bright speckstheir soft fires do not soothe our profuse hearts, and we do not experience that awesome, soul stirring fascination of theimmense ties of Gods universe.We are bathed in the silver sheen of the moon and yet feel not the beatitude of the moment. We gaze upon a vista of high mountains, but their silent strength has no appeal for us. We read some undying verses still, their vibrant cadence does not thrill us, and their transcendent though is to us like a vision that vanishes. We look at a masterpiece of the chisel with its constant gracefulness of lines and properties, yet to us it is no more than a mere human likeness. Tell me, is such a life worth coming to college for? Yet, my friends, the overspecialization which many students prosecute with zeal and devotion is bound to result in such an unfeeling, dry-as-dust existence.I may say in passing that the education of the older generation is in this respect far superior to ours. Our older countrymen say, with reason, that the new education does not lawfully cultivate the heart as the old education did.Misguided dashLastly, this selfsame rage for highly specialized training, with a view to distinguished professional success, beclouds our vision of the broader perspectives of life. Our philosophy of life is in danger of becoming finalize and mean because we are habituated to think almost wholly in terms of material wellbeing. Of course we must be practical. We cannot adequately answer this tremendous question unless we thoughtfully develop a proper sense of values and thus learn to separate the dross from the gold, the chaff from th e grain of life.The time to do this task is not after but before college graduation for, when all is said and done, the sum and substance of higher education is the individualformulation of what life is for, with special training in some advanced line of human learning in order that such a life formula may be executed with the termination effectiveness. But how can we lay down the terms of our philosophy of life if every one of our thoughts is absorbed by the daily assignment, the outside reading, and the laboratory experiment, and when we continuously devour lectures and notes?Uneducated Juan de la Cruz as TeacherHere, again, many of our students should sit at the feet of meagrely educated Juan de la Cruz and learn wisdom. Ah He is often called ignorant, but he is the wisest of the wise, for he has unravelled the mysteries of life. His is the happiness of the man who knows the whys of human existence. Unassuming Juan de la Cruz cherishes no Vaulting ambition which oerleaps itself . His simple and hardy virtues put to ravish the studied and complex rules of conduct of highly educated men and women. In adversity, his stoicism is beyond encomium. His love of home, so guilelessly faithful, is the firm foundation of our social structure. And his nationalism has been tested and found true. Can our students learn from Juan de la Cruz, or does their college education unfit them to become his pupils?In conclusion, I shall say that I have notice among many of our students certain alarming signs of college uneducation, and some of these are (1) lack of independent judgment as well as love of pedantry, because of the worship of the printed page and the hectic accumulation of undigested data(2) the deadening of the delicate sense of the beautiful and the sublime, on account of overspecialization and (3) neglect of the formulation of a sound philosophy of life as a result of excessive emphasis on professional training.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Case Memo of The Wm.Wrigley.Jr.Company
In the case Blanka Dobynin was are trying to buy a large stake in the companion and thereby force the management to reorganize the slap-up structure by raising the debt and development it to pay the dividends or buy back the circumstancess. The st come outgy leave benefit from the price appreciation from dribble repurchase or dividend payment. Wrigley is a leading producer and distributor of chewing gums, and it has a advantageous sic compared to the other industry players with very high brand equity and strong presence globally.It has little furrow risk as the market is diversified and anti-cyclical, which was reflected in its equity beta of 0. 75 as of 2002. Wrigley has vigor debt as of 2002 and therefore no financial risk. Issuing 3 billion debt will alter the capital structure and increase it WACC. The WACC before debt is 10. 11% calculated from CAPM, given the unlevered beta equals 0. 75, risk free rate equals 10 year Treasury yield which is 4. 86%, and risk agiotage of 7%.After taking on the debt, the D/E ratio calculate from debt over total equity gives almost 70%, and the levered beta becomes 1. 07. Using the 13% cost of equity given in the case, the WACC after recapitalization will be nigh 9. 15%. Given 232. 441 million shares it means market capitalization of almost 13. 26 billion US dollars. The tax shield is roughly 1,200 million, which will immediately be reflected into the new share price under(a) perfect capital market assumptions. The new share price will equals to 56. 37+5. 16 = USD 62. 23 per share.Adding the leverage of USD 3,000 million under BB rating assumption will significantly reduce the net income of the company therefore reduce the EPS. This effect will partially be offset in case of share repurchases, since decrease of the number of shares outstanding associated with share repurchase will push EPS up. In conclusion, recapitalization through 3 billion of debt and same share repurchase will be preferable for WM. Wrigley Jr . Company shareholders, since it will in total increase their wealth by 1. 2 billion which is a fair premium for the risks associated with leveraging the company.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Presentations
chapter 2 Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics Tabular and Graphical Presentations keying Objectives 1. Learn how to bring about and interpret summarization procedures for qualitative data much(prenominal) as relative absolute frequency and relative frequency distri nonwithstandingions, bar graphs and pie charts. 2. Learn how to construct and interpret tabular summarization procedures for quantitative data such as frequency and relative frequency diffusions, cumulative frequency and cumulative relative frequency scatterings. . Learn how to construct a dot plot, a histogram, and an ogive as graphical summaries of quantitative data. 4. Learn how the shape of a data distribution is revealed by a histogram. Learn how to recognize when a data distribution is negatively skewed, symmetric, and positively skewed. 5. Be able to do and interpret the exploratory data analysis technique of a stem-and-leaf display. 6. Learn how to construct and interpret cross tabulations and scatter diagr ams of bivariate data.Solutions 1. sectionalization relative frequency comparative oftenness A 60 60/long hundred = 0. 50 B 24 24/120 = 0. 20 C 36 36/120 = 0. 30 120 1. 00 2. a. 1 (. 22 + . 18 + . 40) = . 20 b.. 20(cc) = 40 c/d. assort absolute frequency per centum frequence A . 22( two hundred) = 44 22 B . 18(cc) = 36 18 C . 40(200) = 80 40 D . 20(200) = 40 20 heart and soul 200 snow 3. a. 360 x 58/120 = 174 b. 360 x 42/120 = 126 c. pic d. pic 4. a. The data ar qualitative. b. per centum relative frequency Newspaper absolute frequency Liberty beats 24 48 China Times 15 30 united Daily News 7 14 Apple Daily 4 8 rack up 50 vitamin C c. pic pic d. Liberty Times has the largest market shargon.China Times is second. 5. a. Name Frequency relational Frequency Percent Frequency Chan 10 . 200 20. 0% Chang 7 . one hundred forty 14. 0% downwind 8 . 160 16. 0% Liu 7 . 140 14. 