Thursday, February 28, 2019
Customer Service and Marketing at MM
MM possesses a agonistical position in this segment in terms of quality intersection point offering and close client relationships shaped tall level Of node support. 2. With intensive amendments in power-to-size ratios and customer service, we saw potential to regain and grow our commercialize share in section A and anchor them as our main business organisation. Initially, we contemplated pursuing sales from particle D and small customers. However, fragment Ads main concern turned surface to be solely on price. To maintain them, as tombstone customers, we would admit to reduce list price substantially.This would retain us from maximizing gross and profit from other segments. As for small customers, we recognized an issue of line of business inflict as these customers purchased through with(predicate) the distributor channel. We learnt through the simulation that distributors would go away their profit margins freely, and could at dates sell the motors lower than our prices to over heavy(p) customers. Hence, to void this conflict, we decided non to focus on small customers. Further more(prenominal), we also learnt that we could have low foodstuff share and decreasing profit margins if we tried to bespeak more than 2 customer segments.So therefore, we decided not to pursue section D and small customers. How does customer rejoicing change all over time? How do you equipoise hard reference metrics such as revenues and profits with soft metrics such as customer felicity? The segment of the motor industry in which MM operated was highly competitive, with over 1 00 participants. Over 70% of Ms revenues were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders. The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, involving a unceasing dialogue between galore(postnominal) participants.The quality of these relationships and the benefits gained by both sides were critically important to MM. However, customer interviews sugg ested that large customers were tarring to be dissatisfied with the quality of Ms sales team. We chose to allocate 90% of our sales force to the large customers since nearly all our sales volume were attributed to them whereas alone 10% was allocated to small customers to propose space for our distributors to implement their own merchandising and sales efforts.As we progressed, the volume we received from small customers dropped while that for large customers join ond, in line with Ms commercializeing positioning. Hence, we further ontogenesisd the simile of sales resources for large customers to 98%, and also pumped in more ending on sales support for them. Since Segment A was our primary target segment, we allocated the largest proportion of our large customer sales support hours, I. E. 41 %, to them. Segment D, our auxiliary target segment was given 40%.We also gave 10% to Segment B, because we deemed that while Segment B continued to buy from MM, we should try to improve their satisfaction level, so as to avoid negative word of embouchure in the market. The least attention, 1 0%, was given to Segment C, since they responded more to prices than sales support. The quality of sales representative interaction with Segment A was extremely high due to the large number of hours spent on them. The interaction with Segments B and C were good whereas the interaction with Segment D was fair.We managed to make Segments A and C rattling satisfied and Segment D satisfied at the end of the Simi lotion. Segment D did not designate higher satisfaction due to the higher price compared to their expectations. Segment B remained dissatisfied, due to the lower caloric vindication offered by Our product. tending(p) Ms market share and revenue challenges, our team determined the short- and long-term equines goals for MM as follows 1 . Short-term goal Acquire high market share in primary market segments. 2. Long-term goals Attain consistently high profit margins and maintain market share.To achieve these objectives with a particular(a) budget, Ms marketing strategy had to centre on honour provision. Building on Ms original strengths, we saw the opportunity to delight customers with superior power-to-size ratio. We identified Segments A and C as our primary and secondary target segments, as their necessitate fell within the optimal zone where our product positioning could provide a preference. With the need to reverse declining market share and boost customer satisfaction, aggressive investment in Ms R&D was necessary to instal a strong and positive brand name for our power-efficient motors and manage interior costs.This allowed us to price our motors to create value for customers while extracting value for our business. raise ontogenyd in our sales representatives and marketing communications were identified as critical in communicating MM motors value to customers, and formed the key differentiators in managing Ms dual sales force and d istributor channels. How does customer satisfaction relate to customer loyalty? Retention is a reflection of a customers willingness to remain with a particular companys service or products and is useful to mensuration customer loyalty.The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, startle to be dissatisfied with the quality of Ms sales team. For the split between customer retention and acquisition, we learned that having a higher focus on customer retention produced much higher overall sales. Experience from earlier runs indicated that a high investment in untested customer acquisition did not trigger proportionate increase in new customer sales. This could be due to channel conflict with distributors seeking to gain new customers as well.Therefore, our eventual strategy focused on customer retention as to protect our market share, and consequently, still generate new sales through referrals from existing customers. Our heavily trained sales force did a very good job in acquiring nevus customers despite their modified time on new customer acquisition and due to our high retention rate we could rapidly expand our market share in Segment A shows the sales split teen existing and new customers. How should you manage MM set? What does it take to justify price increase? How does price deductive reasoninging affect the outcome?Market research proved to be an important tool for us to determine pricing. Initially, We thought keeping prices constant would help us gain market share that would compensate for the margin. However, we learnt that by adjusting our prices according to customers price expectations for Segments A, B and C was more effective in maximizing our revenues. Exhibit shows that as time passed, there was generally an increase in willingness to pay across these segments. Therefore, we increased our prices slowly to extract value for MM, while we aggressively increased power-to-size ratios to create value for our target segments.Thi s enabled us to increase market share. Given Segment Ads price sensitiveness, we gave them maximum discount allowed as a sales strategy and attempt to claim market share in this segment. We kept our discount rate for the distributors constant so that the distributors can better plan their distributor margin depending on their business needs. Over the course of the simulation, our pricing (across all segments) increased by a total of 2%. A conscious effort was made to increase price at a slow and incremental pace to prevent price shocks and allow the market to stabilize in response to individually price increase.Although flexibility in setting prices acts as a speedily fix for the management to achieve short-term targets, it would send mixed signals to the market and hence should be avoided when possible. We observed that our competitors reacted to our price increases in the same perpetration but consistently kept their rates lower than ours. From these reactions, we realized that competing on prices would have a detrimental effect on our refits. How do you balance short-term and long-term investments?We invested heavily in enhancing our products power-to-size ratio as to embodiment a strong brand name and gain a competitive advantage over our competitors. The market research was valuable to help us keep track of our product performance over competitors and against customer expectations, so that we can moderate our research investment over. Our strategic positioning on power-to-size ratio shown success as we observed from the market research that, aft(prenominal) 4 quarters of the simulation, our competitors started to position homeless in producing high thermal resistance products and decreased their focus on power-to-size ratio.While we limited investments on thermal resistance to improve company financial, we were able to manage the thermal resistance performance against customer expectations such that sales and customer satisfaction of our product were not affected. In addition, we gradually increased our investment in manufacturing capability in order to keep the cost of goods sold under check out in the long run How does channel conflict figure into your pricing decisions? How do you minimize channel conflict?
Abusive child labor in China Essay
newfangleds correspondent David Barbosa of the New York Times Magazine has published an article on May world-class 2008, entitled China Says Abusive Child Labor Ring Is open(a). In his news article, Barbosa uncovered more in-depth analysis surrounding the possibility of child diligence in China, in which according to him acknowledges child grind abuse at the heart of Chinas export economy.This report card will discuss Barbosas finding on the plight of Chinese children amidst extensive economic production.Article SummaryWho was involved?Based on Barbosas news article, child breakwear ranges from the age of 13 to 15 which have been deceived and possibly kidnapped by a child trafficking syndicate therefore sold to employment agencies. To cite, the series of crackdown by Chinese governance has effect rampant child labor employment from Western Sichuan Province of Liangshan that supplies the children to factories in Guangdong, wherein forced labor engages about 300 working hou rs monthly (Barbosa, 2008). direct of the crackdownThe summary of result on crackdown of child labor rings has prompted the Chinese authorities to enacting more enforcement, which according to Barbosa has put China in evidential scandal and embarrassment aside from the political bribe with Tibet who rejects Chinas coarse preparation to the forthcoming Olympic Games.With the incoming Olympic flusht, Chinese authorities has doubled its efforts in enforcing the strictest possible campaign against child labor traffickers, wherein the April thirtieth 2008 crackdown to various legal and most specifically illegal employment agencies or patently child traffickers have been arrested and initially rescued about 100 children-laborers from Dongguan metropolis where major electronic manufacturing firms are located.Behind child labor issue According to Barbosa, child labor and abuses depicts Chinas scarcity of laborers as a result of soaring inflationary rates and foreign cash devaluation t hat decreases profitability of both small and medium manufacturers that resorted to move quickly in the edge of competitive manufacturing and mass production that involve sporty labor of children and adult laborers of both men and women, wherein the Chinese labor law has even reduced the legal age requirement from the age of 16.Barbosa insinuated that may be the political issue involving Tibets rejection and defiance to holding the Olympic Games in China may have attributed to the seeming crackdown of homo trafficking for cheap labor, in general. As cited, the earlier cases of child labor and human trafficking incidents could have been picking up loose response of enforcement, apparently becoming stiff and tight on the current dates.The critical issue behind the rampant child labor and human trafficking in China espouses the fact of looming poverty incidence in Southern and Western localities of China wherein continuing increase of production and knifelike materials costs are in significant to cost-cutting measures. To cite, even the renowned transnational Wal-Mart alliance have been charged with child labor, wherein similarly other foreign firms in China were illicitly engaging.In related child labor issue, Barbosa pointed out the observation of Professor Hu Xingdou from Beijing Institute of Technology who quoted that Chinas economy is developing at a fascinating speed, but often at the expense of laws, human rights and environmental protection. Further to cite, local government encourages incentives to grow their economy and thereby encouraging participation of cheap labor forces that includes children.Postscript in the reportJournalists have jointly advocated engage the progress of Chinese authorities campaign against child labor and human trafficking. According to Barbosa, the Southern Metropolis newspaper (in Beijing, China) conducts fact-finding mission in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province wherein indigenous families resides and being target ed by child labor recruiters.Barbosa show that journalist may access and could uncover the truth brought about by the scandal of child labor and abuse. As quoted by Barbosa journalists could discover the facts by secret interviews in a few days, since how could the labor departments show no interest in it and ignore it for such a long time?ReferenceBarbosa, D. (2008). China Says Abusive Child Labor Ring Is undefendable. The New York Times (Asia Pacific) Electronic Magazine. Retrieved 08 May 2008 from http//
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Body & Cultural Text Essay
When a person has watched a film, advertisement or read a book, there argon unadorned elements that be app bent by extinct the work of device that seemingly communicate more than their get up meaning. This essay seeks to demonstrate how metaphor, connotation and metonym are usu eachy used in distinct cultural texts such(prenominal)(prenominal) as in books, film and others. It specific bothy applies the staple suppositions of intercourse guess to cultural texts, physical objects and images. Body Communication theory lays emphasis on exchange and production of meaning and information through symbols and signs (Littlejohn, 2002).It draws its argument from encoding and s terminaling of a specific content, where it is received and decoded by the recipient and synthesized for a meaning and information to be drawn out of it. What communication theory depicts is that communication does permeate all evels of human follow through eon being central to comprehending a certain(a) h uman demeanor (Griffin, 1997). Through metonym, metaphor and connotation, the main elements of communication theory are brought into focus, since they are figurative use of sending certain messages barely in distinct ways.Through them, cultural texts are deciphered and understood, where meanings are drawn beyond the surface meaning. Metonym Metonym, a figure of speech, is rhetorically used where a concept or entity is not called by its hear exclusively through the name of another thing that is associated intimately with it. It is the use of a single object or thing to identify another, which might be related. For example, in set III, scene II of Shakespeares Julius Caesar, (Lines 74-77) Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (Pickering & Hoeper, 1982).Ear in this field of study represents attention, since it is the ears that we use to pay attention to speech. Once the lending ear (attention) has been heard, the basic understanding of lend (to borrow something) is stret ched to include nonmaterial things, in this circumstance attention. Washington might be the capital of the United States, but it is usually used as an obvious metonym for the U. S. government. In film, metonym gives meaning to distinct elements of plot, such as in the recent movie, Ameri end Beauty. It is a comedy where personal, inner(a) conflict is depicted through metonyms.For instance, the protagonist, Tootsie, shows signs of inner conflict when he lacks effrontery to carry out a scam. In another level of conflict, metonyms in the form of coworkers, boss, father, friends, TV audience and his love depict the protagonists social conflict. The movie is all about several(predicate) levels of conflict that are splendidly shown metonymically, through several(predicate) contexts. This is achieved through outward projection of different levels of conflict on other characters it is seen, creating a very dramatic impact. grumpy types of metonyms in substitution do influence our thou ghts, actions and attitudes.This is achieved through focvictimization on a specific aspect and suppressing another inconsistent with a particular metonym. For example, Lakoff and Johnson argue that when you think about Picasso, your thoughts move beyond a mo of art (1980). You start thinking of it in relation to the individual, his artistic conception, technique, art in history and other relations. Connotation Connotation in texts, expressions and in mere boys shows the expressed and emotive part of a language. Seemingly, all connotative signs and expressions lie vaguely midway mingled with ambiguity and symbolism.For instance, the word iron denotes a very tough metal but can connote that a man is a piece of iron since he has won a boxing match without a problem. Connotations form a major component of poetry, where its power of expression, suggestion and emotion offers parameters that gauge the literary capability of an author while the cultural text awareness of the lector is revealed. This means that connotation must be culture and text indentured to be of any significance. For instance, in Elizabethan times black was ilk to piracy, lust, infidelity and cruelty.This is shown in Shakespeares depiction of Elizabethan disgust of the connotation black in more vivid racial terms. In Othello, Iago expresses that an previous(a) black ram is tupping your white ewe and ariseor else the devil entrust make a grandsire of you (Pickering & Hoeper, 1982). This association of Othello shows the established historical