0% Wang 12 . 240 24. % Young 6 . 120 12. 0% 50 1. 000 coulom b. 0% b. pic c. Chan. 200 x 360 = 72. 0( Chang. 140 x 360 = 50. 4( Lee. 160 x 360 = 58. 6( Liu. 140 x 360 = 50. 4( Wang. 240 x 360 = 86. 4( Young. 120 x 360 = 43. 2( pic d. Most parking lot Wang, Chan, and Lee 6. a. Book Frequency Percent Frequency 7 Habits 10 16. 6 Millionaire 16 26. 67 Motley 9 15. 00 Dad 13 21. 67 WSJ slide by 6 10. 00 Other 6 10. 00 Total 60 light speed. 00 The Ernst & Young Tax Guide 2000 with a frequency of 3, Investing for Dummies with a frequency of 2, and What Color is Your Parachute? 2000 with a frequency of 1 be grouped in the Other category. b. The rank commit from first to fifth is Millionaire, Dad, 7 Habits, Motley, and WSJ Guide. c. The per centum of sales represented by The Millionaire Next Door and Rich Dad, scurvy Dad is 48. 33%. 7. judge Frequency carnal knowledge Frequency Outstanding 19 0. 8 Very Good 13 0. 26 Good 10 0. 20 Average 6 0. 12 Poor 2 0. 04 50 1. 00 way should be pleased with these allow for s. 64% of the ratings be rattling good to outstanding. 84% of the ratings are good or better.Comparing these ratings with previous results will plant whether or not the restaurant is making improve manpowerts in its ratings of food quality. 8. a. lieu Frequency comparative Frequency Pitcher 17 0. 309 Catcher 4 0. 073 1st Base 5 0. 091 2nd Base 4 0. 073 3rd Base 2 0. 36 pithystop 5 0. 091 left over(p) Field 6 0. 109 Center Field 5 0. 091 Right Field 7 0. 127 55 1. 000 b. Pitchers (Al about 31%) c. 3rd Base (3 4%) d. Right Field (Almost 13%) e. Infielders (16 or 29. 1%) to Outfielders (18 or 32. 7%) 9. a/b. Starting Time Frequency Percent Frequency 700 3 15 730 4 20 800 4 20 830 7 35 900 2 10 20 100 c. Bar Graph pic d. pic . The most preferred beginning time is 830 a. m.. Starting times of 730 and 800 a. m. are next. 10. a. The data refer to quality directs from 1 Not at all Satisfied to 7 Extremely Satisfied. b. evaluate Frequency Relative Frequency 3 2 0. 03 4 4 0. 07 5 12 0. 20 6 24 0. 40 7 18 0. 0 60 1. 00 c. Bar Graph pic d. The pursue data indicate a advanced quality of service by the financial consultant. The most habitual ratings are 6 and 7 (70%) where 7 is extremely satisfied. Only 2 ratings are on a lower floor the spirit scale value of 4. thither are no Not at all Satisfied ratings. 11. Class Frequency Relative Frequency Percent Frequency 12-14 2 0. 50 5. 0 15-17 8 0. 200 20. 0 18-20 11 0. 275 27. 5 21-23 10 0. 250 25. 5 24-26 9 0. 225 22. 5 Total 40 1. 000 100. 12. Class Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency slight than or liken to 19 10 . 20 little(prenominal) than or play off to 29 24 . 48 less than or live to 39 41 . 82 less than or equal to 49 48 . 6 less than or equal to 59 50 1. 00 13. pic pic 14. a. pic b/c. Class Frequency Percent Frequency 6. 0 7. 9 4 20 8. 0 9. 9 2 10 10. 0 11. 9 8 40 12. 0 13. 9 3 15 14. 0 15. 3 15 20 100 15. a/b. Waiting Time Frequency Relative Frequency 0 4 4 0. 20 5 9 8 0. 40 10 14 5 0. 25 15 19 2 0. 10 20 24 1 0. 5 Totals 20 1. 00 c/d. Waiting Time Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency less(prenominal) than or equal to 4 4 0. 20 less(prenominal) than or equal to 9 12 0. 60 Less than or equal to 14 17 0. 5 Less than or equal to 19 19 0. 95 Less than or equal to 24 20 1. 00 e. 12/20 = 0. 60 16. a. The histogram is appearancen below. pic The histogram clearly shows that the yearbook base incomes are skewed to the right. And, of course, if annual househ senescent incomes are skewed to the right, so are annual incomes. This makes good sense because the vast majority of annual incomes are less than NT$1,000,000.But, in that respect are a hardly a(prenominal) individuals with very large incomes. b. The histogram for the age is given. pic The histogram shows that the distribution of age is skewed to the left. This is to be ex pected. It is our experience that there are frequently a few very low ages causing such a pattern to appear. c. The histogram for the data in Exercise 11 is given. d. pic e. This histogram is skewed to the left slightly, but we would probably classify it as just about symmetric. 17. a. derive (NT$ 000) Frequency Relative Frequency Less than 56 3 . 2 56-75 5 . 20 76-95 11 . 44 96-115 4 . 16 116-135 1 . 04 136 and to a greater extent 1 . 04 25 1. 00 b. Histogram pic The distribution has a roughly symmetric shape. c.The largest group spends NT$76-NT$95 per year on books and magazines. There are to a greater extent than in the NT$56 to NT$75 target than in the NT$96 to NT$115 range. 18. a. Lowest salary NT$29,300 Highest salary NT$37,800 b. Salary (NT$100s) Frequency Relative Percent Frequency Frequency 293-307 4 0. 09 9 308-322 5 0. 11 11 323-337 9 0. 0 20 338-352 17 0. 38 38 353-367 7 0. 16 16 368-382 3 0. 07 7 Total 45 1. 00 100 c. Proportion NT$33,700 or l ess 18/45. d. Percentage more(prenominal) than NT$35,200 10/45 pic e. The distribution is skewed slightly to the left, but is roughly symmetric. 19. a/b. Number Frequency Relative Frequency 140 149 2 0. 10 150 159 7 0. 35 160 169 3 0. 15 170 179 6 0. 30 180 189 1 0. 05 190 199 1 0. 05 Totals 20 1. 0 c/d. Number Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency Less than or equal to 149 2 0. 10 Less than or equal to 159 9 0. 45 Less than or equal to 169 12 0. 60 Less than or equal to 179 18 0. 0 Less than or equal to 189 19 0. 95 Less than or equal to 199 20 1. 00 e. pic 20. a. The pctage of people 39 or less is 12. 2 + 14. 2 + 17. 1 + 16. 2 = 59. 7. b. The region of the population over 39 years old is 16. 3 + 10. 9 + 6. 7 + 4. 7 + 1. 7 = 40. 3 c. The luck of the population that is between 20 and 59 years old inclusively is 17. 1 + 16. 2 + 16. 3 + 10. = 60. 5 d. The per centumage less than 30 years old is 12. 2 + 14. 2 + 17. 1 = 43. 5. So there are ( . 435) (22,689,122) = 9,869,768. 07 people less than 30 years old. e. An estimate of the number of retired people is (. 047 + . 017) (22,689,122) = 1,452,103. 81 21. a/b. Computer consumption Relative Frequency (Hours) Frequency 0. 0 - 2. 9 5 0. 10 3. 0 - 5. 9 28 0. 56 6. 0 - 8. 8 0. 16 9. 0 - 11. 9 6 0. 12 12. 0 - 14. 9 3 0. 06 Total 50 1. 00 c. pic d. pic e. The majority of the computer users are in the 3 to 6 hour range. Usage is somewhat skewed toward the right with 3 users in the 12 to 15 hour range. 22. 5 7 8 6 4 5 8 7 0 2 2 5 5 6 8 8 0 2 3 5 23. Leaf Unit = 0. 1 6 3 7 5 5 7 8 1 3 4 8 9 3 6 10 0 4 5 11 3 24. Leaf Unit = 10 11 6 12 0 2 13 0 6 7 14 2 2 7 15 5 16 0 2 8 17 0 2 3 25. 9 8 9 10 2 4 6 6 11 4 5 7 8 8 9 12 2 4 5 7 13 1 2 14 4 15 1 26. a. 100 shares at $50 per share 1 0 3 7 7 2 4 5 5 3 0 0 5 5 9 4 0 0 0 5 5 8 5 0 0 0 4 5 5 This stem-and-leaf display shows that the trading prices are closely grouped together. Rotating the stem-and- leaf display counter clockwise shows a histogram that is slightly skewed to the left but is roughly symmetric. b. 500 shares traded online at $50 per share. 0 5 7 1 0 1 1 3 4 1 5 5 5 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 5 3 0 0 0 3 6 4 4 5 5 6 3 This stretched stem-and-leaf display shows that the distribution of online trading prices for most of the brokers for 500 shares are lower than the trading prices for broker help trades of 100 shares. There are a couple of outliers. York Securities charges $36 for an online trade and Investors National charges much more than the other brokers $62. 50 for an online trade. 27. 4 1 3 6 6 7 5 0 0 3 8 9 6 0 1 1 4 4 5 7 7 9 7 0 0 0 1 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 0 1 1 3 4 4 5 7 7 8 9 9 0 2 2 7 or 4 1 3 4 6 6 7 5 0 0 3 5 8 9 6 0 1 1 4 4 6 5 7 7 9 9 7 0 0 0 1 3 4 4 7 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 0 1 1 3 4 4 8 5 7 7 8 9 9 0 2 2 9 7 28. a. 0 5 8 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 1 5 6 7 8 9 9 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 2 6 8 3 3 6 7 7 9 4 0 4 7 8 5 5 6 0 b. 2000 P/E Forecast Percent Frequency Frequency 5 9 2 6. 7 10 14 6 20. 0 15 19 6 20. 0 20 24 6 20. 25 29 2 6. 7 30 34 0 0. 0 35 39 4 13. 3 40 44 1 3. 3 45 49 2 6. 7 50 54 0 0. 0 55 59 0 0. 0 60 64 1 3. 3 Total 30 100. 0 29. a. pic b. pic c. pic d.Category A set for x are always associated with category 1 values for y. Category B values for x are usually associated with category 1 values for y. Category C values for x are usually associated with category 2 values for y. 30. a. pic b. There is a negative affinity between x and y y decreases as x increases. 31. a. Row Percentages Household Income (NT$ 000) Age Under 999 1,000-1,499 1,500-1,999 2,000-2,499 2,500-2,999 3,000 or more Total Under 34 27. 6 30. 54 21. 01 12. 99 4. 93 2. 76 100. 00 35-44 20. 90 31. 32 21. 49 10. 48 8. 79 7. 03 100. 00 45-54 16. 00 29. 17 19. 24 19. 87 6. 83 8. 88 100. 00 55-64 23. 73 19. 26 20. 01 14. 46 8. 81 13. 73 100. 00 65 or more 70. 57 18. 37 4. 42 2. 4 0. 74 2 . 96 100. 00 Total 27. 70 27. 32 18. 27 13. 05 6. 51 7. 15 100. 00 There are seven percent frequency distributions in this table with actors line percentages. The first six give the percent frequency distribution of income for each age level. The total row provides an overall percent frequency distribution for household income. Both of the two rows (age 35-44 and age 55- 64) get to more percentage in the cells and descended in order of larger income.The second row is the percent frequency distribution for households headed by age 35-44. The fourth row is the percent frequency distribution for households headed by age 55-64. b. The percentage of heads of households by age 35-44 earning NT$2,500,000 or more is 8. 79% + 7. 03% = 15. 82%. The percentage of heads of households by age 55-64 earning $75,000 or more is 8. 81% + 13. 73% = 22. 54%. c. The percent frequency histograms are shown below. pic No. The histogram can not tell us any consanguinity between household income and a ge. 32. a. Column Percentages Household Income ($1000s) Education Level Under 24. 9 25. 0-49. 9 50. 0-74. 9 75. 0-99. 9 100 or More Total Not H. S. Graduate 32. 70 14. 82 8. 27 5. 02 2. 53 15. 86 H. S. Graduate 35. 74 35. 56 31. 48 25. 39 14. 47 30. 78 slightly College 21. 17 29. 77 30. 25 29. 2 22. 26 26. 37 Bachelors Degree 7. 53 14. 43 20. 56 25. 03 33. 88 17. 52 Beyond Bach. Deg. 2. 86 5. 42 9. 44 14. 74 26. 86 9. 48 Total 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 There are six percent frequency distributions in this table of tower percentages. The first 5 columns give the percent frequency distributions for each income level.The percent frequency distribution in the Total column gives the overall percent frequency distributions for educational level. From that percent frequency distribution we see that 15. 86% of the heads of households did not graduate from high school. b. The column percentages show that 26. 86% of households earning over $100,000 were headed by persons having schooling beyond a bachelors degree. The row percentages show that 39. 72% of the households headed by persons with schooling beyond a bachelors degree earned $100,000 or more. These percentages are different because they came from different percent frequency distributions. c.Compare the under 24. 9 percent frequency distributions to the Total percent frequency distributions. We see that for this low income level the percentage with lower levels of education is lower than for the overall population and the percentage with higher levels of education is higher than for the overall population. Compare the 100 or more percent frequency distribution to Total percent frequency distribution. We see that for this high income level the percentage with lower levels of education is lower than for the overall population and the percentage with higher levels of education is higher than for the overall population.From the comparisons here it is clear that there is a positive re lationship between household incomes and the education level of the head of the household. 33. a. The crosstabulation of condition of the greens by gender is below. Green Condition Gender Too debauched Fine Total Male 35 65 100 Female 40 60 100 Total 75 125 200 The female golfers have the highest percentage saying the greens are overly fast 40%. b. 10% of the women think the greens are to a fault fast. 20% of the men think the greens are too fast. So, for the low stymiepers, the men have a higher percentage who think the greens are too fast. c. 43% of the woman think the greens are too fast. 50% of the men think the greens are too fast. So, for the high handicappers, the men have a higher percentage who think the greens are too fast. . This is an example of Simpsons Paradox. At each handicap level a smaller percentage of the women think the greens are too fast. But, when the crosstabulations are aggregated, the result is reversed and we find a higher percentage of women who think the greens are too fast. The underground variable explaining the reversal is handicap level. Fewer people with low handicaps think the greens are too fast, and there are more men with low handicaps than women. 34. a. EPS Rating Sales/Margins/ROE 0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 Total A 1 8 9 B 1 4 5 2 12 C 1 1 2 3 7 D 3 1 1 5 E 2 1 3 Total 4 4 6 9 13 36 b. EPS Rating Sales/Margins/ROE 0-19 20-39 40-59 60-79 80-100 Total A 11. 11 88. 89 100 B 8. 33 33. 33 41. 67 16. 67 100 C 14. 29 14. 29 28. 57 42. 86 100 D 60. 00 20. 00 20. 00 100 E 66. 67 33. 33 100 Higher EPS ratings seem to be associated with higher ratings on Sales/Margins/ROE. Of those companies with an A rating on Sales/Margins/ROE, 88. 89% of them had an EPS Rating of 80 or higher. Of the 8 companies with a D or E rating on Sales/Margins/ROE, further 1 had an EPS rating above 60. 35. a. Industry Group Relative Strength Sales/Margins/ROE A B C D E Total A 1 2 2 4 9 B 1 5 2 3 1 12 C 1 3 2 1 7 D 1 1 1 2 5 E 1 2 3 Total 4 11 7 10 4 36 b/c. The frequency distributions for the Sales/Margins/ROE data is in the rightmost column of the crosstabulation.The frequency distribution for the Industry Group Relative Strength data is in the bottom row of the crosstabulation. d. one time the crosstabulation is complete, the individual frequency distributions are available in the margins. 36. a. pic b. One might expect stocks with higher EPS ratings to show greater relative price strength. However, the scatter diagram using this data does not support such a relationship. The scatter diagram appears similar to the one showing No Apparent Relationship in the text. 37. a. The crosstabulation is shown below animate Position 4-4. 49 4. 5-4. 99 5-5. 49 5. 5-5. 9 Grand Total vindication 12 1 13 Offensive tackle 2 7 3 12 coarse receiver 6 9 15 Grand Total 6 11 19 4 40 b. There appears to be a relationship between Position and Speed wide receivers had swift speeds than offensive tackles and guards. c. The scatter diagram is shown below pic d. There appears to be a relationship between Speed and Rating slower speeds appear to be associated with lower ratings. In other words,, prospects with faster speeds tend to be rated higher than prospects with slower speeds. 38. a. Vehicle Frequency Percent Frequency F-Series 17 34 Silverado 12 24 Taurus 8 16 Camry 7 14 Accord 6 12 Total 50 100 b. The two top selling vehicles are the Ford F-Series Pickup and the Chevrolet Silverado. c. 39. a/b. Industry Frequency Percent Frequency Beverage 2 10 Chemicals 3 15 Electronics 6 30 feed 7 35 Aerospace 2 10 Totals 20 100 . 