connotation that westerly nations had concerning black as pure evil. The communicatory element of connotation is distributive and everywhere. It is expressed in all cultures and dwells across all ages in all literary styles, genres, cultural expression such as music, architecture and painting. harmony offers something more to people beyond the rhythm and stones, thus connotation end up being capable of having double meanings and creating euphemisms . In film, connotation makes a communicatory entry, as in the official poster of Ugly Betty, period 2. In the poster, there is a darker background that lies empennage Alexis, Amanda, Daniel, Marc, Cl origine and Willie, connoting Mode as being business and in that juncture, wealth and money equals evil and power. In the equal poster, there is a white and blue background behind Betty, Hilda, Henry, Justin, Christina and Iganscio.This connotes family, happiness, tranquility and deeper peace. In hair product advertisements, the portrayal of hair as free flowing and seemingly in motion in an bran- forward-looking style connotes a woman readying herself to socialize, in that the free-flowing hair connotes freedom, as elaborated by Williamson, (1978). Metaphor Metaphors are simply comparisons showing ii things, unlike in a major way, but importantly like in a certain way. Being an analogy, a metaphor lies between two ideas or objects and elaborated through the usage of a certain wor d, which communicates figuratively.In books, metaphors communicate a poetic imagination that enables authors such as Shakespeare to show a comparison between the world and stage, where humans make it and leave the stage, as seen in the drama As You Like It, while Robert Frosts poem, The Road Not Taken compares the life of a person to a journey. In film, metaphors elaborate issues figuratively, such as in a short film entitled The Unique Oneness of Christian Savage. In the film, a child loses a best friend who locomote from a tall tree where they had been playing.The child then runs away from the funeral and the actors line spoken, and starts beating the evil tree that killed the friend using a depleted branch. This is a visual metaphor introducing an element of conflict without the use of row but very powerful. In adverts, metaphors are used in associating products using semantic domains that have positive connotations. The truth in an advert appears like a law for advertisers to keep off from explicitly making such statements that might be either true or false. For instance, in an air freshener advert, it might be said in an advert that it will acquire a tropical breeze in your home.While it is obvious it cannot do this, what is metaphorically communicated is that your house will have fresh air. In addition, the communicative element of metaphors also takes a visual course, where it becomes a window of new thinking. These visuals give the individual a chance to escape while those who are creative can explain and interpret a novel world. In understanding the metaphor, the interpretation is on the world we live where we establish the relationship. In advertising, this is even clearer and true in the recent highly creative and digital images in advertisements.In fact, the smarter a metaphor is the more unforgettable and memorable the advert campaign. In some Ford Motors adverts, the car transforms itself in different terrains, into a metallic ape along a m ountain and a crocodile in a river. This is a visual metaphor for strength and safety. closely importantly, the more fun and creative the metaphor, the more unforgettable the message it conveys. It has been a major sell for adverts with figurative images. For instance, there are adverts on the campaigns on Aids by the French. It has images which are very captivating and fearful but communicate their intention.One is a naked man having sex with a gigantic venomous arachnid, while another shows a female doing the same with another, a metaphor for unprotected sex. It is disgusting and scary to say the least, but aptly effective. Such graphical metaphors depict the underlying element of communicative theory, where the way communication is done might not be important, rather, it is whether the message has been communicated at all (Littlejohn, 2002). In the case of the French Aids play adverts, the emotional figurative hook connects well with the audience. ConclusionMetonyms, connotatio n, and metaphors are exhibit in cultural texts with a communicative element that edifies the spirit of the communication theory. All of them work in different ways to aid communication. References Griffin, E. (1997). A first look at communication theory (3rd edition). New York McGraw-Hill. Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We withstand By. Chicago University of Chicago Press. Littlejohn, S. W. (2002). Theories of human communication (7th edition). Belmont, CA Wadsworth. Pickering, J. & Hoeper, J. (1982). Literature. London Macmillan. Williamson, J. (1978). decode Advertisements. London Marion Boyars.
Freshwater & resource Essay
Fresh wet is a valu able bottom of the inningcel resource, but fresh piss is alone 3% of the total volume of water in the world. Two-thirds of this is found in glaciers and polar ice caps thus leaves only 1% which female genital organ be readily acquired. homos and other aliment organism on Earth need water to be able to survive. Freshwater is important in the transportation of nutrients in soil and is undeniable for the propagation of plantations that support life for other organisms.Freshwater is a uncommon resource however it is easily contaminated by human activities. Human activities such as mining can contaminate rivers with heavy metals. It can also disrupt the ecological balance that requires the use of freshwater. Farmers who use immoderate pesticide can contaminate freshwater supplies. Pesticides sip into the soil and flows to rivers when it rains. This human activities causes wellness problems, not only to humans but to other organisms as well.In some regions of th e world, freshwater is not apply efficiently. Irrigations and artificial dams disturb the water ecosystem. Irrigations and artificial dams direct the flow of freshwater to other paths which can equipment casualty organism who highly require freshwater. The ecological balance is destroyed which can affect several organisms that is part of the ecosystem. Excessive irrigation also induces desertification. Desertification is the decline of biologic and economic activity of the soil.Desertification has been seen places around the world, such as China wherein farmers used irrigation inefficiently. Freshwater is renewable but it should be used in modality that nothing is wasted. More and more people over the world ar experiencing the lack of freshwater. Creating an effective water management is the only solution for this problem.ReferencesRichter, B. (2003). ecologically sustainable water management managing river flows for ecological integrity. Ecological Applications , 13 (1), 206-2 24
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Educating Rita †the Consequence of Change Essay
be implies convince, and change rarely comes with bring come on consequence. The progression to belong into a now culture or place may be forcible, emotional or mental. Rita, set by looking at inadequate is the main char deporter in allowy Russells puzzle out, Educating Rita. She masters a successful move into her advanced world. However, she must overcome change which entrust come at a individualised cost. Throughout the sport get outy Russell depicts many themes these include relationships, choice and consequence, social physical body and change.These themes are invariably seen in not bad(predicate) will hunting, directed by Gus vanguard Sant. Staring Matt Damon who plays will hunting, an ill-treat foster minor, he subconsciously blames himself for his unhappy upbringing and turns this self-loathing into a blueprint of self-sabotage in two(prenominal) his professional and emotional emotional state. The story is about his dis disgorgee to break from his labo ur culture and move on. However, he will face many changes through-out his prosecution to belong. Relationships can mould or trigger change, and change is seen throughout Educating Rita.Rita embarks on an Open University personal line of credit as she wants more out of her life. Rita sees study as an exit route from her current life, she is out of musical note with her husband, family and friends Rita wants to discover herself first, before wanting to compensate with having a child with Denny. Dennys obsession of one day settling down(p) with a family leads to the later divorce and failure of their marriage. Ritas initial depiction of Denny towards frankfurter was that Denny was blind, Rita differentiates herself by stating that she wants to see.Denny does not understand nor is willing to trans issue or communicate with Rita throughout act one, Dennys aggressive behaviour leads to the savage perform of burning her books, in scene five, and later Ritas piteous out of the h ouse. This change was a consequence of Ritas action to educate herself, despite Ritas suffering she is calm down sympathetic and grant towards Denny, this is reinforced by Rita describing where the girl he married has gone as well and she later states he said Id betrayed him. I opine I had.Throughout act one the reference is accounted for the growing tie down between Rita and blackguard. In act one scene one the stuck entrance is a metaphor for the effort required to change. Rita is confronted by a physical barrier which she would later overcome. Ritas relationship with bluff develops throughout the play, she is ill-fitting in the first scene of act one, as she is unfamiliar with her surroundings. Ritas discomfort is depicted through her agile talking, swearing and her constant moving about, this is bare through scene one as Rita feels nervous as she was testing frank.Rita is initially physically separated from Frank there is an intangible barrier between Rita and Frank. H owever, this is quickly diminished as their relationship develops, this is straightforward as throughout the play, Rita starts to become less nervous and starts to sit down next to Frank, Rita stops talking at Frank and starts talking with him. contempt Ritas lost(p) relationship with Denny and a growing bond with Frank, Rita is still definitely torn between two worlds, this is evident through act one scene seven where Rita states that she is a half- draw in.Ritas experience in London at summer school is substantive as this is the start out of a advanced Rita , however , it is as well the beginning of a jog in Ritas and Franks relationship. She is able to gain confidence to talk sophisticatedly, this hike up in confidence gave her the courage to talk and meet new friends, creating a new circle of friends for Rita. This means Rita is less dependent of Frank this is evident through her late appearances to their tutorials or not attending at all. Frank confronts Rita complaini ng that there was a time when you told me everything.Franks fool of Rita changes as the play progresses, Frank is disenchanted with Ritas transformation under the influence of Trish and Tyler. Rita, for her articulation, has lost her initial respect towards Frank, this is evident as Frank is constantly beverage and smoking, whereby Rita is trying to keep clean and change for the better. Relationships encounter difficulties which benefit it harder to belong however, the nature of relationships alters due to the individuals choices and the consequences which follow as a result. Ritas motivations in moving into the world are to achieve some sort of choice about the direction her life will follow.Rita does not want to follow her working- break path of blindness alternatively she wants to achieve an education so that she is prone to more informed choices. Ritas choice to enrol in an Open University course is the first academic degree of choices this choice was subsequently looked d own upon by Denny. However, even though Rita enrolled to the course she is faced with the consequences of some(prenominal) Denny and actually completing the course, even after she was certain to the course she was compensating to pack the course in, coming very confining to doing that in act one scene seven.However, the sight of her mothers disappointment of not singing a different song is cause of her unhappiness towards the culture. This scene is the ultimatum Rita is faced with, she is forced to make a close between her working class and the middle class, as she is nether belong to the working nor the middle class. This is evident as she states that she is a freak and a half-cast, however, her mothers unhappiness is a key influence to her ending to stay at the Open University.To Rita the availability of choice is something of a lavishness, she has no plan to what she is going to after she finishes the course However, Rita pampers to the availability of choices. This is evi dent in the last scene, where Rita is going to do her exams, she does not know what she is going to do for Christmas, however, she says, i dunno. Ill make a decision, Ill choose. This reinforces Ritas luxury of choice. Ritas choice to study has huge consequences in her personal life.This caused friction with her husband, which later is the key factor to the breakdown of the marriage. The alienation of Rita from her family and friends is and another consequence of her choice to study. Ritas alienation is seen in act one scene seven, as Rita cannot find a place to belong, she feels out of step, from some(prenominal) her family and Frank/upper class, describing herself as a half-cast. Ritas and Franks bond slowly diminishes and they both drift aside from each other, to a point where frank starts calling her different names.Frank is open too Rita, subsequently Rita is not, Frank feels his creation had turned out to be a monster. Frank decides to call himself Mary Shelly, this is sig nificant as Frank has related Rita and himself to a gothic number called Frankenstien. Franks allusion shows the audience that Rita has changed for the worst. Throughout Educating Rita, there is heavy emphasis of moving into a different social class. Rita is dissatisfied with the limitations she faces within her current working class life.She doesnt fit in with her peers in her working class neighbourhood this is evident in act one scene two where she acknowledges that close to of her peers would arrest had a baby, Rita on the other hand wants to discover herself and wants a better panache of livin. She attempts to explain her restlessness to Denny, that Dennys recital of Ritas materialistic terms as just simply redemptive up and moving to a better neighbourhood. Rita feels congested on the moral values of the working class culture she is a part of.This is evident in act one scene four, she depicts her class as everyone wanting to have a baby, she says that everyone expects it , everyone expects Rita to settle down to a life of marriage. Rita strives for a better social class, one which she can connect with, feeling a large sense of belonging, her desire for a better way of living leads her into the world, letting her husband, Denny behind she can only go forward. As she progresses through her Open University course, she starts to feel more of a half cast, belonging in nether class.She cannot relate to her working class friends, however, she also cannot speak the language of the middle class. Ritas view of the working class if very critical, she completely denies their culture claiming that she sees everyone pissed because their lives have no meanin. Her view on education is a view of telescope her free. In Ritas first tutorial, she looks outside Franks window peering at the students on the grass, stating god, whats it like to be free? an ironic view because Frank is not free, and only restricted as he is unsatisfied with his job, drinking his way thou gh each day.Whilst educating Rita provides the audience with a good account of an individuals progression to belong to a new culture, good will hunting portrays a complementary account. Like Rita, Will hunting is from the working class culture. Good Will Hunting is a poetic story of a young mans compete to find his place in the world by first decision out who he is. This is the case for Rita, she is trying to discover herself . The movie is a journey through the mind of Will Hunting as he is forced to endure therapy instead of jail.With the help of the psychologist, played by redbreast Williams, Will discovers himself and realizes his value in the world by understanding what matters to him most. An abused foster child, he subconsciously blames himself for his unhappy upbringing and turns this self-loathing into a form of self-sabotage in both his professional and emotional life. The story is about his challenge to break from his working-class culture, Will Hunting emphasises the e lements within Educating Rita, although Will is a troubled genius, they both hold the same characteristics.Will, like Rita experiences the hardships of belonging to a new culture, Will Hunting is also faced with an Ultimatum Will doesnt see the opportunities which lie ahead of him, blinded by his path. However, he is put straight by his better mate Chuckie who states Look youre my best friend, so dont prefer this the wrong way. In xx years, if youre still livin here, comin over to my house, still workin construction, Ill kill you. Thats not a threat Ill kill you. This harsh controversy is the turning point for Will. Will is completely different to Rita they are both worlds away from each other.However, in both cases, moving onto a new world involves painful change before moving forward. In both these accounts, moving into a new world involves difficulties and challenges, both characters strive for an education to achieve their desired outcome. Rita achieves her ultimate goal of having choice through education. Will Hunting in good will hunting is forced to take upon education to strive for a better class, to open his opportunities. In both these cases, we see that to go into a new world is overwhelmed by difficulties, but it could also bring their desired reward.
Counseling †an overview of the adlerian theory
Alfred Adler was the founder of Individual Psychology the definition of which is the indiscrete of the human personality. The Adlerian theory supposes a single motivating force commode every our behavior, that of striving for perfection. They attempt as well to marry the disparities between The Self-concept and The Self- high-flown. along with these come the Weltbild or worldview and our own personal right-wrong code known as The Ethical convictions. Adler argued that humans be born striving to belong argon motivated by mites of wanting(p)ity throughout their extends.In order to clearly unsex what is un sinewy we need to take a look at what is deemed healthy in as far as Adlerian theory has tabled it. The aptitude for a Feeling of confederacy is necessary thereafter becoming faculty followed by attitude and motivation. Alfred Adler maintained that various(prenominal)s were all born with this however that it has to be nurtured to be of any value as in the ability to make mite with others, relating to them in useful ways and wherefore contributing to the parking lot upbeat (Henry T. Stein 1997).The intellectual capabilities include thought others points of view and needs, accepting common sense over private logic and recognizing the interdependency of people. Appreciating the constituents of others and reasoning with a view to the immediate and future social consequences. The emotional capabilities include empathy for others, feeling connected with others and the ability to feel and express acceptance, liking and love for others. In relation to the environment, or our direction of life, there argon twain attitudinal and motivational capacities.The attitudinal capacities include feeling at home on earth, a sense of harmony with the universe and a deep identification with others. This also means letting go of the preoccupation of self and along with this comes a profound sense of belonging. The motivational capacities include sustaining an acti ve, creative and generous beguile in the welf atomic number 18 of others. Contributing signifi bay windowtly to the community and making unconditional, ongoing, free and positive social effort. The feeling of community is not manifest as mere conformity rather it implies a constant striving for rise and correction toward an ideal community for all.From an Adlerian point of view, genuine ethics argon a bequeath of a high level of the Feeling of community and atomic number 18 a reflection of optimum mental health. Harold Mosak (1995) identified louvre underlying assumptions to the Adlerian theory. A) The soul is unique, b) the individual is self consistent, c) the individual is responsible, d) the person is creative, an actor, a chooser, and e) people in a soft deterministic way sack direct their own destinies (Mosak, 1995, p87). This is basically the identification of what we are born with.The understanding is however that mental ill health occurs when these are not right nu rtured with a view towards enriching the community as a whole. We now can start painting a clearer picture of turgid functioning in an individual. A sense of inferiority is an indicator of mental ill health, this of course, besides world a symptom of the larger problem, that being Self-obsession. Self-obsession occurs when there is a lack in the feeling of community. Another indicator is when strivings are for the individuals greater glory and not for the purpose of overcoming lifes difficulties.If the individual is not engaged in striving for self-realization, in contribution to humanity and making the world a better place to live then harmony cannot be present mentally. The role of environment in attaining mental health is par meter. In redirecting the client toward a fulfilling life star is teaching them the importance of a holistic approach. A very simple example would be if a client were living in an unhealthy situation, perhaps above a club. They need a fair amount of pe ace in order to study but find it out(predicate) in the current situation.They then stay out all dark at libraries in order to find the peace they need but not getting the rest they need to regenerate with all the traveling. This is an passing simplistic example illustrating a domino effect. The rest of the clients affairs will start falling a federal agency as they generate to persist up with not having had enough sleep. Another little beadwork of wisdom here would be If you keep doing the things you are doing, you will keep on getting the matters that youre getting.Now their motivation for moving forth might be that they cannot afford to move away. A suggestion would be to share a residence on a communal buttocks where the necessary structure is present. A small dislodge, as inconsequential as it may seem, has the power of positivity behind it. It spurs on further change in the Style of Life. Adler maintained that human beings were born teleological. His primeval exampl e being, that of an infant who as a result of its initial impuissance feels inferior and strives to mortify that by developing to a higher level.Feeling inferior and compensating for that by way of development is the dynamic force behind the motivation, which propels the individual throughout life. This process, as Adler stated, begins in infancy where the child is aware of others who are larger and stronger than they are. In order to survive and attain our goals we must strive forward. Adler described these as minus situations where children compared themselves to older children or adults. The inferiority feelings then become the motivation for striving towards plus situations.Adler said that individuals were not everlastingly guided in their actions by reality but also by fictitious goals. Hence the Adlerian concept of the final goal, a fictional creation, an imagined ideal situation that guides a person in the present. The final goal is the result of a process that is unique t o each individual, a process that Adler calls snobbish Logic. The process, by which we overcome the obstacles in our way, was coined by Adler as Style of Life. This pattern is generally set by the time we are 6 or 7 years old and is quite difficult to change thereafter.Using Adlers definition of 3 broad categories of people in terms of neurosis we will illustrate how these two different types knock and overcome obstacles. Subject A is a Ruling typeface (Dr George C. Boeree (2005). They are from early years characterized by their overwhelming need to win. Subject As method of overcoming an obstacle will more than likely be confrontational and aggressive. There is no doubt, however, that this obstacle will be overcome but without regard for the consequences. Subject B is categorized as an Avoiding Type (Dr George C.Boeree), perhaps self-explanatory. They only live life through avoidance and as a result never actually grow. As a result of this lack of growth, this type may eventuall y succumb to psychosis and then take away within themselves. This was a very simplistic example but serves to sidle up the extremes between individual responses. An important skill we have from infancy is the ability to elicit care from others. First and foremost an infant is born physically appealing to its caregiver and has very effective ways of eliciting care.Crying is the most affectional way of eliciting care and is very seldom ignored. If the crying of an infant carries on for an extended period of time then the adult becomes anxious and panicky. This approximately sure ensures that the infant receives the care it needs. Crying is used throughout our lives as a means of manipulation or eliciting care from others. The basic union here is that manipulation in any form makes up part of our daily interactions with other people. An example would be a teenager pursuance a afterwards curfew, citing their friend curfews as examples.The Coup de Grace being The other parents tr ust their children or You dont love me. both of these are extremely emotive to parents. Humans by temper are sybaritic and such a sense of community needs to be nurtured and developed throughout their lives. Alfred Adler himself was an early follower of Freud, breaking away later due to the disparities in their particular theories. This perhaps illustrates that there is no holistic method of psychotherapy yet and that perhaps a combination of all the most pertinent types is actually the path wiz should be following.This is certainly debatable, especially to devotees of either end of the spectrum. The evidence however points to an infinite spectrum of complexness in the human psyche, one which we are perhaps no snuggled to approaching with any real insight. The Adlerian theory however was a breakthrough in its time with aspects such as labeling us individuals which brought nigh a more effective approach to psychotherapy. There is no one set way of treating everyone and the appr essed to personal the experience of psychotherapy is brought, the closer a solution you get.This is perhaps a simplistic summary of what is basically a complex theory with many components but the central motif for Alfred Adler was, unlike Freud, he did not believe that our only drives were basic and animalistic. This is a solid argument based on the fact that we are sentient beings with the ability to reason and therefore are able to direct our destinies to a large degree. The study of human behavior is ongoing call it a Work in progress. All theories and studies will have an partake on psychotherapy as we know it, by its very nature continuing to evolve as we do.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Instilling Safety Awareness in Children
Name Lim Xiao Pei segmentation 4S1 IC No. 971022-08-5976 Topic Instilling Safety Awareness In Children Theme Social Issues Children are innocent. They dont have a clear idea of what a bad person might run across like. They probably think someone with a moustache and ugly or evil facial expression is a bad person. The kidren do non think that women and kind-looking elderly men may be the bad person. The dress hat people to teach children ab appear personal beneficialty are their parents.In persuasion of the mounting number of crimes involving preadolescent children,parents must think about how they slew protect their children from the danger that lurk around them. First of all,children need to exist about their neighbours and living area. Parents should tell their children where they can visit when parents are non around. It will be great if boundaries are set outlining the areas that they can go to. If your children are invited by friends and neighbours to areas beyon d the set boundaries,tell them that they should first check with you in front venturing out.Then,remind your child to look out for the strangers hanging around frequently. Teach them to be aware of people who go round chatting up little kids or strangers cruising the neighbourhood. Parents must make certainly that their children are aware of safety measures to lend with regards to strangers,before allowing them to venture out on their own. Children should be told that if they feel uncomfortable when a stranger approaches them,they should run away without any hesitation. They should also be taught to put No and to shout for help when necessary.Parents should also be cautious in allowing their children to go out by themselves to meet friends at public places. though it may be tiresome,parents should accompany their children if they need to wait for their friends. If possible,parents can scavenge up their friends and send them to their destination too. Furthermore,parents must alw ays be sure where their children at all ages. They should make sure that their children do not read any gifts or invitations from any strangers. Besides,parents must realize that potential dangers involving child abuse and sexual assault lurk in places where children spend most(prenominal) of their time.Thus,parents should teach their children the ways to protect themselves. If possible,parents can send their children to learn martial arts too. Parents must be approachable to their children. When a child confesses to wrongdoing,find out the facts of the case before punishing them. Do not forget to split up them a chance to explain and see how you can help them to exercise the problem. If parents are unapproachable to children,they will bias to strangers who treat them very nice. The time has came for the community to work together to prevent crimes in our neighbourhood.Creating a safe neighbourhood is everyones responsibility. When we help to keep all the children safe,we are defend our own family too. *This is very important as children are still young and cannot detect the approaching of danger. For example,the six-year-old child,William Yau Zhen Zhong was left with his siblings,Eric and Cindy in his parents car as they went to a shop. He apparently got out of the car to look for his parents when Cindy started crying. He was inform missing after that. Nine days later,his body was found in a river.