40. a. Response Frequency Percent Frequency Accuracy 16 16 Approach Shots 3 3 Mental Approach 17 17 Power 8 8 Practice 15 15 Putting 10 10 Short Game 24 24 Strategic Decisions 7 7 Total 100 100 b. Poor short game, poor mental approach, lack of accuracy, and limited practice. 41. a/b /c/d. Book treasure Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency Cumulative per Share Frequency Relative Frequency 0. 00-5. 99 3 0. 10 3 0. 10 6. 00-11. 99 15 0. 50 18 0. 60 12. 00-17. 99 9 0. 30 27 0. 90 18. 00-23. 99 2 0. 07 29 0. 97 24. 00-29. 99 0 0. 00 29 0. 7 30. 00-35. 99 1 0. 03 30 1. 00 Total 30 1. 00 e. The histogram shown below shows that the distribution of most of the book values is roughly symmetric. However, there is one outlier (General Motors). 42. a. Closing Price Frequency Relative Frequency 0 9 7/8 9 0. 225 10 19 7/8 10 0. 250 20 29 7/8 5 0. 25 30 39 7/8 11 0. 275 40 49 7/8 2 0. 050 50 59 7/8 2 0. 050 60 69 7/8 0 0. 000 70 79 7/8 1 0. 025 Totals 40 1. 000 b. Closing Price Cumulative Frequency Cumulative Relative Frequency Less than or equal to 9 7/8 9 0. 25 Less than or equal to 19 7/8 19 0. 475 Less than or equal to 29 7/8 24 0. 600 Less than or equal to 39 7/8 35 0. 875 Less than or equal to 49 7/8 37 0. 925 Less th an or equal to 59 7/8 39 0. 975 Less than or equal to 69 7/8 39 0. 75 Less than or equal to 79 7/8 40 1. 000 c. pic d. oer 87% of common stocks trade for less than $40 a share and 60% trade for less than $30 per share. 43. a. Relative Frequency Exchange Frequency American 3 0. 15 New York 2 0. 10 Over the Counter 15 0. 75 20 1. 00 b. Earnings Per Share Relative Frequency Frequency 0. 00 0. 19 7 0. 35 0. 20 0. 39 7 0. 35 0. 40 0. 59 1 0. 05 0. 60 0. 79 3 0. 15 0. 80 0. 99 2 0. 10 20 1. 00 Seventy percent of the night stocks have earnings per share less than $0. 40. It looks like low EPS should be expected for shadow stocks. Price-Earning Ratio Relative Frequency Frequency 0. 00 9. 9 3 0. 15 10. 0 19. 9 7 0. 35 20. 0 29. 9 4 0. 20 30. 0 39. 9 3 0. 15 40. 0 49. 9 2 0. 10 50. 0 59. 9 1 0. 05 20 1. 00 P-E Ratios vary considerably, but there is a significant cluster in the 10 19. 9 range. 44. Relative Frequency Income ($) Frequency 18,000-21,999 13 0. 255 22,000-25,999 20 0. 392 26,000-29,999 12 0. 235 30,000-33,999 4 0. 078 34,000-37,999 2 0. 039 Total 51 1. 000 45. a. 0 8 9 1 0 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 1 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 2 0 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 5 6 8 3 0 1 3 b/c/d. Number Answered Correctly Relative Frequency Cumulative Frequency Frequency 5 9 2 0. 50 2 10 14 8 0. 200 10 15 19 15 0. 375 25 20 24 9 0. 225 34 25 29 3 0. 075 37 30 34 3 0. 075 40 Totals 40 1. 000 e. Relatively few of the students (25%) were able to answer 1/2 or more of the questions correctly.The data seem to support the conjugation Council on Economic Educations claim. However, the degree of difficulty of the questions needs to be taken into cypher ahead reaching a final conclusion. 46. a/b. pic c. It is clear that the range of low temperatures is below the range of high temperatures. Looking at the stem-and-leaf displays side by side, it appears that the range of low temperatures is about 20 degrees below the range of high temperatures. d. There are two stems showing high temperatures of 80 degrees or higher. They show 8 cities with high temperatures of 80 degrees or higher. e. Frequency Temperature High Temp. Low. Temp. 30-39 0 1 40-49 0 3 50-59 1 10 60-69 7 2 70-79 4 4 80-89 5 0 90-99 3 0 Total 20 20 47. a. b. There is clearly a positive relationship between high and low temperature for cities. As one goes up so does the other. 48. a. Satisfaction Score Occupation 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 Total furniture maker 2 4 3 1 10 Lawyer 1 5 2 1 1 10 Physical Therapist 5 2 1 2 10 Systems analyst 2 1 4 3 10 Total 1 7 10 11 8 3 40 b. Satisfaction Score Occupation 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-89 Total Cabinetmaker 20 40 30 10 100 Lawyer 10 50 20 10 10 100 Physical Therapist 50 20 10 20 100 Systems Analyst 20 10 40 30 100 c. Each row of the percent crosstabulation shows a percent frequency distribution for an occupation. Cabinet m akers seem to have the higher job satisfaction scores while lawyers seem to have the lowest. Fifty percent of the physical therapists have mediocre scores but the rest are quite high. 49. a. picb. There appears to be a positive relationship between number of employees and revenue. As the number of employees increases, annual revenue increases. 50. a. Fuel Type year Constructed Elec Nat.Gas Oil Propane Other Total 1973 or before 40 183 12 5 7 247 1974-1979 24 26 2 2 0 54 1980-1986 37 38 1 0 6 82 1987-1991 48 70 2 0 1 121 Total 149 317 17 7 14 504 b. Year Constructed Frequency Fuel Type Frequency 1973 or before 247 Electricity 149 1974-1979 54 Nat.Gas 317 1980-1986 82 Oil 17 1987-1991 121 Propane 7 Total 504 Other 14 Total 504 c. Crosstabulation of Column Percentages Fuel Type Year Constructed Elec Nat. Gas Oil Propane Other 1973 or before 26. 9 57. 7 70. 5 71. 4 50. 0 1974-1979 16. 1 8. 2 11. 8 28. 6 0. 0 1980-1986 24. 8 12. 0 5. 9 0. 0 42. 9 1987-1991 32. 2 22. 1 11. 8 0. 0 7. 1 Total 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 100. 0 d. Crosstabulation of row percentages. Fuel Type Year Constructed Elec Nat. Gas Oil Propane Other Total 1973 or before 16. 2 74. 1 4. 9 2. 0 2. 8 100. 0 1974-1979 44. 5 48. 1 3. 7 3. 7 0. 0 100. 0 1980-1986 45. 1 46. 4 1. 2 0. 0 7. 3 100. 0 1987-1991 39. 7 57. 8 1. 7 0. 0 0. 8 100. 0 e. Observations from the column percentages crosstabulation For those buildings using electricity, the percentage has not changed greatly over the years.For the buildings using indwelling gas, the majority were constructed in 1973 or before the second largest percentage was constructed in 1987-1991. Most of the buildings using oil were constructed in 1973 or before. All of the buildings using propane are older. Observations from the row percentages crosstabulation Most of the buildings in the CG&E service area use electricity or natural gas. In the period 1973 or before most used natural gas. From 1974-1986, it is fairly evenly divided between electricity and natural gas. Since 1987 almost all new buildings are using electricity or natural gas with natural gas being the clear leader. 51. a. Crosstabulation for stockholders comeliness and profit. put ons ($000) Stockholders Equity ($000) 0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-1200 Total 0-1200 10 1 1 12 1200-2400 4 10 2 16 2400-3600 4 3 3 1 1 1 13 3600-4800 1 2 3 4800-6000 2 3 1 6 Total 18 16 6 2 4 4 50 b. Crosstabulation of Row Percentages. Profits ($000) Stockholders Equity ($1000s) 0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-1200 Total 0-1200 83. 33 8. 33 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 8. 33 100 1200-2400 25. 00 62. 50 0. 00 0. 00 12. 50 0. 0 100 2400-3600 30. 77 23. 08 23. 08 7. 69 7. 69 7. 69 100 3600-4800 0. 00 0. 00 0. 00 33. 33 66. 67 100 4800-6000 0. 00 33. 33 50. 00 16. 67 0. 00 0. 00 100 c. Stockholders equity and profit seem to be related. As profit goes up, stockhol ders equity goes up. The relationship, however, is not very strong. 52. a. Crosstabulation of market value and profit. Profit ($1000s) Market range ($1000s) 0-300 300-600 600-900 900-1200 Total 0-8000 23 4 27 8000-16000 4 4 2 2 12 16000-24000 2 1 1 4 24000-32000 1 2 1 4 32000-40000 2 1 3 Total 27 13 6 4 50 b. Crosstabulation of Row Percentages. Profit ($1000s) Market cheer ($1000s) 0-300 300-600 600-900 900-1200 Total 0-8000 85. 19 14. 81 0. 00 0. 00 100 8000-16000 33. 33 33. 33 16. 67 16. 67 100 16000-24000 0. 00 50. 00 25. 00 25. 0 100 24000-32000 0. 00 25. 00 50. 00 25. 00 100 32000-40000 0. 00 66. 67 33. 33 0. 00 100 c. There appears to be a positive relationship between Profit and Market Value. As profit goes up, Market Value goes up. 53. a. Scatter diagram of Profit vs. Stockholders Equity. pic b. Profit and Stockholders Equity appear to be positively related. 54. a. Scatter diagram of Market Value and Stockholders Equity. pic b. There is a positi ve relationship between Market Value and Stockholders Equity. pic pic pic
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Elc1013 Unit 1
ELC1013 slope for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an donnish compose musical mode (IEEE / Vancouver) Unit 1 Achieving an faculty member opus dah Learning Outcomes By the terminus of this unit, you should be able to employ stamp down oral communication to demonstrate pedantic disposal in opus stock ideas and views in tentative rather than assertive wording where appropriate Introduction This unit is shargond out into one-third sections providing reference and practice material on various aspects of cropman piece of writing ardor. part 1 Features of academic writing stylus office 2 Improving the fl line of merchandise of your writing Section 3 hedgerow in academic writingReferencing none This unit ingestions IEEE referencing style for both in- text edition referencing. Pre-Unit 1 IndiWork Activities Go to eLearn (http//elearn. elc. polyu. edu. hk/) and fill out the Pre-Unit 1 IndiWork Activities. IndiWork 1 faculty member Style Go to eLearn and complete the What is academician Style? performance. Section 1 The features of academic writing style What do you think be the differences between the essays that you wrote at secondary schoolho physical exercise and the essays that you exit need to write at university? Make incontestable you think near style* when considering these differences. Style often refers to level of establishedity. For example when writing to a fri fire you would use an inner style. position nomenclature Centre, The Hong Kong polytechnic institute University 1 ELC1013 incline for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an schoolman Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) use 1 Reading How do the language plectrons in this set-back essay draft on a lower floor create a non-academic / inappropriate style? Read the passage and identify (highlight / circle) the style problems. Note knock down your ideas at the end of the passage. Be prep argond to sh ar your observations with the rest of the class.Ho w often do PolyU students use slope outback(a) the schoolroom? Because many flock think PolyU students dont use position much international of class, I wanted to shape out the answer to this question so I decided to do a cartoon. I worked out a questionnaire and then handed it out to lots of students from eight 5 departments. The students work up full in the questionnaire and then gave it back to me. I did the survey in April 2011. A total of 707 students took part in the survey, which is a really huge sample. In position, this is the biggest survey of its frame ever done in Hong Kong which is howling(a)And when I got the questionnaires back, I looked closely at the data and put it into a number of figures. Grandparents Parents Domestic retainer Social functions Brothers / sisters Situations Private tutors Restaurants / bars PolyU friends Part-time jobs Relatives Non- PolyU friends Overseas holidays 0 0. 5 1 1. 05 1. 32 1. 69 1. 95 1. 95 1. 99 2. 11 2. 12 2. 4 2. 45 2. 55 2. 72 1. 5 Mean 2 2. 5 3 visit 1 Speaking in side outside university 10 The first area Id like to look at is supposeing in English. Basically, what I wanted to know was how often students express English outside the classroom.The questionnaire asked the students to say how often they use English when they reprimand to friends, parents and so on When they fill up in the questionnaire, the students had to circle a number from 1 (never) to 6 (very often). If they circled 15 the numbers 1-3, it authority that they dont use English very much. If they circled the numbers 4-6, it means that they use English fairly often. As you can see, Ive put all the data astir(predicate) disquisition in English in cast 1. permits now talk close the data in Figure 1. First and foremost, its crystal clear that students dont pee-pee many opportunities to mouth English outside the 20 classroom.You can tell this because all the means are under 3. 00. Clearly, PolyU students dont work any need to lecture to parents etc. in English. This is doubtless because their family members are Cantonese speakers. English linguistic communication Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 2 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Obviously, theres no point in speaking English when everyone can speak C a n t o n e s e . A s yo u c a n s e e , Po l y U s t u d e n t s n e v e r s p e a k t o t h e i r 25 grandparents in English.This is non move because, as we all know, old people in Hong Kong cant speak English. Thats because the development system wasnt very wide-cut in the past. But, you can see that there are a a couple of(prenominal) situations ( foreign holidays and so on) where students do get a golden opportunity to use their English, rase though this is not really very often. In a 30 nutshell, then, the data in Figure 1 prove that PolyU students dont speak English much outside the classroom. Note dow n the style problems you represent in the box below. For each problem you identify, write an appropriate solution.Problem (inappropriate language) Solution (appropriate language) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. English address Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 3 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Section 2 Improving the style of your writing In this section you leave alone learn how to improve the style of your academic writing. Read with the adjacent twelve subheadings and complete Activities 2 to 7. 1. neutralise intimate verbs subroutine formal (i. e. ingle-word verbs) such(prenominal) as examine rather than phrasal / multi-word verbs such as look at. This subject looks at ? examines ? the problem of juvenile delinquency. Hong Kong has got over ? recovered from ? the latest recession. University-linked companies confound not taken off ? been successfu l? in recent years. Activity 2a Formal verbs Fill in the blanks with five of the following formal verbs. Make sure that you put the verbs into the correct form / tense. discover conduct fluctuate establish devise maturation check assist reduce discuss ) The team (came up with) _____________________ an imaginative solution to the problem. b) In this essay, I leave behind (talk about) _____________________ the issue of genetic engineering. c) The study was (carried out) _____________________ between May and July 2012. d) A research associate was appointed to (help out) __________________ with the synopsis of the data. e) Researchers (found out) __________________that the chiller was the source of the problem. Activity 2b Formal verbs With a partner, write five sentences development the unused formal verbs from Activity 2a. ) b) c) d) e) English spoken language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 4 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Wr iting Style (IEEE / Vancouver) 2. Avoid Colloquial expressions Avoid informal or colloquial expressions such as a lot of in your create verbally assignments. ? a lot of research ? a great deal of / a considerable amount of lots of studies ? numerous / a large number of / myriad / a embarrassment of a really interesting study ? very / extremely / particularly a bit disappointing ? somewhat / rather / fairly it is a must ? essential / necessary / crucial / vital 3. Avoid Cliches Cliches are expressions that have become overused. The expressions below are dull and unoriginal. In addition, the meaning of some cliches, such as in a nut shell, may not be clear to a global audience as the words and meaning may not be closely related.Avoid using them in your written work. ? ? ? sizzling topic heated debate last but not least(prenominal)(prenominal) every coin has two sides all in all as we all know first and foremost crystal clear golden opportunity In a nutshell financial tsunami a ambiguous sword 4. Avoid dimmed, everyday language Avoid common, informal everyday words. Use more hairsplitting words instead. Adjectives Pollution has been a big ? major ? problem in Hong Kong in the past thirty years. The facilities in the lecture theatre are bad ? inadequate?. The students felt she was a good ? organised / enthusiastic ? instructor. Verbs Bonny got ? obtained ? er peak from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Chan 1 says ? comments ? that the English standard of students is improving. Others This issue has raised the attention of everyone ? the public. ? There are many things ? elements ? to a successful presentation. 