Benzophenones nonpolar disposition makes it insoluble with piddle (which is polar), soluble with methanol (which is of intermediate polarity) and soluble with hexane (which is nonpolar). This is because generally, exchangeable dissolves kindred nonpolar go out dissolve nonpolar but not polar, and criminality versa. But note that this is an imperfect science you would expect hexane to dissolve instant(prenominal) and more completely than methanol (because of the differing polarities), but the opposite occurred.This may be ecause of benzophenones ketone group, which adds a slight polarity to the whit, making it a little polar, although in general nonpolar. Biphenyl, which is completely nonpolar, pass on have similar solubilities as benzophenone insoluble with water (polar), partially soluble with methanol (intermediate polarity) and soluble with hexane (nonpolar). But with biphenyl (unlike with benzophenone) the solubilities are barely as expected, because of biphenyls compl ete nonpolarity.But that explains any differences in solubilities between the two molecules. preindication also played a role in the alcohol reactions water, which is polar, will be insoluble with I-octanol (which is nonpolar), insoluble with I-butanol (also nonpolar), and soluble with methanol (polar). But its a little more complicated the carbon ambit of each of these perfect compounds will always be nonpolar and therefore hydrophobic, but as these are alcohols, the -OH group, which is polar and therefore hydrophilic, comes into play as well.So its kind of a battle between the hydrophobic carbon chain and the ydrophilic alcohol group, and when the chain is long, as in octanol, it will overpower the alcohol. Conversely, in small alcohols like methanol (or ethanol etc. ), where the carbon chain is much shorter, it will exert a smaller hydrophobic force and the overall molecule will therefore be hydrophilic. The hexane-alcohol reactions had the opposite solubilities, due to hexane s nonpolar nature (and the rule of like dissolves like) soluble with I-octanol (nonpolar), soluble with I-butanol (nonpolar), and insoluble with methanol (pola
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Fast food †Pizza Hut Essay
Food that is prepared and served quickly is termed as tight fodder. agile food such as McDonald, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger powerfulness and others already suits perfectly into the fasting paced life of a modern era. there are about 400 KFCs restaurant, more than 150 McDonalds restaurant and about 50 Burger Kings restaurant in Malaysia. Despite all the debate about the advantages and disadvantages that fast food has, the attention is flourishing.The most evident advantage of fast food is that it saves time. At the polish off of a hard-working day, when one returns home all tired and hungry, there is cipher better than getting a ready meal such as pizza or burger. Besides time, cost saving gives fast food an edge over the meal prepared in the kitchen. If one lives alone, hence it is cheaper to buy a meal at the supermarket instead of cooking it at home. Usually, fast food is higher in soya, fat, sugar, oil, fried meat, salt, cheese, mayonnaise and manifestly calories.In fact, fa st food is more unhealthy than home-cooked meals, because it contains higher amounts of undesired nutrients like salt, fat and various types of additives (artificial chemicals). The disadvantage of fast food is it pass on cause obesity in population, high blood pressure, strokes and related diseases of the heart. Nowadays, fast food restaurant becomes a good place for youngsters to hangout with friends and peers. This is a factor that is making a number of families spend less(prenominal) and less time together.As a result, relationship between family members become bad. Fast food has its own pros and cons. If we making some smart choices while placing the swan for fast food, we can definitely minimize the drawbacks of fast food. Salads are a smart choice. If you could choose between the fried and boiled options, order the boiled preparation. Avoid ordering carbonic drinks when you are thirsty, go for fruit juices, low-fat milk, regimen soda.
Is Britain a Class-Ridden Society Essay
Social classes can be defined by a group of persons sharing a similar social position and certain(prenominal) economic, political, and cultural characteristics. A class-ridden society is a term used by sociologists to describe a society which is ruled by social classes. As for the British society, it is considered as a division in three main(prenominal) classes the upper class, the middle class and the lower or workings class. Therefore, in the past few decades, the economy has changed and so has Britain. Then, can we consider Britain as a class-ridden society?Historically, in Britain, everything was depending on the class we were into. According to our language, our accent, the schooling we received from our family, our interests, etc, we were placed in a particular social class. Then, things exchangeable relationships, jobs, occupations varied from the class we were into. This phenomenon has existed in every country but it was such(prenominal) or less the same as in Britai n. The novelist George Orwell said that this country was the most class-ridden country under the sun. Indeed, unlike France, Britain was still governed by the aristocracy in the 19th. The wealthy ones were the elite and didnt leave much place for other classes. Although the aristocratic power had declined in the 19th and twentieth centuries, the distinction between social classes is still in everyones mind. fifty-fifty if the social classes and especially the differences between them confine existed for a long clock time now, new classes have emerged time after time. For instance, with the Industrial R maturation, the term working class has appeared as well as the term middle-class.Nowadays, things have changed. With the economic globalization, the immigration and the development of multiculturalism we have learned how to live with all(prenominal) other, whatever the background, the education and the social status. So the real question would be has Britain evolved or has it rema ined the same class-ridden society?To conclude, that question cannot be answered because Britain being a class-ridden society is in the British culture though there has been an evolution in everyones mind about that concept.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Vpn Reactor Guide
What service does VPN Reactor provides? provides a sacrosanct way of connecting through a public network (such as the Internet) to a remote network/location. This remote network is typically a esoteric network, such as a workplace or home network, or one provided by a commercial VPN service. No complicated parcel to install and works on all platforms. VPNs features Free easy-to-use App for Windows and mack Works on all platforms, Windows, Mac OSX, iPhone, etc. 256-Bit Encrypted connection amid you and the internet Total Privacy, no records of your internet activities are kept US, UK, & atomic number 63 based VPN Servers Unlimited Bandwidth No speed caps Instant admission fee uncaring What are VPN Reactors uses? Network Security & Privacy Access Your Workplace Remotely Access Location Restricted Content ring road Restrictive Networks Escape CensorshipWhy many protocols? Some governments, ISP & networks block access to certain(p) VPN protocols. The flexibility of multiple pro tocols allows you to bypass those blocks.In instances where all VPN protocols are blocked or throttled. Our StealthVPN has the ability to bypass these blocks by hiding itself within basic weathervane and email traffic.** What is the difference between the following VPN protocols? OpenVPN, PPTP, SSTP, L2TP/IPsec Types of Accounts VPN Max VPN Pro VPN radical VPN Economy All VPN plans include Turbo Downloads low user/server proportion 24/7 Unlimited connections & bandwidth Premium Support 7 daytime FREE Trial with paypal 1 Gig VPNreactor. om email address emailprotected com U. S. A. base VPN Servers Types of Protocols PPTP VPN protocol used for the free VPN accounts OpenVPN L2TP/IPsec StealthVPN has the ability to bypass these blocks by concealing itself within basic web and email traffic.VPNReactor only offer this take of security. Note Some ISPs in the following countries block PPTP China, Oman, Dubai, UAE, and Belize. If your ISP blocks PPTP, choose a plan with OpenVPN a nd/or StealthVPN
The World Is Flat
Thomas Friedman in his recent hand The atomic number 18na is apartment discusses a short history of globalization in the twenty-first century. His discovering jaunt took him a dress circle the humankind to investigate the new concept in multinational avocation. He views himself as Columbus-like, however in a new advanced word, in which he is searching for the sources of todays wealth. Only to deign to a rhetorical conclusion that the origination is flat not roundHis volume, The origination is flat has been a subject to much criticism. His incline was super criticizes by Aronica and Ramdoo, (2006) in their book The World is Flat? A sarcastic Analysis of Thomas Friedmans New York Times Bestseller. They point to the item that Friedman does not use a single table or info footnote in his book. Friedman makes arguments by assertion, based on not document facts, tho makes his assumption based on stories from his journey much than or slight the realism, visit few pla ces, and selected CEOs he visits on his journey.(Aronica & Ramdoo, 2006)Friedman in a research for his book visits India, where Nandan, the CEO of Infosys explains to him that the playing field is universe leveled ca exploitation Friedman to conclude that the world is flat. (Friedman, 2006 p.7) Friedman refers to a flat world in a metaphorical sense. He reiterates over and over again that The world is flat. In which he means that reducing barriers in trade and political and technical advances deem make it possible to do business, instantly with any early(a) businesses around the world, with come out the need to emigrate. It has allowed for parts of the world, which had previously been disconnected, like India and China, to compete in the world market. And that we are straightway connecting all the knowledge and expertise, using computers, email, fibre-optic networks and so on.Friedman argues that there are ten major forces that flattened the world, and describes each of the int erest flatteners. The fall of the Berlin Wall or the work flow software uploading outsoursing offshoring insourcing in-forming and eventually he talks closely steroids. Next Friedman delve into what he describes that the forces of lusterlessness fetch resulted in the triple convergence, three additional components that acted on the flatteners to take a crap a new, flatter global playing field.Friedman also states that technology has made the world flat by re move geographical, hierarchical and other boundaries to trade. In a flat world, Friedman writes, you can innovate without having to emigrate. Yet, there are dummy up many people in rural areas that have been left out and neglected of this global integration. People are migrating from rural areas to the big cities in search of jobs all the time, and this is what Friedman calls a flat world?Richard Florida,(2005) in his bind The World is spiky argues that the globalisation has deviated the playing field but it has not leve led it., Richard talks about uneven distribution of the worlds population, electric discharge emissions, focusing on peaks as of the cities that drive the world economy, and valleys places with little community to the global economy. Both authors seems to be right, but they both missing the point, using misleading metaphors.The paradox of these two metaphors is that the flattening of the world is creating a new outlook for even greater spikiness. Some would argue that it does not matter whether the world is spiky or flat. What does matter is where you live. Now, people have to compete and work harder than ever originally. People in American are losing their jobs because someone on the other side of the world can do it faster and for less money.Technology makes it all more possible today to bring the world closer and make it more interconnected and interdependent.(Friedman, 2006) However, proficient innovation by itself leave behind never flatten the world, instead it tends to create inequalities by creation inaccessible to less fortunate. Leamer (2007) in his critical review demonstrate that the technological revolution, economic integration and interaction increase the openness of trade and raise the production and transmission of information and knowledge in general. However, it is possible that change magnitude economic integration can lead to spatial agglomeration of economic employment rather than to a geographically flatten pattern.Process of globalisation may as well wipe out space and infinite betwixt countries, then again, some will argue that in a global economy, competitive advantages are often heavily localized, arising from concentrations of highly specialized skills, knowledge and institutions.Friedman argues, that the world is getting flatter, incomes though, are not. Distribution of incomes within countries and between countries is growing greater. Nevertheless, all these arguments show that the world is not flat, never was and i s not likely going to be in the boney future.In molybdenum chapter, Friedman describes than Netscape went public and how Internet and World Wide Web came along and enabled more people to communicate and interact with more people anywhere on the planet, causing the Earth to flatten even more. In 2007 Foreign form _or_ system of government magazine article, Pankaj Ghemawa, argued that ninety percent of the worlds web traffic, investments and telephone calls are local, suggesting that Friedman has overstated the significance of the trends he describes. (Ghemawat, P. 2007).Friedman talks about outsourcing of manufacturing and other processes to a foreign country to take advantage of less-costly labour. Outsourcing may therefore be good for the multinational corporations to stay competitive and survive, however, Arnica and Ramdoo (2006) in their book argue that, Friedman discuss in a favor of global corporations moving their operations overseas to exploit weak governments and cheap labor.Global corporations are not invested in the well-being of American workers and their local communities. Instead they go wherever they can to exploit cheap labor, lax environmental regulations and measure breaks. Stiglitz (2006) in his book points out that, the policy frameworks and laws are manipulated to be take up suited for the industrial elites. Moving operations overseas is cost undercut to improve the financial performance of big corporations, without loyalty to ones country. Their only loyalty is to increased profits and increased salaries of their directors.As a result of outsourcing, Many of American citizens, according to Friedman, are now overturned about their careers, because some of the jobs they used to hold are now being performed outside the country for a much lower cost to their creator companies. The reason behind the outsourcing is simply the cost. Indian workers can work for further less then American. The question is what will be the outcome of ecs tasy all these jobs overseas? Some will argue that outsourcing less skillful work to emerging economies will raise living standards around the world. Workers in develop nations will get new and higher- paying jobs, and consumers in the U.S will be able to buy products that are cheaper than if they were made at home. Leamer (2007) argues that it makes both parties worse off saying we get their compensation and they get our culture.Outsourcing is occurring at a breathtaking pace, and as a result America is veneering a big challenge because their jobs are at risk. Business operate and finance is now at risk of being outsourced. And in the near future accounts, marketing and sales, and even human recourses will be shipped overseas in the name of cost saving. We are not only outsourcing business processes, but also moving process of innovations. Overall, this is good for global economy, but the U.S. workforce will face drastic career changes and pressures on wages subject to competi tion from foreign labor. Thus, what is good for some might not be good for others.Another example given by Mr. Friedman that stroked me is how souwest Airlines let you issue your own boarding pass online twenty-four hours before the flight. What if you forget to print out your ticket? This is just a unsophisticated demonstration of declining quality of services a customer receives in a flatten world.I would argue that while the flat world has through with(p) extremely well for many industries and people around the world, Friedman but does not realized that the more flatten world brings many dark sides of globalisation along with it. The global financial system is more unbalanced, the threats of climate change are stronger and there is more international terrorism. The Friedman is reinforcing a wrong kernel to its audience for peace, loyalty and prosperity.Thomas Friedman points out that different parts of the world are now more connected because convergence of technology, inform ation systems and telecommunications systems that created a global platform is shrinking the world, and enabling each of us to filter out around the world faster and cheaper than ever beforeYes, there have been some dramatic changes and transformation in the world economy, and we are now more connected than ever before, however the world is not flat. (Stiglitz, 2006). Stiglitz in his book Making globalization work (2006) touches various aspects of globalization that is destroying the developing countries and their aspirations to provide a decent living to their citizens. He talks about egotistic intellectual property laws, the unfair trade mechanisms and many more critical points to complete success of globalization. Mr Friedman appreciates the existence of global poverty but fails to explain its structural and geopolitical causes.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Safety Training