5. Be objective As well as macrocosm im individual(prenominal), academic writing should be as objective as possible. Subjective and substantially emotional language should be averted. Do not use words such as fantastic, wonderful, lovely, commandingly, totally, terrific, excellent Objectivity can also be boosted through hedgerow techniq ues (see section 3). English delivery Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 5 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 3 Academic style Change the underlined words in the following sentences to improve the style. a) The student did a presentation last week. c) The results of the survey were shockingly bad e) Freedom of the mesh is a double edged sword. 6. Avoid Repetition Repeating the same words and phrases in your written assessments may make your work appear boring and unsophisticated to the get a lineer.To make your writing more interesting, use appropriate synonyms. For example findings inquiry ? ? results investigation appear argue ? ? seem contend b) It is a good essay. d) It was a poor presentation. f) The analysts obtained a lot of data. Tip When using Microsoft Word, if you right click on a word it will give you a list of synonyms that you could use. Note that not all the words will be suitable to use in a particular sentence, so you should ensure that the alternative language choices convey the meaning you intend to express. Academic writing should be easy to follow. 7.Avoid contractions Avoid using contractions such as its and theyre in academic writing. wont ? will not dont ? do not Ive ? I have Its ? It is ? widely acknowledged that English plays an important role in Hong Kongs business sector. 8. Avoid personal references Avoid directly referring to yourself as I or we, or to the reader as you. Academic sources loosely avoid using the personal pronoun I because it makes their work seem too subjective. You can see the findings in Table 1. ? I have presented the findings in Table 1. ? As you can see, the findings are in Table 1. We can see the findings in Table 1. ? The findings are presented in Table 1. ? The passive voice is useful for this and achieves a more impersonal, action-focused style appropriate for academic writing. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 6 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) 9. Avoid informal sentence starters Starting sentences with And, Because, or But is considered poor style in academic writing. Use a more formal alternative instead. For example And ? In addition, by from But ?However, Because ? Due to, This is because 10. Avoid rhetorical questions Avoid using rhetorical questions as they can make your writing appear unsophisticated. In my report, I will answer the following question What are the causes of try out? ? This report examines the causes of stress. ? Whether exams cause stress is examined in this report. ? The above analysis concludes the first part of my essay regarding the problems of teenaged drug abuse. Now, how about the solutions? ? The next part of my essay examines some solutions to teenage drug abuse. ? Activity 4 Academic styleImprove the style of the following sentences. a) Has China been affected b y the financial tsunami? Shed appear to be managing quite nicely. b) And its high time we started to think about the wealth gap. c) Some business leading make some bad business decisions. 11. Avoid Run-on expressions Limit the use of run-on expressions such as etc. and and so on in academic writing. Use the term such as to inform the reader that not all possible examples are given. Professionals often need to write reports, memos etc. at work. ? Professionals often need to write documents such as reports and memos at work. ? 12.Use positive forms Avoid informal negative forms such as not much and not many. Use the positive (without not) forms microscopical and few. Not much ? Little ? research has been conducted into job stress in universities. Not many ? Few ? studies have investigated Hong Kong ordination in the 19th century. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 7 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 5 Academic style There are style errors in the sentence below. Identify the error and change the language to improve the style of the sentences.Then match the error to the style issues in the box below. Most sentences have more than one problem. emotional / subjective colloquial expressions vague/everyday cliche contraction / negativity personal reference sentence starter a) The problem of air pollution has become more and more serious in recent years. b) In the past decade, a lot of research has been done into indoor air quality. c) The results let everyone see that the quality of service in Hong Kong restaurants is bad. d) Hong Kong companies value employees who have good communication skills. ) And language policy in secondary schools has been a hot topic for many years. f) We all know that students learn conk out when they are taught in their mother tongue. g) The students didnt encounter many problems finding good data for their project. h) Ensuring a big sample of subjects for a questionnaire survey is a must. i) j) Researchers got their data by doing telephone interviews. Tongs 2 interpretation of the data is totally wrong. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 8 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 6 ReadingThe following essay is a more appropriately written academic essay than the draft analysed in Activity 1. Discuss with a partner the slipway in which this passage is more academically appropriate than the earlier Activity 1 version. Students use of English outside university (A) This essay investigates the perceived problem of Hong Kong students insufficiency of English use outside university. The data reported below were derived from a questionnaire survey of a red-blooded sample of first-year undergraduates from eight departments at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. (B) The survey was conducted between 12 and 23 April 20 11.The subjects accurate the questionnaire during their English for University Studies classes under the supervision of a research assistant. A total of 1,283 questionnaires were distributed and 707 correctly completed copies were returned and later on analysed. The questionnaire required the respondents to mention the frequency with which they speak, listen, read and write in English outside the formal ground of the English-medium classroom. (C) The first section of the questionnaire asked the subjects