OSHAcademy drift 755 organize necessitate secure 2011 Geigle Communications LLC OSHAcademy race move across 755 matter ply OSHAcademy p arntage 755 learn communicate BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS right of premier(prenominal) publication (c) cc0-2011 Geigle Communications, LLC. No portion of this school text may be reprinted for new(prenominal)(a)(a) than face-to-face rehearse. or so(prenominal) commercial officiate of this document is strictly forbidden. Contact the author to arrange for hire as a culture document. This study guide is designed to be reexamineed off-line as a tool for preparation to successfully issue OSHAcademy Online bleed 724. which go forward brook the correct answers to the questions.The final exam leave behind contain questions fool awayn from distributively module quiz. I hope you enjoy the channel and if you wealthy person both(prenominal)(prenominal) questions, feel free to email or impose Read each module, answer the quiz ques tions, and return online to submit the quiz. stigma the quiz receipt screen St nonwithstanding Geigle, M. A. , CET, CSHM Geigle pr razetive collection Inc. 515 NW Saltzman street 767 Portland, Oregon 97229 www. osha take in. org www. cshmprep. com emailprotected net 503. 292. 0654 copyright 2011 Geigle Communications LLC OSHAcademy var. 755 report comport build Introduction Why do I need to demand astir(predicate) the essay of moving-picture denominate of occupational icon to declineborne pathogens?OSHA estimates more than 5. 6 oneness thousand million assimilateers atomic number 18 at adventure of occupational ikon to melodyborne pathogens. completely occupational photograph to snag or other potencely pathogenic hooeys (OPIM) business off chicken feed workers at lay on the line for bearting with familyborne pathogens. charmers in many different occupations argon at attempt of delineation to furrowborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B, He patitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus/AIDS. First guardianship aggroup members, maintain strength in some settings, sop ups and other wellnessc atomic number 18 fork uprs be examples of workers who may be at essay of pic.Copyright 2011 Geigle pencil eraser concourse Inc. 1 OSHAcademy cart track 755 speculate pass by mental faculty 1 WHAT be BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS? What argon bloodborne pathogens? Bloodborne pathogens atomic number 18 pathogenic stuffs in blood that flowerpot lowstanding disorder when liftted from an septic individual to a nonher individual by dint of and by instrument of blood and certain proboscis smooth-spokens. Bloodborne pathogens ar qualified of ca utilize wicked illness and death. The most universal illness ca employ by bloodborne pathogens are hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrom (AIDS) from human immunodeficiency virus, or piece immunodeficiency computer computer virus.Who is co ver by OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens cadence? The standard applies to whole employees who induct occupational icon to blood or other say-soly pathogenic significants (OPIM). ? Occupational ikon is defined as sensibly anticipated unframeworke, nitty-gritty, mucous membrane, or parenteral touch with blood or OPIM that may result from the makeance of the employees duties. ? Blood is defined as human blood, human blood components, and products do from human blood. ? Other potenti each(prenominal)y infective materials (OPIM) delegacy a.The following human automobile trunk liquifieds semen, vaginal secretions, cerebro spinal anesthesia fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, saliva in dental consonant procedures, any ashes fluid that is visibly grime with blood, and all trunk fluids in situations where it is difficult or insurmountable to differentiate in the midst of body fluids b. Any unfixed tissue or organ (oth er than intact skin) from a human (living or dead) and Copyright 2011 Geigle safeguard assort Inc. 2 OSHAcademy category 755 field of view adopt c.HIV-containing cell or tissue cultures, organ cultures, and HIV- or HBV-containing culture medium or other solutions and blood, organs, or other tissues from data-based animals infected with HIV or HBV. The following references aid in recognizing body of work hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. What is the purpose of OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens standard? The purpose of the standard is to disparage or resist occupational depiction to disease-carrying microorganisms or pathogens that clear be found in human blood and body fluids. Who mustiness(prenominal)(prenominal) be trained infra OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens standard?OSHA has mandated one- stratum learn is removed for all employees with potential occupational ikon. This means if there is a fairish possibility an employee big businessman be loose to blood or o ther potentially infected corporal fluids, they must receive pedagogy to play come out or carry off their risk to potential motion-picture show. What are the primary bloodborne pathogens? The primary bloodborne pathogens are ? ? ? Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) homophile Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Other comm barely accept pathogens transmitted by body fluids admit ? ? ? West Nile Virus Malaria lues venereaOSHA has de landmarkined employers bathroom minimize or even up eliminate occupational bloodborne hazards by developing and enforcing a combination of ikon fudge strategies which work for all bloodborne diseases. It is non enough for an employer to go forth bloodborne pathogens training they must overly have a formal exposure soften jut documented and implemented. reproduction Is Not Enough An Employer Must Implement A globe scene understand cast Copyright 2011 Geigle safety throng Inc. 3 OSHAcademy flux 755 field of operation ch annel Scenario Stanley is an employee for a small manufacturing company.One of Stanleys suppose responsibilities is to respond to medical emergencies that might happen in the warehouse. Stanley has worked for his employer for five farsighted time and has never had to respond to an catch. Does Stanley still need to receive annual bloodborne pathogens training? Yes The frequency in which an employee is loose to potential bloodborne pathogens is not the standard used to determine the need for training. Be execute there is a reasonable possibility that Stanley might be unfastened to bloodborne pathogens as an employee, he must receive annual training.N both Stanley nor his employer discharge predict when he might need to pass on emergency medical circumspection. Copyright 2011 Geigle base hit pigeonholing Inc. 4 OSHAcademy ply 755 cultivation have MODULE 1 try fall out 1. As component fortune of Kevins hypothesise he is required to provide emergency front aid to emplo yees that make up wound or ill part at work. What are the three primary bloodborne pathogens Kevin must be aware of due to occupational exposure? a. West Nile Virus, Influenza, and MalariaUrgent and speedy lifesaving and other measures, which aft(prenominal) part be executeed for hurt or ill persons by nonmedical personnel when medical personnel are not immediately useable. . Hepatitis B, Syphilis, and Malaria c. Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus d. Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Influenza, and Small lues 2. Samantha is an employee covered by the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard 29 CFR 1910. 1030. How often must she complete bloodborne pathogen training? a. once b. p.a. c. every 2 geezerhood d. every 4 eld 3. What is the purpose of OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens standard? a. To promise that companies dont unnecessarily train employees closely bloodborne pathogens. b. To minimize or eliminate occupational exposure to pathogens that croup be found i n inorganic matter. c.To minimize or eliminate occupational exposure to disease-carrying microorganisms or pathogens that brush off be found in human blood and body fluids. d. To increase the homogeneouslihood that employees are casing to bloodborne pathogens. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety gathering Inc. 5 OSHAcademy Course 755 accept Guide 4. Who is covered by OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens standard? a. Only everyday employees b. Only EMTs, Nurses, and Doctors. c. Employees who DO NOT have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). d. whole employees who have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM). . In regards to OSHAs Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, occupational exposure is defined as _______. a. jolly anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral encounter with blood or OPIM that may result from the performance of the employees duties b. reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or OPIM musical composition at home c. exposing your employer to legal financial obligation d. skin contact with chemical solutions while in the performance of the employees duties Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety convention Inc. 6 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 2 circumstantial BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) is one of the primary causes of Hepatitis, an contagious disease which causes inflammation of the colorful. Complications of Hepatitis include cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, and liver failure. at that place is no crawl inn cure for the Hepatitis B virus. In the United States, roughly 15 to 25 percent of good deal infected with HBV will die because of the illness. Hepatitis B can be either knifelike or chronic. ? Acute Hepatitis B virus contagion is a short-term illness that occurs in spite of appearance the first 6 calendar months later on someone is undetermined to the Hepatitis B virus. Acute contagious disease can, honest does not always, lead to chronic infection. Chronic Hepatitis B virus infection is a long-term illness that occurs when the Hepatitis B virus stay in a persons body. Chronic Hepatitis B is a serious disease that can result in longterm health problems, and even death. Symptoms of HBV Symptoms of HBV infection include, but are not limited to ? ? ? ? ? ? Loss of appetite grind upon febrility Nausea, ptyaliseing and/or abdominal pain Joint pain strain seen in the eyes Jaundice, a symptom of hepatitis B, often first appears in the eyes Jaundice, also called icterusis, is a xanthousing of the skin or eyes and occurs in the more serious phase of Hepatitis B virus.Hepatitis B can wrongfulness the liver, resulting in decreased liver function. As the Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety throng Inc. 7 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide livers ability to filter bollocks from the blood decreases, the concentration of waste in the blood increases. Only almost 50 to 60 percent of individuals infected with Hepatitis B virus show symptoms. It is essential to understand even without symptoms, HBV-infected individuals are still infectious to others. photograph An exposure that might place a worker at risk for HBV, HCV, or HIV infection is defined as 1. a transdermal wound (e. . , a harrystick or cut with a laconic determination) or 2. contact of mucous membrane or nonintact skin (e. g. , baffled skin that is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis) with blood, tissue, or other body fluids that are potentially infectious. Indirect exposure from contaminate objects is a risk, because Hepatitis B virus can proceed infectious on environmental sur darings for up to a workweek (7 days) in the form of dried blood. This means you must always turn blood, wet or dry, as infectious Vaccination A vaccination to prevent Hepatitis B virus infection is available.The Hepatitis B vaccine serial publication is a sequence of three shots, typically precondition one month apart, that stimulate a persons natural immune system to protect against the virus. after(prenominal)ward the vaccine is given, the body makes antibodies to protect a person against the virus. Antibodies are modifiedized proteins found in the blood that produce an immune response to a virus invading the body. These antibodies are stored in the body to guard against hereafter infections. They will fight off an infection if a person is exposed to the Hepatitis B virus in the future. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety grouping Inc. OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Michelle is a custodian in a public elementary school. At the end of each school day, she keens and vacuums the building, including the schools health room. eon make cull the health room she notices some dried blood on the floor. Should Michelle be touch about exposure to Hepatitis B virus? Yes. Any blood, wet or dry, has the potential to carry infectious Hepatit is B virus. As a result, Michelle must take precautions to prevent potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens, including Hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is also a hearty cause of severe liver damage and death. Although only 849 cases of confirmed acute Hepatitis C were reported in the United States in 2007, Center for malady Control (CDC) estimates approximately 17,000 stark naked Hepatitis C virus infections occurred that year, after adjusting for symptomless infection and underreporting. Persons newly infected with Hepatitis C virus are normally asymptomatic, so acute Hepatitis C is rarely determine or reported. slightly 3. 2 million persons in the United States have chronic Hepatitis C virus infection.Chronic Hepatitis C virus infection accounts for an estimated 8,000-10,000 deaths each year in the United States. Approximately 5% of people infected with Hepatitis C virus die as a result of the long term damage caused to the liver and bo dy. Approximately 70%-80% of people with acute Hepatitis C do not have any symptoms. Some people, however, can have mild to severe symptoms soon after organism infected, including ? ? ? ? Fever Fatigue Loss of appetite Nausea Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 9 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide ? ? ? ? ? ?Vomiting Abdominal pain blue urine Clay-colored bowel movements Joint pain Jaundice (yellow color in the skin or eyes) If symptoms occur, the average time is 6-7 weeks after exposure, but this can range from 2 weeks to 6 months. However, many people infected with the Hepatitis C virus do not develop symptoms. Hepatitis C virus-infected individuals are infectious to other people, whether they show symptoms or not. Interestingly, Hepatitis C virus is strictly a human disease. It is not known to cause disease in any animals. Blood interrogatory for Hepatitis C virus was not available until 1992.As a result, blood donation agencies did not screen for Hepatitis C virus. many a( prenominal) Hepatitis C virus infections occurred as a result of receiving blood products from infected individuals. Today, testing for Hepatitis C is common place and should occur after any exposure to potential bloodborne pathogens has occurred. at that place is no vaccine for Hepatitis C. Scenario Manuel is a nurse running(a) nights in the topical anaesthetic hospital. During a shift in the emergency department he is stuck with a used needle that punctures his skin and draws blood. Is Manuel at risk for behave backing Hepatitis C? Yes.After a needlestick or sharps exposure to Hepatitis C-positive blood, the risk of infection is approximately 1. 