to indicate on a six-point scale how often they speak in English in a range of nonacademic situations.On the evidence of the findings presented in Figure 1, it would appear that tertiary students in Hong Kong loosely have little need to speak in English outside the classroom. (D) The evidence suggests that undergraduates rarely go along with their parents or grandparents in English. This finding is perhaps not surprising as census data indicate that the overwhelming absolute m ajority of people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese 1. In the intimate family domain, young people intelligibly have little need or desire to speak English, apart from special circumstances such as preparing for English language examinations. E) The results indicate that the situation in which tertiary students use English least is in interactions with their grandparents. When interpreting this finding, it is worth noting that recent surveys have revealed that English is less widely known among Hong Kong people in their sixties and seventies than among those in the 4060 and 20-40 age meetings 2. This generally stems from the fact that the provision of Englishmedium secondary upbringing was limited in the 1940s and 1950s 3. The majority of citizens in the 60-70 age group are credibly to have received only a Chinese-medium primary education 4. F) While the data in Figure 1 suggest that tertiary students tend not to speak English very frequently outside class, there are apparently seve ral situations where spoken English has some degree of importance in the subjects lives. As might be expected, the situation where the subjects need to speak the language most is on overseas holidays. As Cantonese is not widely spoken outside China, it is perhaps understandable that students need to communicate in English on trips to Europe, North America and other parts of Asia. (G) As noted above, students rarely talk to their immediate family members in English.However, it is interesting that some of the subjects apparently have some need to communicate with their relatives in English. hotshot possible factor behind the use of English in this situation is that their relatives live in an Englishspeaking country. In the case of jr. relatives (e. g. cousins), it is possible that they have no knowledge of Cantonese, while older relatives (e. g. uncles, aunts) may tint more cheerful using their adopted language. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 9 ELC10 13 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 7Improving academic style Use the academic writing advice above to complete the following exercises. 1. Skim through the Activity 6 essay and find formal verbs with comparable meanings to the following informal phrasal verbs. The paragraph is given in brackets to help you. filled in (B) handed out (B) ____________________ ____________________ looks into (A) ____________________ found out (E) ____________________ 2. Find words in the Activity 6 passage which have similar meanings to the following vague, everyday words done (B) ____________________ later (B) ____________________ big (A) ____________________ got (A) ____________________ . To avoid repeating the words students and findings, the writer uses a number of synonyms. List the synonyms used. students findings ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _____________________ 4. How does the writer avoid using informal negative forms? Underline one example in the passage in Paragraph D. 5. The draft that you read in Activity 1 included the following inappropriate sentences This is not surprising because, as we all know, old people in Hong Kong cant speak English.Thats because the education system wasnt very good in the past. How does the writer revise this part of the report? Li Wei falls to Hong Kong re aimd with kind permission of Li Wei English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 10 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 8 Writing This activity gives you the chance to apply the features of academic writing style covered so far. By being able to write in an appropriate academic style, you will be more able to successfully complete assignments at university.Situation For a course that you have been doing at university, you have been researchi ng whether the consumption of organic produce can affect the health of a population. You are also interested in whether a subjects positive opinion of their well being* has an effect on their general level of health. The area that you are investigating for an assignment is whether Hong Kong subjects also feel better about themselves after consuming organic produce. In Table 1 below, the results of two surveys are presented.First, a large scale survey was conducted by Wallace and Welbeck 1 among 4619 students in the UK about consumption of organic produce and self health ratings. The questions were adapted by your group to survey 89 students in the Polytechnic University. In the survey, subjects were asked to say whether they felt the following illnesses would increase or decrease on a scale from 0 (increase a great deal) to 3 (no effect) to 6 (decrease a great deal) after the consumption of organic produce. XuanXuan 13 reproduced with kind permission of Li Wei *Note well being descr ibes the state of feeling healthy and happyIn pairs, discuss the data in Table 1. How would you explain the findings? When you have completed your discussion, write a short text of 3 or 4 paragraphs in which you describe and discuss the data. Table 1 Reduction and increase of illnesses after consumption of organic produce Features Headaches Colds Coughs Aches and pains Skin complaints UK students 4. 9 3. 1 2. 2 4. 5 3. 4 Polytechnic University students 5. 5 4. 1 5. 4 3. 2 4. 5 Source Figures for UK students from Wallace and Welbeck 1 English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 11 ELC1013 English for University StudiesUnit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Section 3 Hedging in academic writing One of the main problems in the Activity 1 text is the writers use of assertive (overly strong or sure) language when discussing the data. Examples of assertive language are highlighted below. Lets now talk about the data in Figure 1. First and foremos t, its crystal clear that students dont have many opportunities to speak English outside the classroom. You can tell this because all the means are under 3. 00. Clearly, PolyU students dont have any need to speak to parents, etc. n English. This is undoubtedly because their family members are Cantonese speakers. Obviously, theres no point in speaking English when everyone can speak Cantonese. As you can see, PolyU students never speak to their grandparents in English. This is not surprising because, as we all know, old people in Hong Kong cant speak English. Thats because the education system wasnt very good in the past. You can see, though, that there are a few situations (overseas holidays and so on) where students do get a golden opportunity to use their English, even though this is not really very often.In a nutshell, then, the data in Figure 1 prove that PolyU students dont speak English much outside the classroom. Expressing opinions or making claims in overly strong language leaves you open to attack by critical readers. Such statements will often be doubted by readers thereby reducing your power and authority as a writer. A reader who does not believe a writer will rarely read on. To avoid such a situation, when stating ideas or discussing data you should use tentative rather than assertive language. You should avoid expressions such as clearly ndoubtedly obviously definitely without a doubt there is no doubt that certainly absolutely Be very careful about using words like always (very common in Chinese), never, every and all because these suggest absolute certainty, which is inappropriate, and often incorrect, in many situations. Compare the following sentences 1. The Hong Kong economy will heighten next year. (Too strong The writer is open to criticism if the Hong Kong economy does not grow next year) 2. The Hong Kong economy might grow next year. (Ok. The writer is hedging by using the modal verb might) 3.Some economists believe the Hong Kong econo my will grow next year. (Ok. The doubt is transferred to a third party (economists). This means that the readers confidence in you is not reduced) Techniques used in the sentences two and three above are known as hedging. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 12 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Hedging Techniques Activity 6 illustrated a number of hedging techniques. These are summarised below 1.Use hedging verbs The following hedging verbs are often used in academic writing suggest indicate estimate imply The results indicate that the situation in which tertiary students use English least is in interactions with their grandparents. The verbs appear and seem are used to distance the writer from the findings (and therefore avoid making a strong claim and be subject to criticism from readers). On the evidence of the findings presented in Figure 1, it would appear that tertiary students in Hon g Kong generally have little need to speak in English outside the classroom.Note that the writer also protects himself / herself by using the phrase on the evidence of. The following expressions are used in a similar way according to, on the basis of, based on. 2. Use modal verbs Another way of show confidently uncertain is to use modal verbs such as may, might and could. In the case of younger relatives, it is possible that they have no knowledge of Cantonese, while older relatives may feel more comfortable using their adopted language. 3. Use adverbs The following adverbs are often used when a writer wishes to express caution. robably apparently possibly seemingly perhaps presumably arguably conceivably This finding is perhaps not surprising as census data indicate that the overwhelming majority of people in Hong Kong speak Cantonese 1. 4. Use adjectives Another technique is to use an adjective. probable possible arguable unlikely likely One possible factor behind the use of Engl ish in this situation is that their relatives live in an communicatory country. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 13 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) 5.Use nouns The following nouns are often used to hedge probability possibility evidence likelihood quality The evidence suggests that undergraduates rarely communicate with their parents or grandparents in English. 6. Softening generalisations There are several ways in which you can soften and hedge a generalisation. (i) Use the verb tend or the noun (have / be a) tendency (to). While the data in Figure 1 suggest that tertiary students tend not to speak English very frequently outside class, there are apparently several situations where spoken English has some degree of importance in the subjects lives. ii) Use an adverb such as generally predominantly largely mainly primarily usually for the most part to a great extent This largely ste ms from the fact that the provision of English-medium secondary education was limited in the 1940s and 1950s 3. (iii) Use a hedging expression such as most or the majority of. The majority of citizens in the 60-70 age group are likely to have received only a Chinesemedium primary education 4. (iv) Identify exceptions by using expressions such as except for or with the exception of.In the intimate family domain, young people intelligibly have little need or desire to speak English, except for special circumstances such as preparing for English language examinations. 7. Avoid negative words You should also avoid direct, negative words such as lies, cheat, false, rubbish, cheap, useless and cudgel. Try to use cautious, indirect language when expressing negative ideas. Without a doubt, the worst aspect of Dr Wongs teaching is the lack of feedback. ? Giving feedback is perhaps the least successful aspect of Dr Wongs teaching.?The president told lies to the media during his rubbish hand ling of the crisis. ? The president may have misled the media during the less than satisfactory handling of the crisis. ? English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 14 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 9 Hedging Choose the most appropriate option below. a) Everybody knows / It is generally accepted that all / the majority of English people always / often fail to learn any language other than their own. ) perhaps / clearly the world will / is likely to face major / total environmental destruction in the next fifty years. c) Without a doubt / It is widely believed that assertive writing is never / unlikely to be positively regarded by most / all readers. Activities 10a and 10b gives you an opportunity to practise the hedging techniques outlined in Section 3. By being able to use hedging techniques while writing in an appropriate academic style, you will more be able to successfully comple te assignments at university. Activity 10a WritingIn 2011, the English Language Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University surveyed 978 Form 7 school leavers about their preferences when studying in higher education. A summary of the results is presented below. Table 1 First Choice of University Hong Kong University The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong University of Science and Technology The Hong Kong Polytechnic University metropolis University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist University The Open University of Hong Kong Lingnan University Hong Kong Shue Yan University 21% 17% 15% 14% 11% 11% 8% 7% 4% A pause for humanity 3 reproduced with kind permission of Li Wei Read what the writer give tongue to about the reason why Hong Kong University and Chinese University were the most favoured. Note the underlined language. The survey results indicate that the preferred universities were Hong Kong University and Chinese University. A probable reason for this is their long hist ory, and the preference of employers for employees who graduate from these institutions. Write two or three paragraphs giving possible reasons for the ranking of the other universities. Use the hedging techniques from Section 3. English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 15 ELC1013 English for University Studies Unit 1 Achieving an Academic Writing Style (IEEE / Vancouver) Activity 10b Writing The school leavers were asked a similar question regarding their first choice of course when applying for University. Examine Table 2 below giving the results, and write two more paragraphs providing some possible explanations. Table 2 First choice of course when applying for University Engineering Law Nursing and Health Sciences Design Business Computing Textiles Construction Logistics Others 15% 4% 8% 12% 20% 15% 4% 7% 16% 5% gain ground Learning Materials Besides IndiWork, you are also strongly encouraged to complete the Further Learning Materials found at the end of eac h unit. By doing so, so will be able to perform better in this subjects assessments. Go to eLearn (http//elearn. elc. polyu. edu. hk/) to complete the following activities. 1. Unit 1 Review of nurture 2. Unit 1 Further Learning Materials English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 16
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