8%. Manuel should immediately report the potential exposure and follow his employers exposure witness plan to ensure he receives proper medical treatment and testing. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 10 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide There are approximately 200 million people worldwide infected with the Hepatitis C virus. H epatitis C infections are treated with antiviral drugs, such(prenominal) as interferon. As of 2004, approximately 63% of Hepatitis C virus patients could expect to be cured of the virus.Any blood spills including dried blood, which can still be infectious should be denudeed using a dilution of one part household bleach to 10 split water supply. Gloves should be worn when cleaning up blood spills. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus obligated for causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The HIV virus was originally identified on December 1st, 1981. At the end of 2006, an estimated 1. 1 million persons in the United States were living with diagnosed or undiagnosed HIV/AIDS. In 2007, 42,655 new cases of HIV/AIDS in adults, adolescents, and electric shaverren were diagnosed.Almost 5,500 people die every day due to AIDS. AIDS caused 2 million deaths in 2008. An estimated 25 million people have died from HIV-related cause s since the beginning of the pandemic. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus attacks and suppresses the immune system, reducing a persons ability to fight infection. The virus specifically targets the cells crucial for fighting infection from pathogens. This allows diseases and infections to progress without resistance. Within a few weeks of universe infected with HIV, some people develop flu-like symptoms that ending for a week or two, but others have no symptoms at all.People living with HIV may appear and feel ruddy for several geezerhood. However, even if they feel healthy, HIV is still affecting their bodies. untreated early HIV infection is also associated with many diseases including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, liver disease, and cancer. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 11 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Stacy is a police officer employed by the city of Denver, Colorado. She is regularly required to respond to emergency medical situations, often arriving sooner the topical anesthetic ambulance company.As a result, Stacy is frequently exposed to human blood. Is Stacy likely to contract HIV from exposure to infected blood? No. As long as Stacy follows universal precautions she is not likely to contract HIV. normal precautions read the use of antifertility barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks, or restrictive(p) eyewear, which can compress the risk of exposure of the first aid providers skin or mucous membranes to potentially infective materials. It can take many years before an HIV-infected person displays symptoms of the disease. Symptoms include ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Enlarged lymph nodes Fatigue Frequent fevers long-lived or frequent yeast infections of the babble or vagina Persistent or frequent skin rashes Short-term memory hurt Weight loss Enlarged liver and spleen As with Hepatitis B virus and Hepatitis C virus, it is important to understand that individuals with HIV are potentially infectious to others, even though they may have no observable symptoms. Presently, there is no known cure for HIV. Although the life expectancy for HIV-infected individuals has increased due to modern advances in treatment, the end result of HIV/AIDS is premature death. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 12OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide HIV cannot reproduce outside the human body. It is not spread by ? ? ? ? ? line or water. Insects, including mosquitoes. Studies conducted by CDC researchers and others have shown no evidence of HIV contagious disease from insects. Saliva, tears, or sweat. There is no documented case of HIV being transmitted by spitting. Casual contact like shaking pass on or share-out dishes. Closed- sing or social smooching. All reported cases suggesting new or potentially unknown highroads of transmittal are thoroughly investigated by state and local health departments with assistance, guidance, and science lab support from CDC.Disease parity Of the three major(ip) bloodbo rne pathogens, Hepatitis B virus is the most contagious. Approximately 33% of individuals exposed to Hepatitis B virus will cause infected. Of those individuals exposed to Hepatitis C virus, only about 2% will become infected. Comparatively, Human Immunodeficiency Virus is much less contagious than either form of hepatitis. About 0. 33%, or 1 in 300, people exposed to HIV will become infected with the virus. Despite these statistics, every exposure has the potential to transmit bloodborne pathogens and must be considered significant. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 3 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 2 try out 1. The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) may remain infectious on dirty objects or sur positions for up to _______. a. b. c. d. 3 hours 24 hours 3 days 7 days 2. What voice of individuals infected with Hepatitis B virus display symptoms? a. b. c. d. 10-15% 25-35% 50-60% 80-90% 3. There are approximately __________ people worldwide infected with the Hepatitis C virus. a. b. c. d. 5 million 75 million 200 million 1 billion 4. Which of the three major bloodborne pathogens is the most contagious, with 33% of those exposed becoming infected? a. b. c. d.Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) 5. HIV is not spread by _______. a. b. c. d. saliva, tears, or sweat casual contact like shaking touchs or sharing dishes closed- lecture or social kissing all of the higher up Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 14 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 3 Transmitting Bloodborne Pathogens Fluids that afford Bloodborne Pathogens The transmission of bloodborne pathogens from one person to another(prenominal) occurs through the transfer of infected body fluids. cat valium body fluids which can transmit pathogens include ? ? ? blood cerebral spinal fluid semen vaginal secretions Semen and vaginal secretions can transmit bloodborne pathogens, but only during sexual contact. Wearing disp osable gloves can help protect you from accidental exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Fluids that Do Not Spread Bloodborne Pathogens Some body fluids have no documented risk of transmittal pathogens, including ? ? ? ? sweat saliva urine feces Although the risk of contracting a pathogen from these corporate fluids might be low, you may not always be able to tell which fluids you are quite a littleling, or whether injury has confused them with blood.For example, a severe abdominal injury could cause blood to be toast in urine or feces. Therefore, it is scoop to protect yourself from ALL bodily fluids. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 15 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide How Bloodborne Pathogens are Transmitted Non-occupational bloodborne pathogens are most commonly transmitted through ? ? sexual contact or sharing hypodermic needles. Occupational bloodborne pathogens are most commonly transmitted through ? ? puncture wounds from a sharp or bemire object, such as broken gl ass or from a vaunt of blood to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, or mouth.Protect Yourself from All Bodily Fluids Its important to remember the Hepatitis B virus can remain infectious outside of the body for up to 7 days. For this reason, it is crucial that violent death and decontamination of pollute objects and surfaces be performed as soon as doable. This will stretch the risk of indirect contact resulting in a bloodborne exposure incident. catch how bloodborne pathogens are transmitted will help ignore your risk of exposure and infection. Casual social contact, such as shaking hold, hugging, or sharing a telephone or tool, does not transmit bloodborne pathogens.Direct contact with blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluid can cause an exposure incident. Indirect contact with a polluted object, such as a countertop, bedding, or clothing, can also cause an exposure incident. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 16 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scen ario Jasmine is a daycare worker taking care of children between the ages of 6 months and 12 years. Kevin is a 3 year old child at the daycare center and has been complaining of a stomachache. Suddenly Kevin begins to vomit unexpectedly.After Kevins parents have been called to pick him up, Jasmine is asked to clean up the mess. Should Jasmine be concerned about bloodborne pathogens? Yes Although vomit is not documented as a risk for transmitting bloodborne pathogens, it is often im viable to determine if there is blood mixed in with the vomit. Even a very small amount of blood has the potential to transmit disease. You should always prevent contact with bodily fluids, regardless of whether blood is apparent in the fluids. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 17 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 3 study QUIZ 1.Trent is an employee for a local ambulance company. As part of his ancestry he is routinely exposed to blood and other bodily fluids. Which of the following could potentially transmit a bloodborne pathogen to Trent? a. b. c. d. Having blood splashed into his eyes Shaking a patients hand Using the telephone at the hospital Pushing a wheelchair 2. Common body fluids which can transmit pathogens include _______. a. b. c. d. blood and cerebral spinal fluid sweat and saliva semen and vaginal secretions both a and c 3. Some body fluids have NO documented risk of transmitting pathogens, including _______. a. b. c. d. lood and cerebral fluid sweat, saliva, urine, and feces semen and vaginal secretions all of the above 4. Bloodborne pathogens are commonly transmitted through _______. a. b. c. d. puncture wounds from sharp, contaminated objects. shaking hands hugging sharing a telephone 5. It is essential that cleanup and decontamination of contaminated objects and surfaces be performed as soon as possible. a. confessedly b. dishonorable Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 18 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 4 The characterisation Contr ol Plan The photograph Control Plan An employer exposure control plan (ECP) is a fatality of 29 CFR 1910. 030(c) of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard anchored by the Occupational Safety and health Administration (OSHA). The purpose of the ECP is to establish procedures to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Does your employer have an ECP? A indite ECP outlines the strategies necessary to eliminate or minimize employee occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This site-specific plan identifies all employee sortings which have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM).Additional components of an ECP are ? ? ? ? Engineering and work blueprint controls Personal restrictive equipment (PPE) Housekeeping Containment and labeling of potentially infectious materials Site-Specific rules some other key component of the ECP includes listing the site-specific manners by which the facility will si nk the employee risk. These methods include let training, the communication of hazards, hepatitis B vaccinations for any employee who has occupational risk of exposure, methods for postexposure valuation and follow-up, proper recordkeeping, and a sharps injury pound.The final part of the plan describes the procedure for the investigation and evaluation of circumstances surrounding exposure incidents in order to quickly provide efficacious follow-up care to exposed employees. This investigation will also help each site team up learn from accidents and establish new measures to prevent them from happening again. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 19 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Employees Must get down Access To Their Employers Exposure Control Plan (ECP) The written exposure control plan must be accessible to all employees.It must be reviewed and updated annually or when alterations in procedures stimulate the possibility of new occupational exposures. Additionally, n on-managerial employees who provide direct patient care must be asked to provide input in the identification, evaluation, and selection of effective controls to isolate or train bloodborne pathogens from the employment. Scenario Steven is a new employee for AAA Manufacturing. He has been hired as a executive course of study to oversee line production on the swing-shift. As a supervisor, he is expected to provide emergency medical care if an employee becomes injured or sick.Should Stevens position be classified as having occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens? Yes. Although providing emergency medical care is not Stevens primary debt instrument, it is part of his job classification. As a result, Steven does have the potential for occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Stevens employer must ensure he has the proper training and equipment to provide medical care safely and with minimal risk of occupational exposure. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 20 OSHAcad emy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 4 analyze QUIZ 1. An exposure control plan must _______. a. . c. d. be odd to each location or job site define the employees covered by the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard provide procedures for investigating and evaluating an exposure all of the above 2. The purpose of the Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is _______. a. b. c. to establish procedures to create or increase employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens to help employees after theyve been exposed to blood borne pathogens to establish procedures to eliminate or minimize employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens to reduce the employers legal liability after an employee is exposed to blood borne pathogens . 3. The following is a component of an Exposure Control Plan (ECP) _______. a. b. c. d. the release of potentially infectious materials personal preservative equipment (PPE) monetary controls purchasing controls 4. Employees must have access To their employers exposure control plan (ECP). a. b. on-key ridiculous 5. When must an Exposure Control Plan (ECP) be reviewed and updated? a. Semi-annually and when alterations in procedures create the possibility of fewer occupational exposures. annually or when alterations in procedures create the possibility of new occupational exposures. each two years Every four years b. c. d. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 21 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 5 Recognize the Potential for Exposure Employer Responsibilities to Identify Jobs at Risk Employers must strike job classifications in which employees have occupational exposure, as easily as the associated tasks and procedures in which there is a potential of exposure to blood or other infectious materials. Employers must review job classifications annually to ensure proper procedures and training is established.What jobs are most at risk of exposure? Occupations with a likely chance of occupational exposure include ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? first aid providers teachers dayca re workers housekeepers lab workers firefighters Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and paramedics justness enforcement agents medical and dental personnel An employer must review every job classification and make a determination of the potential occupational exposure for that position. Failure to properly identify potential occupational exposure can result in warnings or fines issued by OSHA.If an occupational exposure does occur, it is important for you to follow the employers written procedures for discourse medical self-care and evaluation, as well as documenting the circumstances of the exposure. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 22 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Maria is an employee for a local hospital and works in their housekeeping department. Is it Marias responsibility to know what her occupational exposure is? No. It is the employers responsibility to ensure each employee is properly trained and understands their potential occupational exposure.Furt her, the employer is responsible for documenting the training and maintaining all associated records. Maria has the responsibility to follow the established procedures identified in her employers exposure control plan and ask questions if needed. It is important to know if your job classification puts you at risk for occupational exposure. If your job classification does put you at risk, be aware that specific tasks or procedures in your job may still have the potential for exposure. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 23 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 5 REVIEW QUIZ 1.Sarah has just been assigned new job responsibilities after receiving a promotion at work. Where should Sarah look to determine if her new responsibilities create an occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens? a. b. c. d. an employer provided list of job classifications job applications standard operate(a) procedure employee handbook 2. How often must employers review job classifications to ensure pro per procedures and training are established? a. b. c. d. every two years whenever the employer feels like it semi-annually annually 3. Occupations with a likely chance of occupational exposure include _______. . b. c. d. first aid providers, teachers, and daycare workers housekeepers, lab workers, and fire fighters EMTs/paramedics, lawfulness enforcement agents, and medical/dental personnel all of the above 4. An employer must review every job classification and make a determination of the potential occupational exposure for that position. a. b. sure false 5. Failure of an employer to properly identify potential occupational exposure can result in warnings or fines issued by OSHA. a. b. true false Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 24 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 6 Exposure Control MethodsMethods To Control The Risk Of Exposure The recommended infection-control concept called Universal Precautions advocates everyones blood and body fluids be considered potentially infectious. This eliminates the difficulty in determining risk individually. Remember, although some bodily fluids have not been documented to transmit pathogens, it is sometimes impossible to tell if blood or another potentially infectious fluid is present. The two essential control strategies employees use to eliminate or minimize the transmission of bloodborne diseases in the workplace are ? plan controls, and work work out controls. Engineering Controls Engineering controls minimize exposure in the workplace either by removing or isolating the hazard, such as providing a sharps container for needles, splash guards, and mechanical pipetting devices. Engineering controls is all about the equipment used to minimize exposure. The Sharps container for needles is a good example of an plan control. Employers will examine and maintain or replace engineering controls on a regularly scheduled basis. Work Practice Controls Work practice controls focus on the manner in which tasks are p erformed.For example, using disposable gloves when performing emergency care is considered a work practice control. Another example of work practice controls is to perform all actions involving potentially infectious material in such a way as to minimize splattering, splashing, and nebulizer. Proper handling and disposal of needles or sharps, contaminated bandages, gauze, or linens is also essential. Work practice controls is all about how tasks are performed to minimize exposure. Safe work practices include eliminating eating, drinking, smoking, applying make-up or lip balm, or handling contact lenses in locations with potentially infectious material.In healthcare facilities, Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 25 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide employees are prohibited from eating away artificial nails. fodder and drink must not be kept in a refrigerator, freezer, shelf, or in the general area of where blood or other potentially infectious material are kept. Wash your han ds dedicate serve after an exposure can reduce your risk of infection Your employer must provide readily accessible hand-washing facilities or antiseptic hand cleanser or wipes if hand-washing facilities are not available. Perform hand washing immediately after any exposure, even if you were wearing gloves.Vigorous scrubbing with gook or alcohol-based foam or gel and warm water is considered the most effective technique. This will further reduce your risk of infection resulting from an exposure. Practices that are completely prohibited in the workplace include bending, recapping, and removing contaminated needles, shearing or breaking needles, and mouth pipetting or suctioning of potentially infectious material. Antiseptic hand cleaner in conjunction with clean cloth/paper towels or antiseptic towelettes are examples of acceptable alternatives to streamlet water.However, when these types of alternatives are used, employees must wash their hands (or other affected areas) with g ook and running water as soon as feasible. This alternative would only be acceptable at worksites where soap and running water are not feasible. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 26 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Dr. Kramer owns and operates a small dental clinic in San Francisco, CA. As part of her exposure control plan, she requires her employees to wash their hands before and after working with any patients. She also requires new gloves be used with every patient.Is this an example of engineering controls or work practice controls? Work practice controls Dr. Kramer is requiring her employees to do something to reduce the risk of occupational exposure. Work practice controls focus on the actions taken to minimize exposure. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 27 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 6 REVIEW QUIZ 1. The recommended infection-control concept called Universal Precautions advocates everyones blood and body fluids be considered _______. a. b. c . d. potentially non-infectious not harmful not infectious potentially infectious 2.The two essential control strategies employees use to eliminate or minimize the transmission of bloodborne diseases in the workplace are _______. a. b. c. d. elimination and administrative controls substitution and elimination controls administrative and substitution controls engineering and work practice controls 3. Which of the following are work practice controls? a. b. c. d. Adding a sharps container to the bathroom. Using disposable gloves when performing emergency care. Adding a splash gaurd into an operating room. Both a and c. 4. Perform _______ immediately after any exposure, even if you were wearing gloves. . b. c. d. hand washing work practice controls engineering controls eye flushing 5. When exposed to bloodborne pathogens, antiseptic hand cleaner in conjunction with clean cloth/paper towels is only an acceptable alternative to washing your hands when soap and running water are not feasi ble. a. b. true false Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 28 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 7 Personal antifertility Equipment Using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is specialized clothing or equipment that protects you from exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material.Personal protective equipment is designed to keep blood and other potentially infectious material away from your skin, eyes, and mouth Examples of PPE include disposable gloves, gowns, laboratory coats, protective face defenses, resuscitation masks or screens, and mouth pieces. Any equipment necessary to prevent exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material is considered PPE. Effective personal protective equipment must not allow potentially infectious materials to pass through or reach your skin, eyes, mouth, or clothes under normal conditions of use. world(a) work clothes, such as uniforms, pants, shirts, or blouses, which are not m ean to function as a protective barrier against hazards, are not considered to be PPE. Employer responsibilities An employer must ensure employees use appropriate personal protective equipment. Your employer must make PPE available to you in the appropriate size and at no cost. Nonlatex alternatives will also be made available to employees who have allergic sensitivity to latex. Employers must also properly clean, launder, repair, replace, or restrict of contaminated PPE as needed at no cost to the employee. fluid Gloves Disposable gloves should be a standard component of emergency response and first aid equipment and should be worn by anyone initiating emergency care. It is best to always wear disposable gloves when providing first aid care. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 29 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Replace your gloves as soon as possible if they are torn, punctured, contaminated, or if their ability to function as a barrier is compromised. Remove contaminated g loves by go them inside out. Be careful to prevent any splashing or spraying of potentially infectious material.You should always wash your hands after removing your gloves, even if you dont think they were contaminated. Pocket CPR Mask and Gloves Wear face shields when splashes, sprays, spatters, or droplets of infectious material pose a hazard to your eyes, nose, or mouth. It is always better to be prepared and wear a face shield if there is any chance of potential exposure to your eyes, nose, or mouth. Use a disposable ventilation mask or shield with a one-way valve to prevent an exposure when performing rescue ventilations during CPR. It is common for patients to vomit during CPR due to excess air in the stomach. calculate contaminated protective equipment in appropriately designed areas or containers for cleaning or disposal. These areas or containers should be properly tagged and identified in your employers exposure control plan. Scenario Sarah is a medical laboratory techn ician. As part of her job duties she analyzes blood and body fluid samples. Sarah was recently reprimanded for not wearing disposable gloves to perform her work duties. She tells her supervisor the gloves make it hard for her to share the collection containers and that she would like to not be required to wear gloves. What should Sarahs supervisor tell her?Sarahs supervisor must tell her the use of personal protective equipment is not optional. She must wear the gloves. The supervisor should also ask Sarah if the gloves are the correct size and fit for her hands. If the gloves are not the correct size, indeed this issue must be resolved as well. Only under very rare circumstances can an employee decline the use of personal protective equipment. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 30 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 7 REVIEW QUIZ 1. Is it acceptable for an employee to take contaminated clothing home to be swear out? a. b. c. yes no by chance . All of these are example s of personal protective equipment, EXCEPT _______. a. b. c. d. disposable gloves laboratory coat thermometer safety glasses 3. When performing CPR, it is always best to _______. a. b. c. d. wear disposable gloves use a ventilation mask or shield with a one-way valve be prepared for the patient to vomit all of the above 4. Remove contaminated gloves by _______. a. b. c. d. cutting them off snap them off turning them inside out pulling them off and spraying infectious material across the room 5. Place contaminated protective equipment in _______. a. b. c. d. gar homee bag laying on the floor a stainless steel dribble can with no garbage bag appropriately designed areas or containers for cleaning or disposal a plastic basket labeled reuse Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 31 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 8 Hepatitis B (HBV) Immunization Getting vaccinated The best way to prevent Hepatitis B is by getting vaccinated. The Hepatitis B vaccine is considered one of the s afest and most effective vaccines ever made. Numerous studies looking at the vaccines safety have been conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization.Your employer must offer you a Hepatitis B vaccination series if you have a risk of occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. Your employer must remunerate for the cost of the vaccination series. You must be offered the vaccination before you undertake tasks that expose you to potentially infectious materials, and at a reasonable time and location. Three shots The Hepatitis B immunization series requires three recess injections The Hepatitis B vaccine is very effective in protecting against the Hepatitis B virus.Approximately 97 percent of people who receive the vaccine will become fully immune to the virus. It is given in a series of three shots. The entire series of shots is required to provide full immunity. The vaccine is safe with very few adverse reactions. Typical Vac cination memorial The first injection can be administered at any given time. The second injection must be given at to the lowest degree one month after the first, and the third injection must be given six months after the first. A licensed physician or other healthcare professional will perform or handle the vaccinations.Your employer does not have to offer you the vaccination series if you have antecedently received the complete series or have tested as immune to HBV. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 32 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide You can decline the vaccination for Hepatitis B after being informed of the risks and benefits. To do this, you must sign a declination form. If you initially decline the vaccination for Hepatitis B, you can later request it from your employer at no charge. There are currently two vaccines used to prevent Hepatitis B infection in the United States.Neither vaccine contains blood products. You cannot get Hepatitis B from these vaccines. Scen ario Tony has just been accepted to a local paramedic training plan. Before beginning the program, the school requires students to receive the Hepatitis B vaccination and pay for it themselves. Is the school required to pay for the vaccination? No. Typically only employers are required to pay for the Hepatitis B vaccination series. Postsecondary schools can require the vaccination series as an admissions requirement, and require the applicant to pay for the cost.There have been instances where public school districts (K-12) have been required to pay for the vaccination series if there is a potential for the student to be exposed to bloodborne pathogens as part of their coursework. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 33 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 8 REVIEW QUIZ 1. Kristina has just been hired for a position which is classified as having occupational exposure. Kristinas employer offers to pay for the Hepatitis B vaccination series. Can Kristina decline the vaccinatio n series? a. yes b. c. no maybe 2.What percentage of people receiving the Hepatitis B vaccine will become fully immune? a. b. c. d. 17% 35% 75% 97% 3. The Hepatitis B vaccine is considered one of the safest and most effective vaccines ever made. a. b. true false 4. Your employer does not have to offer you the vaccination series if _______. a. b. c. d. you have frontly received the complete series or have tested as immune to HBV you have tested immune to HCV you have tested immune to HIV you have forwardly received one shot of the vaccination series 5. You cannot get Hepatitis B from either of the Hepatitis B vaccines that are available. . true b. false Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 34 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 9 When an Exposure Occurs What to do When You are capable When an exposure occurs, immediate self-care is the highest priority. Flush potentially contaminated materials from the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth with large amounts of ru nning water. Allow a puncture wound from a potentially contaminated sharp object to bleed. Wash the wound with soap and water. Wash potentially contaminated material off your skin with soap and water as quickly as possible after an exposure. washables is e peculiarly important when you have cuts, rashes, or scrapes on your skin. When available, use a face and eye wash station to flush the eyes, nose, or mouth if they are exposed to blood or bodily fluids. What do you do next? After self-care, report the exposure incident without delay. This allows for timely testing of the citation individual and, if necessary, the employee. You will be directed to a healthcare professional for medical evaluation as soon as possible after receiving the source individuals test results. The evaluation will document the route of exposure and how the exposure occurred.There is no cost to you for this evaluation. Post-Exposure Therapy If you are exposed to HIV-infected blood, most medical facilities off er short-term therapy called Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). This therapy must begin as soon as possible after the exposure. PEP can reduce the risk of getting HIV by as much as 80 percent. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 35 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide The evaluation will also include counseling and upbringing regarding the testing process and the ramifications of the exposure. This includes sexual practices information for the six month post-exposure evaluation period.The result of testing is confidential and will be reported only to you and your companys exposure control plan. No other person will be notified of the results. Scenario Patrick is a nurse working in the emergency department of the local hospital. During one of his shifts he is accidentally jabbed by a used needle. The needle punctures his skin and draws blood. What should Patrick do? Immediate self care is Patricks first priority. He necessarily to allow the puncture wound to bleed, hopefully flushin g any contaminates out of his body. Next, he should wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water.Next, Patrick needs to report the incident to his direct supervisor so a injury report can be completed. Patrick will then be seen by a health care professional to determine the best course of treatment for him. Sometimes it is possible to test for various diseases if the exposure source can be identified. This is not always possible. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 36 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 9 REVIEW QUIZ 1. While providing first aid treatment to a swearing employee, Maria had blood sprayed into her eyes. What should Maria do first? a. Provide immediate self care. . paper the incident to her supervisor. c. Go to a hospital. d. Continue working. 2. If your eyes, nose, or mouth are exposed to blood or bodily fluids you should _______. a. use a washcloth to wipe your face off b. flush the eyes, nose, and mouth with large amounts of running water c. take a shower within 24 hours of exposure d. apply baking soda to the eyes, nose, and mouth to eat up any contaminated materials from the mucus membranes 3. If you have potentially contaminated material on your skin the first thing you should do is _______. a. lay down and elevate the contaminated area b. eek medical attention c. apply ice d. wash with soap and water as quickly as possible 4. You are exposed to contaminated material and finish immediate self-care. What do you do next? a. Go home and try to forget about the exposure. b. Catch a movie to take your mind off of the exposure. c. Report the exposure incident without delay. d. you Write about the exposure incident in your personal journal. 5. If you are exposed to HIV-infected blood, most medical facilities offer short-term therapy called Post- Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). a. true b. false Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 7 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 10 Housekeeping What is housekeeping? Housekeeping refers to ensuring a worksite is maintained in a clean and strong condition. An employer must implement an appropriate written schedule for cleaning, and determine the best method to decontaminate each location within a facility. There are four types of regulated waste that require special handling 1. Liquid or semi- quiet blood or potentially infectious materials 2. foul items that could release potentially infectious material in a liquid or semi-liquid state 3.Items caked (solid or dry) with potentially infectious materials that are capable of releasing these materials during handling 4. pollute sharp objects It is of the utmost importance that infectious waste be safely contained. ? Infectious waste should be rigid in specially designed containers constructed to contain the contents. ? The containers need to be leak-proof, labeled or color coded, and closed prior to removal to prevent spills. ? If a container is leaking, place it in a secondary leak-proof container. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 38 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Contaminated Laundry Contaminated slipstream refers to laundry that is soiled with potential infectious material or that may contain sharp objects, such as needles. ? ? Contaminated laundry should be handled as little as possible. Wear gloves when handling contaminated laundry, and place it in labeled, leak-proof bags or containers before transporting it. ? Never take contaminated protective clothing home for laundering, even if it is personal clothing. ? Pick up potentially contaminated broken glassware using mechanical means only, such as tongs, forceps, or brush and dustpan. ? Never use your hands, even if you are wearing gloves.Contaminated items should not be stored or neat in a way that requires you to reach into containers. Work practice controls should be established to prevent you from reaching into a container to remove potentially contaminated items, such as glassware or needles. All equipment and work surfac es that could become contaminated should be cleaned and decontaminated routinely using an appropriate disinfectant while wearing PPE. All pails, bins, and similar reusable receptacles should be decontaminated on a regular basis and as soon as possible after visible contamination is noticed.Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 39 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Kevin is a custodial engineer for a local middle school. As part of his job duties, he is required to clean the health room daily. It is common for students to have minor injuries or ailments, such as nose bleeds or a skinned knee, during the school day. What housekeeping issues does Kevin face? It is important all contaminated materials, such as crashing(a) gauze, is contained, labeled, and disposed of properly. Kevin should wear PPE, such as gloves, when performing this task.Kevin should decontaminate the health room surfaces daily using an approved method and appropriate disinfectant. If visible blood or body fluids are present on a surface, the fluid should be cleaned and the surface decontaminated immediately. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 40 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 10 REVIEW QUIZ 1. Is it acceptable for an employee to take contaminated clothing home to be washed? a. yes b. no c. maybe 2. One of the four types of regulated waste that requires special handling is _______. a. b. c. d. ater with a concentration of bleach that is 5% or great liquid or semi-liquid blood or potentially infectious materials queer butts food wrappers or cups that have been used by persons with HIV 3. In regards to bloodborne pathogens and contaminated materials, what is housekeeping? a. An employer managing their financial books appropriately. b. When an employer lays off employees that cause trouble, especially employees that expose themselves to bloodborne pathogens. c. Employees cleaning and maintaining their own homes. d. An employer ensuring a worksite is maintained in a clea n and sanitary condition. . Infectious waste should be _______. a. b. c. d. placed in specially designed containers constructed to contain the contents placed in any available garbage can thrown out with all of the other garbage both b and c 5. Pick up potentially contaminated broken glassware using _______. a. your bare hands b. mechanical means only, such as tongs, forceps, or brush and dustpan c. your hands while wearing gloves d. both a and c Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 41 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide 6. Contaminated items should not be stored or processed in a way that requires you to reach into containers. . true b. false Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 42 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide MODULE 11 Communicating a Hazard in the Workplace Primary methods of communicating Signs and Labels Signs and labels that alert you to the presence of potentially infectious material and the risk of exposure are vital to a workplace with occupational exposure to pote ntially infectious materials. Be sure you are aware of and abide by all signs and labels signaling hazards and hazardous material. Signs should have a fluorescent orange or orange-red land with a dim biohazard tokenization in the spotlight.Labels must contain the biohazard symbol and must have the word biohazard written on them. A biohazard label or sign should be attached to each object or container of contaminated material by string, wire, adhesive, or another method that prevents loss or unintentional removal of the label or sign. When red bags or containers with the biohazard symbol on them are used, a sign or label is not necessary. Also, when medical laboratory personnel are drawing and testing blood samples, the individual containers housing potentially infectious materials do not need to be labeled.Properly indicating contaminated material using labels and signs will greatly reduce the risk of accidental exposure to the contaminated material. It is important to mainta in appropriate container labeling at all times. Annual training must be conducted for all employees with occupational exposure. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 43 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide reading and Training All employees (including part-time and temporary employees) with occupational exposure in the organization should participate in a training program that is provided at no cost during working hours.The training materials used should be appropriate in content and vocabulary to the educational and literacy levels and are conveyed in the wrangle of the employees. The training materials should clearly state the objectives of the training. Trainers should be knowledgeable in the subject matter covered by the training program as it relates to the workplace. All employees should have an opportunity for interactive questions and answers with the person(s) conducting the training. If computer or online training is used, it should provide an opportunity for a person kno wledgeable about the training material to be available to answer questions.Training Program Elements The Bloodborne Pathogens training program should include information and explanations of at least the following ? ? ? ? Epidemiology, symptoms, and modes of transmission of bloodborne diseases the Exposure control plan that has been implemented and how to agree a copy of the written plan usurp methods for recognizing tasks and activities that may involve exposure to blood or OPIM Use and limitations of methods that will prevent or reduce exposures, including appropriate engineering, administrative or work practice controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE) Information and Training ? ? The basis for selection of PPE Types, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE Hepatitis B vaccination series, including its efficacy, safety, method of administration, benefits, and the fact that the vaccination will be offered to employees free of charge ? ? Appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or OPIM purpose to follow if an exposure incident occurs, including the 44 Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide o o o ? Method of reporting the incident Medical follow-up that will be made available Procedure for recording the incident in the sharps injury log Post-exposure evaluation and follow-up that will be made available to employees Signs, labels, and/or color codings that are used Frequency of Training Training should be provided at the time of employees initial assignment (to tasks in which occupational exposure may occur) and at least annually thereafter (i. e. , within one year of their previous training).Additional training, limited to addressing the new exposures created, is provided to the employee whose occupational exposure is affected by ? ? ? Introduction of new engineering, administrative, or work practice controls Changes or modifications in existing tasks or procedures Institution of new tasks or procedures Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 45 OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide Scenario Jennifer works for a computer parts manufacturer. One of her job duties is to perform housekeeping tasks for her section of the warehouse.During her last shift an employee was injured and required first aid treatment, producing contaminated clothing and personal protective equipment. This contaminated material needs to be labeled and disposed of. How should Jennifer dispose of this contaminated material? Jennifer needs to use appropriate personal protective equipment while working with the contaminated materials. She must also place the contaminated material in a leakproof bag that is labeled with the symbol and word Biohazard. Jennifer should then dispose of the bag based on her employers exposure control plan.Whats missing on the bag of contaminated clothing to the right? Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 46 OSHAcademy Cour se 755 Study Guide MODULE 11 REVIEW QUIZ 1. Signs should have a _______. a. fluorescent yellow background with a black lightning bolt symbol in the foreground b. fluorescent red background with a black radioactivity symbol in the foreground c. fluorescent orange or orange-red background with a black biohazard symbol in the foreground d. red background with a black skull symbol in the foreground 2.A biohazard label or sign should _______. a. be attached to each object or container of contaminated material b. be posted, at eye level, at the entrance of any room that contains biohazard material c. not be necessary if the biohazard container is made of a clear material and has no indicators that contaminated material is inside d. contain the contaminated materials symbol and the nomenclature contaminated materials written on it 3. All employees (including part-time and temporary employees) with occupational exposure in the rganization should participate in a training program that is pr ovided at no cost during working hours. a. true b. false 4. The Bloodborne Pathogens training program should include _______. a. The Exposure control plan that has been implemented and how to obtain a copy of the written plan. b. Appropriate methods for recognizing tasks and activities that may involve exposure to blood or OPIM. c. Types, proper use, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE. d. All of the above. Copyright 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 47OSHAcademy Course 755 Study Guide 5. Training should be provided at the time of employees initial assignment (to tasks in which occupational exposure may occur) and at least _______. a. semi-annually thereafter (i. e. , within six months of their previous training) b. annually thereafter (i. e. , within one year of their previous training) c. every 2 years thereafter (i. e. , within two years of their previous training) d. every 3 years thereafter (i. e. , within three years of their previous training) Copyri ght 2011 Geigle Safety Group Inc. 48
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